1 research outputs found
Health Planning in the United States and the Decline of Public-interest Policymaking
- Author
- Abt Associates Inc
- Activities in Hospital Councils around the U.S
- Activities in Hospital Councils around the U.S
- Activities in Hospital Councils around the U.S
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Alford R.R.
- Altman D.E.
- Altman D.E.
- Altman D.E.
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Hospital Association American Medical Association, American Public Health Association, and American Public Welfare Association (AHA, AMA, AMPHA, APWA)
- American Medical Association
- Anderson D.
- Anderson O.W.
- Arnould R.J.
- Arthur D. Little Inc
- Arthur D. Little Inc., and the Organization for Social and Technical Innovation
- Barbatelli E.
- Barlett D.L.
- Barron A.W.
- Barron A.W.
- Battistella R.M.
- Binstock R.H.
- Blair L.B.
- Bloche M.G.
- Blue Cross Association and Blue Cross Commission (BCA/BCC) American Hospital Association
- Blum H.L.
- Blumberg M.S.
- Blumstein J.F.
- Bodenheimer T.S.
- Bourke J.J.
- Bourke J.J.
- Bovbjerg R.
- Brint S.G.
- Brown D.R.
- Brown J.B.
- Brown J.B.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown L.D.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Brown R.E.
- Budrys G.
- Bugbee G.
- Bugbee G.
- Burgun J.A.
- Cain D.M.
- Cain H.P.
- Cain H.P.
- Cain H.P.
- Cardwell R.L.
- Cardwell R.L.
- Cardwell R.L.
- Cater D.
- Cavanaugh J.H.
- Cavanaugh J.H.
- Chayet and Sonnenreich Professional Corporation
- Clapp D.C.
- Cohen W.J.
- Cohodes A.
- Cohodes A.
- Cohodes D.R.
- Cohodes D.R.
- Cohodes D.R.
- Colt A.M.
- Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine
- Columbus Hospital Federation
- Commission on Chronic Illness (CCI)
- Commission on Financing Hospital Care (CFHC)
- Commission on Financing Hospital Care (CFHC)
- Commission on Financing Hospital Care (CFHC)
- Commission on Hospital Care (CHC)
- Committee on the Costs of Medical Care (CCMC)
- Conant R.W.
- Congressional Quarterly Service (CQS)
- Congressional Quarterly Service (CQS)
- Congressional Quarterly Service (CQS)
- Cunningham R.
- Curran W.J.
- Curran W.J.
- Davis B.M.
- Davis K.
- Derthick M.
- Dickey W.J.
- Dobbin R.A.
- Dobbin R.A.
- Domke H.R.
- Dowling H.F.
- DuBois M.B.
- DuBois M.B.
- Dunham A.B.
- Editorial
- Eilers R.D.
- Elling R.H.
- Elsasser P.
- Emanuel E.J
- Faber D.A.
- Fairman J.
- Falk I.S.
- Feder J.M.
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division
- Federal Works Agency
- Fee E.
- Fein R.
- Feingold E.
- Feldstein M.S.
- Feldstein M.S.
- Flook E.E.
- Foley H.A.
- Foley H.A.
- Foster R.W.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox D.M.
- Fox K.
- Friedland R.
- Gardner J.
- Garland J.E.
- Gehrig L.J.
- Gelfand M.I.
- Gellatly D.L.
- General Accounting Office (GAO)
- Ginsburg P.B.
- Ginzberg E.
- Ginzberg E.
- Glaser W.A.
- Gottlieb S.R.
- Gottlieb S.R.
- Gottlieb S.R.
- Graning H.M.
- Gray B.H.
- Greenberg D.S.
- Griffith J.R.
- Grob G.N.
- Grob G.N.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Haldeman J.C.
- Hall P.D.
- Hall T.L.
- Harvey A.M.
- Havighurst C.C.
- Hawes C.
- Health Information Foundation (HIF)
- Health Preparedness Commission (also known as the Commission to Formulate a Long Range Health Program)
- Health Preparedness Commission (also known as the Commission to Formulate a Long Range Health Program)
- Health Services and Mental Health Administration (HSMHA)
- Hedinger F.R.
- Hoge V.M.
- Hood C.F.
- Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chicago (HPCMC)
- Hospital Survey for New York (HSNY)
- Hospital Survey for New York (HSNY)
- Hutton R.H.
- ICF Inc
- Iglehart J.K.
- Iglehart J.K.
- Iglehart J.K.
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- Jenkins S.S.
- Johnson R.L.
- Johnson R.L.
- Johnson R.L.
- Joskow P.L.
- Kane D.A.
- Kenny D.J.
- Kinkead B.M.
- Kinney E.D.
- Kinney E.D.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klarman H.E.
- Klicka K.S.
- Koff S.Z.
- Lashof J.C.
- Lave J.R.
- Law S.
- Lee R.I.
- Lefkowitz B.
- Lembcke P.A.
- Lentz E.A.
- Lewin and Associates Inc
- Lovelace B.
- May J.J.
- May J.J.
- McDonough J.E.
- McKinley A.
- McNerney W.J.
- McNerney W.J.
- McNerney W.J.
- Medicine Takes Wary Stand on Planning
- Melhado E.M.
- Melhado E.M.
- Merzel C.
- Metzler M.M.
- Modern Hospital
- Mollenkopf J.H.
- Morone J.A.
- Morone J.A.
- Morris R.
- Morris R.
- Mott B.J.F.
- Mott B.J.F.
- Mountin J.W.
- Navarro V.
- Needleman J.
- Nelson R.A.
- Parran T.
- Patel K.
- Pellegrino E.D.
- Pellegrino E.D.
- Pellegrino E.D.
- Pennsylvania Economy League Inc., Western Division
- Piland N.F.
- Policy Analysis Inc
- Potetz L.
- President's Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation (PCHNN)
- Public Health Resource Group Inc
- Raab G.G.
- Raab G.G.
- Rakich J.S.
- Reed L.S.
- Reed L.S.
- Robins L.
- Robinson J.C.
- Rodwin V.G.
- Roemer M.I.
- Roemer M.I.
- Rome W.J.
- Rome W.J.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Rorem C.R.
- Roseman C.
- Rosenberg C.E.
- Rosenberg C.E.
- Rosenfeld L.S.
- Rosner D.
- Rothman D.J.
- Rothman D.J.
- Ryan J.T.
- Sager A.
- Salkever D.S.
- Sapolsky H.M.
- Schlesinger M.
- Schlesinger M.
- Schonbrun M.K.
- Schramm C.J.
- Scott W.R.
- Sears G.A.
- Seay J.D.
- Shain M.
- Shain M.
- Shannon G.W.
- Shonick W.
- Shonick W.
- Sibley H.
- Sieverts S.
- Sieverts S.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Sigmond R.M.
- Simpson J.B.
- Sloan F.A.
- Sofaer S.
- Somers A.R.
- Somers A.R.
- Somers H.M.
- Somers H.M.
- Spitz B.
- Stagl J.M.
- Stambaugh J.L.
- Starr P.
- Starr P.
- Stevens R.A.
- Stevens R.A.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stewart W.H.
- Stiles S.V.
- Stone D.A.
- Sundquist J.L.
- Teaford J.C.
- Terenzio J.V.
- Terry L.J.
- Thompson P.
- Treloar A.E.
- Trussell R.E.
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare (U.S. DHEW)
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare (U.S. DHEW)
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. House
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
- University of Chicago
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Texas at Austin
- Urban Systems Research and Engineering Inc. (USRE)
- Van Nostrand L.B.
- Venable J.H.
- Vladeck B.C.
- Vladeck B.C.
- Walker S.E.
- Weeks L.E.
- Wennberg J.E.
- West J.P.
- Williamson K.
- Wing K.R.
- Wisowaty K.W.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study