588 research outputs found

    The population of propellers in Saturn's A Ring

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    We present an extensive data set of ~150 localized features from Cassini images of Saturn's Ring A, a third of which are demonstrated to be persistent by their appearance in multiple images, and half of which are resolved well enough to reveal a characteristic "propeller" shape. We interpret these features as the signatures of small moonlets embedded within the ring, with diameters between 40 and 500 meters. The lack of significant brightening at high phase angle indicates that they are likely composed primarily of macroscopic particles, rather than dust. With the exception of two features found exterior to the Encke Gap, these objects are concentrated entirely within three narrow (~1000 km) bands in the mid-A Ring that happen to be free from local disturbances from strong density waves. However, other nearby regions are similarly free of major disturbances but contain no propellers. It is unclear whether these bands are due to specific events in which a parent body or bodies broke up into the current moonlets, or whether a larger initial moonlet population has been sculpted into bands by other ring processes.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures; Accepted at A

    Discussion of Recent Decisions

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    A Limit on the Polarized Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background at Subdegree Angular Scales

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    A ground-based polarimeter, PIQUE, operating at 90 GHz has set a new limit on the magnitude of any polarized anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background. The combination of the scan strategy and full width half maximum beam of 0.235 degrees gives broad window functions with average multipoles, l = 211+294-146 and l = 212+229-135 for the E- and B-mode window functions, respectively. A joint likelihood analysis yields simultaneous 95% confidence level flat band power limits of 14 and 13 microkelvin on the amplitudes of the E- and B-mode angular power spectra, respectively. Assuming no B-modes, a 95% confidence limit of 10 microkelvin is placed on the amplitude of the E-mode angular power spectrum alone.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    New Measurements of Fine-Scale CMB Polarization Power Spectra from CAPMAP at Both 40 and 90 GHz

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    We present new measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization from the final season of the Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization MAPper (CAPMAP). The data set was obtained in winter 2004-2005 with the 7 m antenna in Crawford Hill, New Jersey, from 12 W-band (84-100 GHz) and 4 Q-band (36-45 GHz) correlation polarimeters with 3.3' and 6.5' beamsizes, respectively. After selection criteria were applied, 956 (939) hours of data survived for analysis of W-band (Q-band) data. Two independent and complementary pipelines produced results in excellent agreement with each other. A broad suite of null tests as well as extensive simulations showed that systematic errors were minimal, and a comparison of the W-band and Q-band sky maps revealed no contamination from galactic foregrounds. We report the E-mode and B-mode power spectra in 7 bands in the range 200 < l < 3000, extending the range of previous measurements to higher l. The E-mode spectrum, which is detected at 11 sigma significance, is in agreement with cosmological predictions and with previous work at other frequencies and angular resolutions. The BB power spectrum provides one of the best limits to date on B-mode power at 4.8 uK^2 (95% confidence).Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Ap

    Detectability of Microwave Background Polarization

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    [NOTE: Previous versions of this paper (both on astro-ph and published in Phys. Rev. D) contain results that are in error. The power spectra C_l were normalized incorrectly by a factor of 2 pi. All observing times in detector-years in those versions are too large by a factor of 2 pi. The main place these numbers appear is on the vertical axes of Figures 4 and 5. Note that because all calculations were based on the same power spectra, all conclusions pertaining to comparisons of different techniques remain unchanged. This error has been corrected in the present version of the paper. An erratum is being sent to Phys. Rev. D. I apologize for the error.] Using a Fisher-matrix formalism, we calculate the required sensitivities and observing times for an experiment to measure the amplitudes of both E and B components as a function of sky coverage, taking full account of the fact that the two components cannot be perfectly separated in an incomplete sky map. We also present a simple approximation scheme that accounts for mixing of E and B components in computing predicted errors in the E-component power spectrum amplitude. In an experiment with small sky coverage, mixing of the two components increases the difficulty of detecting the subdominant B component by a factor of two or more in observing time; however, for larger survey sizes the effect of mixing is less pronounced. Surprisingly, mixing of E and B components can enhance the detectability of the E component by increasing the effective number of independent modes that probe this componentComment: Previous versions of this paper contained results that were in error. The present version on astro-ph has been corrected, and an erratum is being submitted. See abstract for detail

    酸化物ガラスの塩基度と XPS による O1s 化学シフトの相関に関する考察

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    O1s binding energy measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is candidate as a new tool to determine a new scale of Lewis basicity of oxide ions in glass. Some mathematical expressions for the basicity or XPS chemical shift, such as charge parameter and optical basicity, were compared with the experimental O1s binding energy in binary alkali oxide glasses. The expressions so far in use needed some modification in parameters. A new empirical expression introduced in this paper gives a new concept and universal scale of basicity

    Metalloprotein entatic control of ligand-metal bonds quantified by ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy

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    The multifunctional protein cytochrome c (cyt c) plays key roles in electron transport and apoptosis, switching function by modulating bonding between a heme iron and the sulfur in a methionine residue. This Fe-S(Met) bond is too weak to persist in the absence of protein constraints. We ruptured the bond in ferrous cyt c using an optical laser pulse and monitored the bond reformation within the protein active site using ultrafast x-ray pulses from an x-ray free-electron laser, determining that the Fe-S(Met) bond enthalpy is ~4 kcal/mol stronger than in the absence of protein constraints. The 4 kcal/mol is comparable with calculations of stabilization effects in other systems, demonstrating how biological systems use an entatic state for modest yet accessible energetics to modulate chemical function

    Entrepreneurial Value Creation in the Cloud: Exploring the Value Dimensions of the Business Model

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    Part 5: Research in ProgressInternational audienceCloud computing’s potential in creating and capturing business value is being increasingly acknowledged. Existing empirical studies of business value in cloud computing have focused on user organizations and large enterprises with legacy systems. Acknowledging the innovation opportunities created by cloud, we study entrepreneurial cloud service providers. In this paper we conduct an exploratory study of six cloud-based start-up firms in India. We examine the value dimensions of the business model concept to study entrepreneurial value creation in the cloud. We find that cloud is a key resource in the structural configuration of their business model and enables the value proposition