3 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Factors influencing professional life satisfaction among neurologists

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    Mean Professional Life Satisfaction by Study Population Characteristics. Table S1. contains bivariate analyses displaying the association of independent variables with aspects of professional life satisfaction. Independent variables that were significantly (p < 0.05) or marginally significantly (0.05 < p < 0.10) associated with any aspect of professional life satisfaction were included in ordered logistic regression models. (DOCX 17 kb

    Additional file 1: of Identifying configurations of behavior change techniques in effective medication adherence interventions: a qualitative comparative analysis

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    This file provides the truth table for the main analysis, the complex and parsimonious solutions for the main analysis, and results relating to the analysis of outcome complement (studies demonstrating no improvements in medication adherence). (PDF 143 kb

    Additional file 2: of Using qualitative comparative analysis in a systematic review of a complex intervention

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    Completed review analytic framework, key questions, and summary of findings. This file provides the analytic framework, key questions, and a summary of findings from the completed AHRQ systematic review of interventions to improve medication adherence that was used to examine the suitability of using QCA in a review of a complex intervention. (PDF 156 kb