177 research outputs found

    Stability of rock-fill breakwaters

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    Minimizing multimodal functions by simplex coding genetic algorithm

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    This paper presents the mathematical and computational formulations of the stochastic Vortex Blobs Method (VBM). It isshow that how the method can be used to cover axisymmetric flows of incompressible viscous fluid. Also, the initialboundary problem is solved by using the Lagrangian vortex method. This method seems to be an extension of the well known two dimensional vortex blob method. When applying and extending this method two steps are required. First, wehave to design an axisymmetric vorticity carrier by using the standard functions as complete elliptic integrals and Legendre polynomials. Second, it is necessary to formulate the appropriate Neumann problem and boundary integral equation to find the potential velocity fields. Both steps are used to describe and compute the total velocity field and formulate the Ito stochastic equations which describing the motion of vorticity carriers

    Pengaruh akuntabilitas dan profesionalisme auditor terhadap opini audit melalui kualitas audit

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    The objectives of this research are to describe auditor accountability, auditor professionalism, quality audit and opinion audit, analyze accountability and auditor professionalism to audit quality, analyze accountability and auditor professionalism to audit opinion, analyze audit quality to opinion audit and to analyze accountability and auditor professionalism. This research method used survey method used by taking sample from population using questionnaire as data processing tool. Based on the results of research and analysis that has been done, then obtained various indicators of the greatest of social obligations, dedication and motivation. The contribution of professional auditor indicator of the largest is professional organization, code of ethics and totality. The contribution of audit quality indicators from the main ones is prudence, competence and independence. The contribution of audit indicators from the largest to the current is opinion hopping, financial statement presentation, entity conditions and sufficient evidence. The result of the research shows that auditor accountability and professionalism have an effect on audit quality which means that with auditor giving socialization related to basic giving opinion and explanation about opinion given, and upholding rule and executing professional code of ethics determined by professional organization, auditor behave heart -heart in carrying out the audit dengna way always based on SPAP procedures and technical procedures set. Accountability and auditor professionalism have an effect on audit opinion which means that with the auditor providing socialization related to the basis of giving opinion and explanation about the opinion given, and upholding the rules and executing professional code of ethics determined by professional organization, the auditor does not accept client's offer of opinion and refused to change audit results. Audit quality affects audit opinion which means that auditor as professional in examination of client's financial report must be guided by SPAP procedure and technical procedure specified, so that auditor rejects client's opinion offer and process to change audit result. The auditor is responsible for the results of the audit so that the quality of the audit produced in accordance with predetermined criteria and can be used as a basis in formulating audit opinions. Based on the result of the research, it is proven that auditor accountability and professionalism have an effect on audit opinion through audit quality, which means that auditor performs examination work of financial report as a form of professional devotion, auditor provides socialization related to basic giving opinion, auditor gives explanation about opinion given and run code professional ethics determined by the professional organization, raises the auditor's prudent behavior reflected in the guidance of the auditor in the SPAP procedures and technical procedures so that the auditor refuses if the client makes an offer of opinion or requests to change the audit result. With the professional attitude and accountability of the auditor, the audit results will be qualified and audit opinions issued in accordance with criteria or appropriate


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    Proses pengambilan minyak mentah diperlukan berbagai cara agar minyak yang terkandung di bawah permukaan dapat di angkat keatas permukaan. Pada awalnya proses pengangkatan terjadi dengan sendirinya yaitu dengan menggunakan tenaga pendorong (tekanan) yang berasal dari reservoir itu sendiri (Natural Flow). Seiring berjalannya waktu, tenaga yang berasal dari reservoir mulai menurun dan tidak mampu mengangkat fluida ke permukaan maka diperlukan tenaga pendorong buatan (Artificial Lift), sucker rod adalah salah satu metode Artificial Lift yang paling umum di gunakan pada sumur-sumur yang sudah tidak mampu mengalir dengan sendirinya. Pada sumur X menggunakan sucker rod type C-160D-169-64 dengan ukuran plunger 2 Âľ, stroke length (panjang langkah) 64 in dan kecepatan pemompaan 8.33 SPM, menghasilkan kapasitas pompa 437 BPD di peroleh laju produksi sebesar 250.43 BPD memiliki efisiensi volumetric 57%, karena laju produksi belum optimal dan masih dapat di tingkatkan maka di lakukan evaluasi. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap pompa terpasang maka di peroleh type pompa yang sama C-160D-169-64 namum dilakukan perubahan terhadap kecepatan pemompaan 20 SPM pada panjang langkah tetap 64 in sehingga laju produksi yang ditargetkan menjadi 355 BFPD. Pada hasil analisa dynamometer untuk beban-beban yang diderita polished rod pada sumur x menunjukkan beban maksimum sebesar 7.8 Klb (7800 lb) dan beban minimum 1.47 Klb (1470 lb) dengan melihat besarnya yang diderita polished rod, maka pompa sucker rod terpasang type C-160D-169-64 masih mampu menahan beban-beban tersebut


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    Limbah adalah bahan pembuangan tidak terpakai yang berdampak negatif bagi masyarakat jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Limbah merupakan sisa produksi, baik dari alam maupun hasil kegiatan manusia. limbah didefinisikan sebagai sisa atau buangan dari suatu usaha dan atau kegiatan manusia. Dengan kata lain, limbah adalah barang sisa dari suatu kegiatan yang sudah tidak bermanfaat atau bernilai ekonomi lagi. Metode Taguchi adalah metodologi teknik untuk merekayasa atau memperbaiki produktivitas selama penelitian dan pengembangan supaya produk-produk berkualitas tinggi dapat dihasilkan dengan cepat dan dengan biaya rendah. Metode Taguchi merupakan metode perancangan yang berprinsip pada perbaikan mutu dengan memperkecil akibat dari variasi tanpa menghilangkan penyebabnya. Pengujian ecobrick dengan variasi serat pengikat serat singkong,serat tebu,serat pelepa kelapa Terhadap variasi massa 5 gram, 6 gram, 7 gram. menggunakan 1500 rpm dan 250 psi mapatkan hasil berdasarkan dari grafik main effects plot for SN ratios dengan meminimalkan faktor-faktor yang tidak dapat dikendalikan dan menggunakan metode Taguchi karakteristik larger is better didapatkan bahwa yang sangat mempengaruhi kekuatan dari ecobrick.Berdasarkan hasi daril penelitian dan pembahasan tentang perbandingan serat kelapa, tebu dan singkong dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1.Pengujian terbaik yaitu singkong dengan variasi serat singkong, tebu dan kelapa berdasarkan gerafik main effects plot for SN ratios dengan metode taguchi. 2. Untuk massa yang nilai kualitasnya terbaik pada massa 6 gram karena massa mempengaruhi kualitas ketebalan dan mempengaruhi proses pembuatan. 3. Untuk serat yang terbaik yaitu serat singkong karena hasil cacahan yang halus dan campuran pet merata dengan baik. 4. Untuk tekanan yeng terbaik yaitu 250 psi

    Phosphatidylinositol synthesis, its selective salvage, and inter-regulation of anionic phospholipids in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) serves as an integral component of eukaryotic membranes; however, its biosynthesis in apicomplexan parasites remains poorly understood. Here we show that Toxoplasma gondii—a common intracellular pathogen of humans and animals—can import and co-utilize myo-inositol with the endogenous CDP-diacylglycerol to synthesize PtdIns. Equally, the parasite harbors a functional PtdIns synthase (PIS) containing a catalytically-vital CDP-diacylglycerol phosphotransferase motif in the Golgi apparatus. Auxin-induced depletion of PIS abrogated the lytic cycle of T. gondii in human cells due to defects in cell division, gliding motility, invasion, and egress. Isotope labeling of the PIS mutant in conjunction with lipidomics demonstrated de novo synthesis of specific PtdIns species, while revealing the salvage of other lipid species from the host cell. Not least, the mutant showed decline in phosphatidylthreonine, and elevation of selected phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylglycerol species, indicating a rerouting of CDP-diacylglycerol and homeostatic inter-regulation of anionic phospholipids upon knockdown of PIS. In conclusion, strategic allocation of own and host-derived PtdIns species to gratify its metabolic demand features as a notable adaptive trait of T. gondii. Conceivably, the dependence of T. gondii on de novo lipid synthesis and scavenging can be exploited to develop new anti-infectives.Ren et al. investigated how the obligate intracellular pathogen Toxoplasma gondii satisfies its requirement of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns). They show that this parasite can synthesize certain PtdIns species de novo and salvages others from human host cells. Endogenous production of PtdIns in the Golgi complex is critical for the acute infection, and its loss perturbs homeostasis of selected anionic phospholipids.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Peer Reviewe

    Phosphatidylinositol synthesis, its selective salvage, and inter-regulation of anionic phospholipids in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) serves as an integral component of eukaryotic membranes; however, its biosynthesis in apicomplexan parasites remains poorly understood. Here we show that Toxoplasma gondii—a common intracellular pathogen of humans and animals—can import and co-utilize myo-inositol with the endogenous CDP-diacylglycerol to synthesize PtdIns. Equally, the parasite harbors a functional PtdIns synthase (PIS) containing a catalytically-vital CDP-diacylglycerol phosphotransferase motif in the Golgi apparatus. Auxin-induced depletion of PIS abrogated the lytic cycle of T. gondii in human cells due to defects in cell division, gliding motility, invasion, and egress. Isotope labeling of the PIS mutant in conjunction with lipidomics demonstrated de novo synthesis of specific PtdIns species, while revealing the salvage of other lipid species from the host cell. Not least, the mutant showed decline in phosphatidylthreonine, and elevation of selected phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylglycerol species, indicating a rerouting of CDP-diacylglycerol and homeostatic inter-regulation of anionic phospholipids upon knockdown of PIS. In conclusion, strategic allocation of own and host-derived PtdIns species to gratify its metabolic demand features as a notable adaptive trait of T. gondii. Conceivably, the dependence of T. gondii on de novo lipid synthesis and scavenging can be exploited to develop new anti-infectives.Peer Reviewe


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    Kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas bumi merupakan kegiatan yang mempunyai potensi menyebabkan pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan. Di beberapa tempat di Indonesia kegiatan produksi ini dilakukan dengan cara tradisional, salah satunya yang berada di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Limbah terbesar yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah air terproduksi. Penggunaan alat yang sederhana dalam proses produksi dan pembuangan air limbah tanpa di lengkapi IPAL menyebabkan kegiatan penambangan secara tradisional ini menambah besar potensi terjadinya pencemaran terhadap kualitas air sungai. Sungai Bungsu dan Sungai Kragsaan adalah sungai penerima air limbah air terproduksi dari kegiatan penambangan tradisional minyak bumi di Desa Wonocolo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis konsentrasi buangan air limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan penambangan tradisional minyak bumi pada sumur tua di Desa Wonocolo, menganalisis kualitas air sungai akibat kegiatan penambangan tradisional minyak bumi pada sumur tua di Desa Wonocolo dan memberikan rekomendasi pengendalian pencemaran air sungai. Metode penelitian menggunakan Indeks Pencemaran sesuai Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.115 Tahun 2003 dan rekomendasi upaya pengendalian pencemaran air dengan metode analisis SWOT. Kegiatan penambangan tradisional minyak bumi di Desa Wonocolo menghasilkan konsentrasi air terproduksi yang masih melebihi baku mutu sesuai Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 19 Tahun 2010. Parameter yang terlampaui yaitu TDS, COD, NH3-N, minyak dan lemak. Kualitas air Sungai Bungsu dan Sungai Kragsaan setelah menerima air terproduksi kegiatan penambangan minyak bumi termasuk kategori tidak memenuhi baku mutu untuk air kelas II sebagaimana terlampir dalam PP No.82 Tahun 2001. Parameter yang terlampaui untuk baku mutu kelas II yaitu parameter TSS, TDS, DO, COD, BOD, NH3-N, H2S, Fenol, Minyak dan Lemak. Kegiatan penambangan tradisional minyak bumi menjadi faktor terlampauinya baku mutu beberapa parameter karena mempunyai sumber tetap dalam kegiatan tersebut. Status mutu air Sungai Bungsu dan Sungai Kragsaan berdasarkan Metode Indeks Pencemaran untuk kelas air kelas II pada bagian hulu termasuk kategori baik, sedangkan pada bagian hilir setelah menerima air limbah kegiatan penambangan mempunyai kategori Cemar Sedang. Strategi pengendalian pencemaran air sungai dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengelolaan air limbah dengan membangun IPAL; membuat dan menyusun dokumen UKL-UPL; menetapkan daya tampung beban pencemaran; serta meningkatkan pemantauan kualitas air sungai. Kata kunci : penambangan minyak bumi, air terproduksi, kualitas air, Indeks Pencemaran Oil and gas exploration and production activities are activities that have the potential to cause pollution and environmental damage. In some places in Indonesia this production activity is done in the traditional way, one of which is in Wonocolo Village, Kedewan Sub-district, Bojonegoro District. The largest waste generated from this activity is produced water . The use of simple tools in the production process and disposal of waste water without being equipped with wastewater treatment plant causes this traditional mining activity to increase the potential for pollution to the quality of river water. The Bungsu River and Kragsaan River are the recipients of produced water from the traditional petroleum mining activities in Wonocolo Village. The purpose of this study is to analyze the concentration of waste water discharges generated from the traditional mining activities of petroleum in an old well in Wonocolo Village, to analyze the quality of river water due to the traditional mining activities of petroleum in the old wells in Wonocolo Village and to recommend the control of river water pollution. The research method used pollution index according to the Minister of Environment Decree No.115 Year 2003 and recommendation of effort of water pollution control with SWOT analysis method. Traditional oil mining activities in Wonocolo Village resulted in concentrations of produced water that still exceeded the quality standard in accordance with Minister of Environment Regulation no. 19 of 2010. Parameters exceeded are TDS, COD, NH3-N, oils and grease. The water quality of Bungsu River and Kragsaan River after receiving the water produced by the petroleum mining activities including the category does not meet the water quality standard for class II as enclosed in Government Regulation No.82 of 2001. The parameters exceeded for the class II standard are TSS, TDS, DO , COD, BOD, NH3-N, H2S, Phenol, Oils and Grease. The traditional petroleum mining activity becomes a factor over the quality of some parameters because it has a fixed source in the activity. The status of water quality of Bungsu River and Kragsaan River based on Method of Pollution Index for water class II on the upstream including good category, while downstream after receiving waste water mining activity have moderately polluted. The strategy of controlling river water pollution can be done by wastewater management by building WWTP; preparing and compiling UKL- UPL documents; determine the pollution load capacity; and improving river water quality monitoring. Keywords : Oil production, produced water , water quality, pollution inde
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