18 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of Pseudoalteromonas strains with divergent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon catabolic properties

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    Fifteen strains of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-catabolizing bacteria, identified as Pseudoalteromonas spp. were isolated from Eagle Harbor, Puget Sound, USA, using a most probable number procedure in which naphthalene or phenanthrene was the sole carbon and energy source. Despite having identical 16S rDNA sequences, some catabolized many PAHs, whereas others oxidized only naphthalenes. A putative naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase gene fragment was polymerase chain reaction-amplified from the naphthalene-degrading strains and shown to be almost identical to a gene present in Neptunomonas naphthovorans, suggesting horizontal transfer

    It is time for a new type of type to facilitate naming the microbial world

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    Since January 1, 2001, the only acceptable nomenclatural type for species under the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) has been pure cultures. Here, we argue that this requirement is discordant with the more inclusive nature of nomenclatural types accepted under other codes of nomenclature and posit that the unique rigidity of the ICNP has failed to serve the broad research community and has stifled progress. This case is based on the axiom that many archaea and bacteria are interdependent in nature and therefore difficult, if not impossible, to grow, preserve, and distribute as pure cultures. As such, a large proportion of Earth's biodiversity cannot be named under the current system, which limits our ability to communicate about microbial diversity within and beyond the microbiology research community. Genome sequence data are now encouraged for valid publication of new taxa in microbial systematics journals, and metagenome-assembled genomes and single cell-amplified genomes are being generated rapidly from every biome on Earth. Thus, genome sequences are available for both cultivated and uncultivated microorganisms and can readily serve as a new category of nomenclatural type, allowing for a unified nomenclature for all archaea and bacteria, whether or not they are available as pure cultures. Ideally this would be under a single code of nomenclature but, as we review here, the newly established SeqCode will operate in parallel with the ICNP as a first step toward this goal

    The bacterial species dilemma and the genomic–phylogenetic species concept

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    The number of species of Bacteria and Archaea (ca 5000) is surprisingly small considering their early evolution, genetic diversity and residence in all ecosystems. The bacterial species definition accounts in part for the small number of named species. The primary procedures required to identify new species of Bacteria and Archaea are DNA–DNA hybridization and phenotypic characterization. Recently, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis have been applied to bacterial taxonomy. Although 16S phylogeny is arguably excellent for classification of Bacteria and Archaea from the Domain level down to the family or genus, it lacks resolution below that level. Newer approaches, including multilocus sequence analysis, and genome sequence and microarray analyses, promise to provide necessary information to better understand bacterial speciation. Indeed, recent data using these approaches, while meagre, support the view that speciation processes may occur at the subspecies level within ecological niches (ecovars) and owing to biogeography (geovars). A major dilemma for bacterial taxonomists is how to incorporate this new information into the present hierarchical system for classification of Bacteria and Archaea without causing undesirable confusion and contention. This author proposes the genomic–phylogenetic species concept (GPSC) for the taxonomy of prokaryotes. The aim is twofold. First, the GPSC would provide a conceptual and testable framework for bacterial taxonomy. Second, the GPSC would replace the burdensome requirement for DNA hybridization presently needed to describe new species. Furthermore, the GPSC is consistent with the present treatment at higher taxonomic levels

    Ancestral Absence of Electron Transport Chains in Patescibacteria and DPANN

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    Recent discoveries suggest that the candidate superphyla Patescibacteria and DPANN constitute a large fraction of the phylogenetic diversity of Bacteria and Archaea. Their small genomes and limited coding potential have been hypothesized to be ancestral adaptations to obligate symbiotic lifestyles. To test this hypothesis, we performed cell–cell association, genomic, and phylogenetic analyses on 4,829 individual cells of Bacteria and Archaea from 46 globally distributed surface and subsurface field samples. This confirmed the ubiquity and abundance of Patescibacteria and DPANN in subsurface environments, the small size of their genomes and cells, and the divergence of their gene content from other Bacteria and Archaea. Our analyses suggest that most Patescibacteria and DPANN in the studied subsurface environments do not form specific physical associations with other microorganisms. These data also suggest that their unusual genomic features and prevalent auxotrophies may be a result of ancestral, minimal cellular energy transduction mechanisms that lack respiration, thus relying solely on fermentation for energy conservation. © Copyright © 2020 Beam, Becraft, Brown, Schulz, Jarett, Bezuidt, Poulton, Clark, Dunfield, Ravin, Spear, Hedlund, Kormas, Sievert, Elshahed, Barton, Stott, Eisen, Moser, Onstott, Woyke and Stepanauskas