11 research outputs found

    Optogenetic and potassium channel gene therapy in a rodent model of focal neocortical epilepsy.

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    Neocortical epilepsy is frequently drug-resistant. Surgery to remove the epileptogenic zone is only feasible in a minority of cases, leaving many patients without an effective treatment. We report the potential efficacy of gene therapy in focal neocortical epilepsy using a rodent model in which epilepsy is induced by tetanus toxin injection in the motor cortex. By applying several complementary methods that use continuous wireless electroencephalographic monitoring to quantify epileptic activity, we observed increases in high frequency activity and in the occurrence of epileptiform events. Pyramidal neurons in the epileptic focus showed enhanced intrinsic excitability consistent with seizure generation. Optogenetic inhibition of a subset of principal neurons transduced with halorhodopsin targeted to the epileptic focus by lentiviral delivery was sufficient to attenuate electroencephalographic seizures. Local lentiviral overexpression of the potassium channel Kv1.1 reduced the intrinsic excitability of transduced pyramidal neurons. Coinjection of this Kv1.1 lentivirus with tetanus toxin fully prevented the occurrence of electroencephalographic seizures. Finally, administration of the Kv1.1 lentivirus to an established epileptic focus progressively suppressed epileptic activity over several weeks without detectable behavioral side effects. Thus, gene therapy in a rodent model can be used to suppress seizures acutely, prevent their occurrence after an epileptogenic stimulus, and successfully treat established focal epilepsy

    Deletion of Munc18-1 in 5-HT Neurons Results in Rapid Degeneration of the 5-HT System and Early Postnatal Lethality

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    The serotonin (5-HT) system densely innervates many brain areas and is important for proper brain development. To specifically ablate the 5-HT system we generated mutant mice carrying a floxed Munc18-1 gene and Cre recombinase driven by the 5-HT-specific serotonin reuptake transporter (SERT) promoter. The majority of mutant mice died within a few days after birth. Immunohistochemical analysis of brains of these mice showed that initially 5-HT neurons are formed and the cortex is innervated with 5-HT projections. From embryonic day 16 onwards, however, 5-HT neurons started to degenerate and at postnatal day 2 hardly any 5-HT projections were present in the cortex. The 5-HT system of mice heterozygous for the floxed Munc18-1 allele was indistinguishable from control mice. These data show that deletion of Munc18-1 in 5-HT neurons results in rapid degeneration of the 5-HT system and suggests that the 5-HT system is important for postnatal survival

    Hebbian LTP in feed-forward inhibitory interneurons and the temporal fidelity of input discrimination.

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    Cortical information processing requires a delicate balance of excitatory and inhibitory signaling. How is this balance preserved during hippocampal memory encoding, which involves NMDA receptor-dependent long term potentiation (LTP)? This form of LTP occurs at synapses between pyramidal neurons but has not been detected in feed-forward inhibitory interneurons. We show that paired pre- and postsynaptic activity evokes pathway-specific LTP in half of rat stratum radiatum interneurons if cytoplasmic integrity is preserved. LTP occurs in aspiny feed-forward interneurons and propagates to pyramidal neurons as an enhancement of disynaptic inhibition. We also show that when LTP is restricted to synapses on pyramidal neurons, the temporal fidelity of synaptic integration and action potential generation in pyramidal cells is compromised. However, when LTP also occurs at synapses on feed-forward interneurons, temporal fidelity is preserved. We propose that Hebbian LTP at synapses driving disynaptic inhibition is necessary to maintain information processing without degradation during memory encoding

    Anti-Hebbian long-term potentiation in the hippocampal feedback inhibitory circuit.

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    Long-term potentiation (LTP), which approximates Hebb's postulate of associative learning, typically requires depolarization-dependent glutamate receptors of the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) subtype. However, in some neurons, LTP depends instead on calcium-permeable AMPA-type receptors. This is paradoxical because intracellular polyamines block such receptors during depolarization. We report that LTP at synapses on hippocampal interneurons mediating feedback inhibition is "anti-Hebbian":Itis induced by presynaptic activity but prevented by postsynaptic depolarization. Anti-Hebbian LTP may occur in interneurons that are silent during periods of intense pyramidal cell firing, such as sharp waves, and lead to their altered activation during theta activity

    Molecular Mechanism of Active Zone Organization at Vertebrate Neuromuscular Junctions

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