16 research outputs found

    The neuropathology of fatal encephalomyelitis in human Borna virus infection

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    After many years of controversy, there is now recent and solid evidence that classical Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) can infect humans. On the basis of six brain autopsies, we provide the first systematic overview on BoDV-1 tissue distribution and the lesion pattern in fatal BoDV-1-induced encephalitis. All brains revealed a non-purulent, lymphocytic sclerosing panencephalomyelitis with detection of BoDV-1-typical eosinophilic, spherical intranuclear Joest-Degen inclusion bodies. While the composition of histopathological changes was constant, the inflammatory distribution pattern varied interindividually, affecting predominantly the basal nuclei in two patients, hippocampus in one patient, whereas two patients showed a more diffuse distribution. By immunohistochemistry and RNA in situ hybridization, BoDV-1 was detected in all examined brain tissue samples. Furthermore, infection of the peripheral nervous system was observed. This study aims at raising awareness to human bornavirus encephalitis as differential diagnosis in lymphocytic sclerosing panencephalomyelitis. A higher attention to human BoDV-1 infection by health professionals may likely increase the detection of more cases and foster a clearer picture of the disease

    Pitfalls associated with the diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis

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    Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) still remains a serious illness with high morbidity and mortality. The characteristic presentation of HSE usually consists of fever, headache, and altered mental function. We present three patients with atypical features of HSE. First, a 48‑year‑old man with symptomatic posttraumatic epilepsy, who developed a gastrointestinal infection, seizures, and fever. After significant clinical improvement, the patient had fever again and developed a status epilepticus, which led to the diagnosis of HSE. Second, an 84‑year‑old woman with hyperactive delirium after levofloxacin intake. Cranial computed tomography (CCT) revealed hypodense temporal changes, prompting lumbar puncture and diagnosis of HSE. Third, a 51‑year‑old diabetic woman presented with fever and acute confusion. As CCT and cell count of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were normal, infection and hyperglycemia as initial diagnoses were postulated. Due to aphasic symptoms, the differential diagnosis of a stroke was taken into account. Thus a second lumbar puncture led to the correct diagnosis of HSE. These atypical presentations need a high grade of suspicion and a high willingness to reconsider the initial working diagnosis, in order to prevent a diagnostic delay

    Geriatric Basics for the Neurohospitalist

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    Due to the increasing age of the population, neurohospitalists are more frequently caring for old and very old people. Fundamental definitions and topics related to geriatric medicine are therefore of particular importance. In this review, common issues encountered in geriatric patients hospitalized on the neurology service are discussed. Focus is put on the geriatric assessment, multiprofessional diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, geriatric syndromes, pharmacotherapy of the aged, delirium, pain, and palliative management as they are relevant for the neurohospitalist. In addition, ethical questions are addressed

    Zinc Gluconate in the Treatment of Dysgeusia—a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    In the treatment of dysgeusia, the use of zinc has been frequently tried, with equivocal results. The aim of the present randomized clinical trial, which involved a sufficiently large sample, was therefore to determine the efficacy of zinc treatment. Fifty patients with idiopathic dysgeusia were carefully selected. Zinc gluconate (140 mg/day; n = 26) or placebo (lactose; n = 24) was randomly assigned to the patients. The patients on zinc improved in terms of gustatory function (p < 0.001) and rated the dysgeusia as being less severe (p < 0.05). Similarly, signs of depression in the zinc group were less severe (Beck Depression Inventory, p < 0.05; mood scale, p < 0.05). With the exception of the salivary calcium level, which was higher in the zinc patients (p < 0.05), no other significant group differences were found. In conclusion, zinc appears to improve general gustatory function and, consequently, general mood scores in dysgeusia patients

    Neuro-ophthalmology at the bedside : a clinical guide

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    Neuro-ophthalmological signs and symptoms are common in the emergency department but are a frequent source of diagnostic uncertainties. However, neuro-ophthalmological signs often allow a precise neuro-topographical localization of the clinical problem. A practical concept is presented how to perform a neuro-ophthalmological examination at the bedside and to interpret key findings under the aspect of emergency medicine with limited resources

    Hemihyposmia in a case of hemiparkinsonism

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    Olfactory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease is becoming more relevant. We report on a 38year old woman with right-sided hemiparkinsonism classified 1 degree of severity according to the Hoehn and Yahr scale. Despite not complaining of smell disturbances olfactory testing revealed pronounced hemihyposmia on the ipsilateral side of the marked decreased tracer uptake in the 123I-FP-CIT SPECT. To our knowledge pronounced hemihyposmia has been rarely described in patients with early signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease

    Detection of virus-specific T cells via ELISpot corroborates early diagnosis in human Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) encephalitis

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    Background Within endemic regions in southern and eastern Germany, Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) causes rare zoonotic spill-over infections in humans, leading to encephalitis with a high case-fatality risk. So far, intra-vitam diagnosis has mainly been based on RT-qPCR from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serology, both being associated with diagnostic challenges. Whilst low RNA copy numbers in CSF limit the sensitivity of RT-qPCR from this material, seroconversion often occurs late during the course of the disease. Case presentation Here, we report the new case of a 40 − 50 year-old patient in whom the detection of virus-specific T cells via ELISpot corroborated the diagnosis of BoDV-1 infection. The patient showed a typical course of the disease with prodromal symptoms like fever and headaches 2.5 weeks prior to hospital admission, required mechanical ventilation from day three after hospitalisation and remained in deep coma until death ten days after admission. Results Infection was first detected by positive RT-qPCR from a CSF sample drawn four days after admission (viral load 890 copies/mL). A positive ELISpot result was obtained from peripheral blood collected on day seven, when virus-specific IgG antibodies were not detectable in serum, possibly due to previous immune adsorption for suspected autoimmune-mediated encephalitis. Conclusion This case demonstrates that BoDV-1 ELISpot serves as additional diagnostic tool even in the first week after hospitalisation of patients with BoDV-1 encephalitis