3 research outputs found

    Artyku艂 oryginalny Zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy Chlamydia pneumoniae w blaszkach mia偶d偶ycowych a czynnikami ryzyka rozwoju choroby wie艅cowej u chorych poddawanych rewaskularyzacji chirurgicznej

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    Background and aim: This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae pathogen inside the atherosclerotic plaque of patients undergoing CABG by using PCR assay and to determine whether there is any association between the presence of bacteria in atherosclerotic lesions and classical coronary risk factors. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 102 patients (20 to 79 years old; 73.5% male) undergoing CABG were evaluated in terms of major coronary risk factors and the presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae. Results: Chlamydia pneumoniae was found in 23.4% of coronary plaque specimens. Of these, two patients had no risk factor and the rest of the patients had 1 to 3 risk factors. Patients with positive PCR were more likely to have hypercholesterolaemia (p = 0.009) and low HDL levels (p = 0.000) in comparison with the PCR-negative group. There were no statistical differences for other risk factors. Conclusion: Our results imply the synergic contribution of Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA and known dyslipidaemia to the development of atherosclerotic lesions in patients undergoing CABG.Wst臋p: Od dawna sugerowano istnienie zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy rozwojem choroby wie艅cowej a infekcj膮 Chlamydia pneumoniae. Cel: Ocena cz臋sto艣ci wyst臋powania patogenu Chlamydia pneumoniae w blaszkach mia偶d偶ycowych uzyskanych z naczy艅 wie艅cowych chorych poddawanych operacji pomostowania aortalno-wie艅cowego (CABG). Metody: U 102 chorych (20–79 lat, 73,5% m臋偶czyzn), u kt贸rych wykonano CABG, oceniono czynniki ryzyka choroby wie艅cowej oraz zbadano blaszki mia偶d偶ycowe z pobranych fragment贸w t臋tnic wie艅cowych na obecno艣膰 Chlamydia pneumoniae (metoda PCR). Wyniki: Patogen Chlamydia pneumoniae zosta艂 wykryty w 23,4% badanych blaszek mia偶d偶ycowych. Spo艣r贸d chorych, od kt贸rych pochodzi艂y blaszki, u dw贸ch nie stwierdzono obecno艣ci czynnik贸w ryzyka chor贸b sercowo-naczyniowych, a u pozosta艂ych wyst臋powa艂o 1–3 takich czynnik贸w. Chorzy, u kt贸rych stwierdzono w blaszkach mia偶d偶ycowych Chlamydia pneumoniae, mieli znacz膮co cz臋艣ciej hipercholesterolemi臋 (p = 0,009) i niskie st臋偶enie cholesterolu HDL (p = 0,000) ni偶 chorzy bez tego patogenu. Wnioski: Wyniki naszego badania sugeruj膮 synergistyczny wp艂yw Chlamydia pneumoniae i dyslipidemii na rozw贸j blaszki mia偶d偶ycowej u chorych poddawanych CABG

    The association between Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA in atherosclerotic plaque and major risk factors in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting

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    Background and aim: This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae pathogen inside the atherosclerotic plaque of patients undergoing CABG by using PCR assay and to determine whether there is any association between the presence of bacteria in atherosclerotic lesions and classical coronary risk factors. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 102 patients (20 to 79 years old; 73.5% male) undergoing CABG were evaluated in terms of major coronary risk factors and the presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae. Results: Chlamydia pneumoniae was found in 23.4% of coronary plaque specimens. Of these, two patients had no risk factor and the rest of the patients had I to 3 risk factors. Patients with positive PCR were more likely to have hypercholesterolaemia (p = 0.009) and low HDL levels (p = 0.000) in comparison with the PCR-negative group. There were no statistical differences for other risk factors. Conclusion: Our results imply the synergic contribution of Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA and known dyslipidaemia to the development of atherosclerotic lesions in patients undergoing CABG