9 research outputs found

    Prospective study of fine needle aspiration cytology of clinically palpable breast lump with histopathological correlation

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    Background and objectives:  This study was conducted to compare the diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in differentiating the benign and malignant lesions of palpable breast lump with histopathological correlation and also to study the accuracy of the needle tip localizing the tumor during fine needle aspiration cytology procedure.Methods: Two years prospective study was conducted in our institution and in that 100 patients underwent fine needle aspiration cytology of the palpable breast lump after thorough physical examination. The cytological diagnosis was classified in to 3 groups benign, suspicious and malignant. After this reporting all the patients were later subjected to open/excision biopsy and its histopathological confirmation. Later diagnostic accuracy of cytology reporting was compared with that of histopathology. Accuracy of the needle tip in localizing the tumor in fine needle aspiration cytology was also studied by comparing the normal glandular cell aspirate with tumor cell aspirate. Repeat cytology was carried out before open/excision biopsy if the pathologist reports the cytology slide as “inadequate”.Results: We had accuracy rate of 100% for benign lesion and 93.10% for malignant lesion with false negative rate of 6.9% and false positive rate of zero with fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of palpable breast lump. The overall sensitivity of fine needle aspiration in diagnosing the palpable breast lump is 93.10%, specificity is 100%, positive predictive value is 100% and negative predictive value is 90.47%. Since inadequate sampling rate is 2% in our study, the accuracy rate of needle tip in localizing the tumor in fine needle aspiration cytology is 98%.Conclusion: Since our diagnostic accuracy rate and predictive values are very high and comparable to any other published series it can be advised that the patients in which fine needle aspiration cytology is unequivocally diagnostic for cancer can be managed directly by mastectomy (or any other definitive therapy). A diagnosis of suspicious for cancer must be confirmed by an open biopsy or intraoperative frozen section or rapid hemotoxyline and eosine staining (depending on availability). Since the accuracy of the needle tip in localizing the lump is very high (98%), the diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology can be increased by performing repeat aspiration on the lump for which previously being reported as inadequate or unsatisfactory sampling before advising for open biopsy

    Prospective clinical study of surgical management of varicose veins of lower limb and its complications

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    Background: Varicose veins of the lower extremities are the most common peripheral vascular disease and their treatment is as old as mankind. This prospective clinical study of surgical management of varicose vein was conducted to study the age, sex and occupational distribution of varicose veins of lower limb. Evaluations of clinical features and surgical methods of treatments that were in practice in the management of varicose veins in terms of recurrence and symptoms improvement were also studied.Methods: Two years prospective study was conducted in our institution from May 2007 to April 2009. During this period 62 cases of varicose veins of lower limbs were admitted to our hospital of which 50 cases were selected and were studies in detail. After thorough clinical examination and relevant investigation they are all subjected to surgical management. Results: Out of 50 cases studied, 21 (42%) had only long saphenous vein involvement, 7 (14%) had short saphenous vein involvement and in 5 (10%) cases both short and long saphenous system were involved. In addition to long saphenous vein involvement, incompetent perforators were present in 17 (34%) cases. Among them prominent veins and pain were the main complain in 38 (78%) patients. Itching and pigmentation were present in 4 (8%) patients. Ankle edema was present in 6 (12%) patients. Pain and ulceration of lower leg were present in 2 (4%) patients. After clinical assessment appropriate surgical procedures were followed for each of patients. These cases were followed for 3 year durations. Out of 50 patients 7 (14%) patients had recurrence of varicose vein. 7 (14%) patient complained of recurrence of pain after 2 years of surgery but no appearance of varicose vein. One patient (2%) complained of persistence of pigmentation after surgery. 2 (4%) patients complained of persistence of ankle edema and there was complete healing of ulcer which was present earlier. Conclusions: Commonest age group of varicose vein of lower limb was 20 to 40 years. Definite relationship exists between the occupation and the incidence of varicose veins. The patients were in the occupation which required standing for long time had the higher chances of varicose vein. Severity of the symptoms is not proportional to the duration of varicose veins. The involvement of long saphenous vein is more common than the short saphenous vein. Since our study shows very low percentage of recurrence and symptoms related to varicose vein the surgical line of treatment is an ideal treatment for varicose vein. For incompetent perforators, sub-fascial ligation appears to be a better method of treatment than extra fascial ligation. Because in the former all the perforators could be visualized and dealt with, while in the latter there were chances of missing one or two perforators. If cases are selected properly with good operative technique the complications are negligible.

    Prospective study of comparison between the ultrasonography with the plain radiography in the diagnosis of pneumoperitoneum of hollow viscus perforation

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    Background: This study was conducted to compare the plain radiography with the abdominal ultrasonography in the detection of pneumoperitoneum in suspected cases of hollow viscus perforation.Methods: A total number of 60 patients with suspected hollow viscus perforation were studied. All the patients had undergone plain radiography (Erect x-ray abdomen and left lateral decubitus views), ultrasonography and exploratory laparotomy. The investigational findings were compared with that of laparotomy findings. They were compared in terms of their sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a positive and negative results and their percentage of false positive and false negative results.Results: Of the 60 patients, who underwent laparotomy, 57 had hollow viscus perforation. Out of 3 non-hollow viscus perforated cases 2 had appendicular perforation and 1 had mesenteric lymphadenitis. In the diagnosis, ultrasonography vs. radiography, their respective parameters were sensitivity (73.7% vs. 80.7%), specificity (66.7% each), predictive value of a positive test (97.7% vs. 97.9%), predictive value of a negative test (11.8% vs. 15.4%), percentage of false negative (26.3% vs. 19.3%) and percentage of false positive (33.3% each).Conclusion: In detection of pneumoperitoneum plain radiography appears to be more sensitive than ultrasonography with comparable specificity. Ultrasonographic finding of pneumoperitoneum is considered as an added finding.

    TinyTurbo: Efficient Turbo Decoders on Edge

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    In this paper, we introduce a neural-augmented decoder for Turbo codes called TINYTURBO . TINYTURBO has complexity comparable to the classical max-log-MAP algorithm but has much better reliability than the max-log-MAP baseline and performs close to the MAP algorithm. We show that TINYTURBO exhibits strong robustness on a variety of practical channels of interest, such as EPA and EVA channels, which are included in the LTE standards. We also show that TINYTURBO strongly generalizes across different rate, blocklengths, and trellises. We verify the reliability and efficiency of TINYTURBO via over-the-air experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Published at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT

    An unusual foreign body tooth brush in esophagus: a case report

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    We report a rare case of accidental toothbrush swallowing by a normal adult which was successfully removed by rigid esophagoscope. A 25 year young man presented to casualty of KIMS, Hubli, with ingestion of toothbrush accidentally half an hour before. Patient’s general physical examination and systemic examination was normal. Oral cavity, oropharynx and indirect laryngoscopic findings were normal. An emergency upper GI Endoscopy was done and foreign body was confirmed to be present at 35 cm from upper incisor teeth. Foreign body was removed by rigid esophagoscope under GA. Otolaryngologist is the most common medical faculty consulted for management of aero digestive foreign bodies. Toothbrush swallowing in normal adults is a rare accident. Most of them are found in esophagus and spontaneous passage is unknown and hence the need for early removal

    Alteration in pre-operative and post-operative lipid profile – in carcinoma breast

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    Background: There is no single etiological factor or risk factor for carcinoma breast, it has been shown to have multiple risk factors. One such risk factor that is being widely accepted is that poor living conditions is associated with carcinoma cervix while carcinoma breast is seen more commonly in societies with better living conditions. In our study we wish to study the correlation between lipid profile and carcinoma breast. Methods: This was an observational prospective correlational study. Fasting lipid profile, after 12 hours of (fasting 9pm to 9am) was done on the day after admission and on the 7th postoperative day. Result:The change in the pre and post operative lipid profile was not statistically significant for any of the lipid profile parameters. Conclusion: In our study we did not find any statistically significant Change in the lipid parameters pre and post operatively, thus showing that the removal of the primary tumor does have any effect on the lipid profile

    Case Report Billiary Peritonitis due to Enteric Fever Gallbladder Perforation: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Abstract: Billiary peritonitis following gall bladder perforation due to enteric fever is very rare and usually follows fatal surgical complication. The present case report is of billiary peritonitis following enteric fever perforation of the gall bladder in a young female patient, successfully treated by cholecystectomy and appropriate antimicrobial therapy

    Students' participation in collaborative research should be recognised

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    Letter to the editor