207 research outputs found

    The Three Loop Equation of State of QED at High Temperature

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    We present the three loop contribution (order e4e^4) to the pressure of massless quantum electrodynamics at nonzero temperature. The calculation is performed within the imaginary time formalism. Dimensional regularization is used to handle the usual, intermediate stage, ultraviolet and infrared singularities, and also to prevent overcounting of diagrams during resummation.Comment: ANL-HEP-PR-94-02, SPhT/94-054 (revised final version

    Cosmological Consequences of Slow-Moving Bubbles in First-Order Phase Transitions

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    In cosmological first-order phase transitions, the progress of true-vacuum bubbles is expected to be significantly retarded by the interaction between the bubble wall and the hot plasma. We examine the evolution and collision of slow-moving true-vacuum bubbles. Our lattice simulations indicate that phase oscillations, predicted and observed in systems with a local symmetry and with a global symmetry where the bubbles move at speeds less than the speed of light, do not occur inside collisions of slow-moving local-symmetry bubbles. We observe almost instantaneous phase equilibration which would lead to a decrease in the expected initial defect density, or possibly prevent defects from forming at all. We illustrate our findings with an example of defect formation suppressed in slow-moving bubbles. Slow-moving bubble walls also prevent the formation of `extra defects', and in the presence of plasma conductivity may lead to an increase in the magnitude of any primordial magnetic field formed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, replaced with typos corrected and reference added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Black Hole Chromosphere at the LHC

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    If the scale of quantum gravity is near a TeV, black holes will be copiously produced at the LHC. In this work we study the main properties of the light descendants of these black holes. We show that the emitted partons are closely spaced outside the horizon, and hence they do not fragment into hadrons in vacuum but more likely into a kind of quark-gluon plasma. Consequently, the thermal emission occurs far from the horizon, at a temperature characteristic of the QCD scale. We analyze the energy spectrum of the particles emerging from the "chromosphere", and find that the hard hadronic jets are almost entirely suppressed. They are replaced by an isotropic distribution of soft photons and hadrons, with hundreds of particles in the GeV range. This provides a new distinctive signature for black hole events at LHC.Comment: Incorporates changes made for the version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. Additional details provided on the effect of the chromosphere in cosmic ray shower

    Primordial black holes in braneworld cosmologies: astrophysical constraints

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    In two recent papers we explored the modifications to primordial black hole physics when one moves to the simplest braneworld model, Randall--Sundrum type II. Both the evaporation law and the cosmological evolution of the population can be modified, and additionally accretion of energy from the background can be dominant over evaporation at high energies. In this paper we present a detailed study of how this impacts upon various astrophysical constraints, analyzing constraints from the present density, from the present high-energy photon background radiation, from distortion of the microwave background spectrum, and from processes affecting light element abundances both during and after nucleosynthesis. Typically, the constraints on the formation rate of primordial black holes weaken as compared to the standard cosmology if black hole accretion is unimportant at high energies, but can be strengthened in the case of efficient accretion.Comment: 17 pages RevTeX4 file with three figures incorporated; final paper in series astro-ph/0205149 and astro-ph/0208299. Minor changes to match version accepted by Physical Review

    High Energy Colliders as Black Hole Factories: The End of Short Distance Physics

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    If the fundamental Planck scale is of order a TeV, as the case in some extra-dimensions scenarios, future hadron colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider will be black hole factories. The non-perturbative process of black hole formation and decay by Hawking evaporation gives rise to spectacular events with up to many dozens of relatively hard jets and leptons, with a characteristic ratio of hadronic to leptonic activity of roughly 5:1. The total transverse energy of such events is typically a sizeable fraction of the beam energy. Perturbative hard scattering processes at energies well above the Planck scale are cloaked behind a horizon, thus limiting the ability to probe short distances. The high energy black hole cross section grows with energy at a rate determined by the dimensionality and geometry of the extra dimensions. This dependence therefore probes the extra dimensions at distances larger than the Planck scale.Comment: Latex, 28 pages. v4: minor changes, largely to agree with published version; appendix added comparing convention

    Effect of pre-existing baryon inhomogeneities on the dynamics of quark-hadron transition

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    Baryon number inhomogeneities may be generated during the epoch when the baryon asymmetry of the universe is produced, e.g. at the electroweak phase transition. The regions with excess baryon number will have a lower temperature than the background temperature of the universe. Also the value of the quark hadron transition temperature TcT_c will be different in these regions as compared to the background region. Since a first-order quark hadron transition is very susceptible to small changes in temperature, we investigate the effect of the presence of such baryonic lumps on the dynamics of quark-hadron transition. We find that the phase transition is delayed in these lumps for significant overdensities. Consequently, we argue that baryon concentration in these regions grows by the end of the transition. We briefly discuss some models which may give rise to such high overdensities at the onset of the quark-hadron transition.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Simulações no CROPGRO/DSSAT do carbono no solo cultivado com soja sob plantio direto e preparo convencional, em clima subtropical do sul do Brasil.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o potencial do modelo CROPGRO, inserido no DSSAT v.4,0 (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) para simular o carbono no solo, no sistema plantio direto. Os dados foram coletados na Estação Experimental da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (EEA/UFRGS), em Eldorado do Sul, durante o ano agrícola 2003/04, num delineamento em faixas, em Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico. A semeadura da soja (cv. Fepagro RS10 - ciclo longo) ocorreu em 20/11/03 para uma população inicial em torno de 300 mil plantas ha-1. Foram utilizados dois sistemas de manejo do solo: preparo convencional (PC) e sistema plantio direto (PD) irrigados (I) e não irrigados (NI). Foram inseridos no DSSAT dados edáficos, meteorológicos diários e da cultura. Adotou-se o método Ceres, no CROPGROSoja para simular o teor de carbono (C) no solo. As simulações mostraram que há maior estoque de C em plantio direto irrigado em relação ao preparo convencional, demonstrando sensibilidade do CROPGRO-Soja ao manejo do solo. Os mais elevados resíduos de C em solo sob plantio direto evidenciam mitigações de emissões desse gás para a atmosfera em cultivos na região estudada

    Phase Equilibration and Magnetic Field Generation in U(1) Bubble Collisions

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    We present the results of lattice computations of collisions of two expanding bubbles of true vacuum in the Abelian Higgs model with a first-order phase transition. New time-dependent analytical solutions for the Abelian field strength and the phase of the complex field are derived from initial conditions inferred from linear superposition and are shown to be in excellent agreement with the numerical solutions especially for the case where the initial phase difference between the bubbles is small. With a step-function approximation for the initial phase of the complex field, solutions for the Abelian field strength and other gauge-invariant quantities are obtained in closed form. Possible extensions of the solution to the case of the electroweak phase transition and the generation of primordial magnetic fields are briefly discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 41 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Effect of Finite Mass on Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    We have calculated the small effect of finite nucleon mass on the weak-interaction rates that interconvert protons and neutrons in the early Universe. We have modified the standard code for primordial nucleosynthesis to include these corrections and find a small, systematic increase in the 4He yield, δY/Y(0.470.50)\delta Y / Y \simeq (0.47 - 0.50)% , depending slightly on the baryon-to-photon ratio. The fractional changes in the abundances of the other light elements are a few percent or less for interesting values of the baryon-to-photon ratio.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, uses psfig.st

    Fluctuations and Bubble Dynamics in First-Order Phase Transitions

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    We numerically examine the effect of thermal fluctuations on a first-order phase transition in 2+1 dimensions. By focusing on the expansion of a single bubble we are able to calculate changes in the bubble wall's velocity as well as changes in its structure relative to the standard case where the bubble expands into a homogeneous background. Not only does the wall move faster, but the transition from the symmetric to the asymmetric phase is no longer smooth, even for a fairly strong transition. We discuss how these results affect the standard picture of electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: Latex, 30 pages, 11 ps figures, short discussion added in conclusions and minor clarifications, accepted to Phys Rev