2 research outputs found
20 Jahre ‚Gäa e.V. - Vereinigung ökologischer Landbau’
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
For the understanding of ecological agriculture, knowledge of its roots is essential.
Actual literature about this topic does not cover the history of ecological agriculture in
East Germany especially if chronological development and individual motivation are
seen as mutual dependent. The ecological organisation Gäa e.V. was founded in the
GDR in 1989. Its origins were oppositional environmental groups working within the
East German church. It developed own principles based on individual experience with
unique aspects. It has established and integrated well in the German ecological agriculture
structure after the reunification and the changed political background as an
authentic representative of and for the East German ecological agriculture scene
- Author
- Abdo Nadeem
- Ahlemeyer Volker
- Albert Cheapest
- Albert Cheapest
- Amaudruz
- Amaudruz
- Andreescu Gabriel
- Andreescu Gabriel
- Apfel Holger
- Apostle Glock
- Art The Wild
- Art The Wild
- Aslan Bozay
- Auer Das
- Backes Uwe
- Backes Uwe
- Backes Uwe
- Backes Uwe
- Backes Uwe
- Bailer-Galanda Benz
- Baillet Philippe
- Bar-On
- Bar-On
- Bardèche Maurice
- Bardèche Maurice
- Barkun Michael
- Barnes
- Bastow Benoist
- Beichelt Minkenberg
- Beiträge zur Debatte
- Bell John D
- Bennigsen Lemercier-Quelquejay
- Bennigsen Lemercier-Quelquejay
- Bennigsen Lemercier-Quelquejay
- Benoist
- Benoist
- Benoist
- Benoist
- Benoist
- Benoit Laver
- Benz Wolfgang
- Bertelsmann Stiftung
- Betz
- Betz
- Biorcio Roberto
- Blamires Cyprian P
- Bobbio Norberto
- Bora Tanil
- Bora Tanil
- Bora Tanil
- Bossi Vimercati
- Botsch Kopke
- Bouchet Christian
- Bozarslan Hamit
- Bozarslan Hamit
- Brigneau François
- Brug Fennema
- Bruyne
- Bugajski Janusz
- Bull Newell
- Bulut Ebru
- Bundesministerium des Innern
- Butz Arthur
- Caldiron Guido
- Camus
- Camus
- Camus
- Camus
- Camus
- Camus
- Camus
- Camus
- Can Kemal
- Carey Henry F
- Carter Proportional Representation
- Ceresole Norberto
- Christiansen Fromm
- Coenders Marcel
- Coenders Marcel
- Coenders Marcel
- Collier Nicholas Sambanis
- Conrad Jo
- Copeaux Etienne
- Copeaux Etienne
- Copeaux Etienne
- Copeaux Etienne
- Copeaux Etienne
- Copeaux Etienne
- Cuminal Souchard
- Císař Ondřej
- Dachs Gottweis
- Debbaudt Eburie
- Deschouwer Delwit
- Deutsche Stimme-Verlag
- Diamanti Ilvo
- Dorronsoro Gilles
- Downs Anthony
- Dr Guillaume Roux
- Dr Petra Vejvodová
- Dr Sarah L
- Dr Stéphane François
- Dr Tapia
- Dr Thomas Grumke
- Dr Vera Stojarová
- Drobnicki John A
- Dubiel Helmut
- Dujardin Dumoulin
- Duranton-Crabol
- Döring Herbert
- Döring Herbert
- Eatwell Roger
- Eatwell Roger
- Eatwell Roger
- Establet Roger
- European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia Thalhammer, Eva / Zucha, Vlasta/Enzenhofer, Edith/Salfinger, Brigitte/Ogris, Günther
- Europol
- Evola Julius
- Ezergailis Andrew
- Faye Guillaume
- Faye Guillaume
- Fenster Mark
- Fiala Mares
- Flemming Lars
- Ford Robert
- Forza Nuova
- François Musique
- François Musique
- François Musique
- François Musique
- François Musique
- Frei Norbert
- Freitag Thieme
- Friesl Polak
- Fromm Rainer
- Gabanyi Anneli
- Garaudy Roger
- Gaudin Jiří
- Gibson Rachel
- Giddens Anthony
- Gijsberts Scheepers
- Gijsels Hugo
- Ginsborg Paul
- Goldberg
- Goodrick-Clarke Nicholas
- Goodrick-Clarke Nicholas
- Goodrick-Clarke Nicholas
- Goodwin Matthew J
- Goodwin Matthew J
- Govaert Serge
- Greven Grumke
- Griffin Roger
- Griffin Roger
- Griffin Roger
- Griffin Roger
- Grumke The Transatlantic
- Grumke The Transatlantic
- Grumke The Transatlantic
- Grün Michaela
- Grün Michaela
- Gugenberger Petri
- Guillaume Pierre
- Günlük
- Güvenç Şaylan
- Habermas Jürgen
- Hainsworth Paul
- Hale William
- Harwood Richard
- Hausser Peiper
- Heinisch Reinhard
- Heller Friedrich
- Helsing
- Helsing
- Helsing
- Helsing
- Helsing
- Helsing
- Herf Jeffrey
- Herf Jeffrey
- Hlousek Kopecek
- Hofbauer Hannes
- Hofer Toth
- Holey Johannes
- Horaczek Reiterer
- Human Rights First
- Höhne Roland
- Icke David
- Icke David
- Icke David
- Icke David
- Ignazi The Silent
- Ignazi The Silent
- Imig Tarrow
- Insel Ahmet
- International Policies
- Interno
- Ivanov Ilieva
- Ivanova Evgenija
- Jackman Volpert
- Jalali Pinheiro
- Jaschke
- Jesse Eckhard
- Kailitz Steffen
- Kanzleiter Boris
- Kaplan Jeffrey
- Kappeler Andreas
- Karasimeonov Georgi
- Kieser Schaller
- Kitschelt Herbert
- Kitschelt Herbert
- Klassen Ben
- Knight Peter
- Koogan Kevin
- Kopecek The Far
- Kopecký Mudde
- Kosovo In
- Kovats Martin
- Krogstrup Political
- Kumar Radha
- Köppl Stefan
- Kühnen Michael
- Küntzel Matthias
- Landau Jacob M
- Landau Jacob M
- Landau Jacob M
- Landau Jacob M
- Landau Jacob M
- Lange
- Lange Sarah L
- Lange Sarah L
- Laver Party Competition
- Laver Party Competition
- Laver Party Competition
- Lecœur Erwan
- Leonard Mark
- Lescop Gildas
- Lescop Gildas
- Linz Juan J
- Lipsius Kommunistische
- Lipstad Deborah
- Lopusina Marko
- Loubet del Bayle
- Luebbert Gregory
- Lupia Strøm
- Lux Sommersguter
- Lévi-Strauss Claude
- Lévy
- Lööw Heléne
- Mahieu
- Maier Charles
- Maigre
- Manço Manço
- Mares Miroslav
- Mares Miroslav
- Mares Miroslav
- Mares Miroslav
- Mares Miroslav
- Mares Miroslav
- Markovits Gorski
- Markovits Gorski
- Marsh Second-Order
- Martin Pierre
- Mauthe
- Mayer Nonna
- Mayer Nonna
- Mayer Nonna
- Mayer Nonna
- Mayer Nonna
- Mayer Odehnal
- Meding Holger
- Merkel Wolfgang
- Meznik Michael
- Meznik Michael
- Milo Daniel
- Milza Piere
- Minkenberg Michael
- Minkenberg Michael
- Mohler Armin
- Monzat René
- Moreau Die
- Moroska Aleksandra
- Moroska Aleksandra
- Moroska Aleksandra
- Mudde Cas
- Mudde Cas
- Mudde Cas
- Muiznieks Nils
- Mumcu Uğur
- Mumcu Uğur
- Mussa Giorgio
- Myrdal Gunnar
- Müller Wolfgang C
- Nadeau
- Nancy Claude
- Narud
- Nejcev
- Nohlen Stöver
- Nolte Ernst
- Nordbruch Claus
- Norris Pippa
- Novick Peter
- Nève Katastrophe
- O'Meara Michael
- Padovani Cinzia
- Pallaver Günther
- Pandurević Vinko
- Pankowski Kornak
- Pankowski Kornak
- Parti de la France
- Pauwels Bergier
- Paxton Robert
- Payne Stanley
- Pelinka Anton
- Petreu Marta
- Petrova Dimitrina
- Pettigrew Meertens
- Pfahl-Traughber Armin
- Pfahl-Traughber Armin
- Philips Macedonia
- Piccone Paul
- Pipes Daniel
- Plasser Ulram
- Plasser Ulram
- Porta Tarrow
- Prof Dr.
- Prof Dr.
- Prof Dr.
- Prof Dr.
- Prof Dr.
- Prof Dr.
- Prof Dr.
- Pérouse
- Rassinier Paul
- Region
- Reif Karlheinz
- Richter Karl
- Ridgeway James
- Rigaud Philippe
- Rigoni Isabelle
- Ringold Orenstein
- Robins Robert S
- Rocek Frantisek
- Rochtus Dirk
- Romsics Ignác
- Roques Henry
- Rose Mackie
- Roth Heinz
- Rothkranz Johannes
- Rotter Petra
- Rousso Henri
- Ruiter
- Ruiter
- Ruiter
- Ruiter
- Rémond René
- Rémond René
- Sadovsky Louis
- Scharenberg Albert
- Scharenberg Albert
- Scheuch Erwin K
- Schuman Steeh
- Searchlight
- Seufert Günter
- Shafir Michael
- Shafir Michael
- Shafir Michael
- Shekhovtsov The Palingenetic
- Shields James G
- Shultz Richard H
- Simi Futrell
- Sjöblom Gunnar
- Spruyt Marc
- Spöhr Kolls
- Statistika Austria
- Steffen Christian
- Steglich Henrik
- Sternhell Zeev
- Sternhell Zeev
- Stokes Donald E
- Stäglich Wilhelm
- Stöss Richard
- Stöss Richard
- Stöss Richard
- Stýskalíková Věra
- Sunic Tomislav
- Swaan
- Swyngedouw National
- Sylvain European
- Szabó Movement
- Taggart New Populist
- Taguieff
- Taguieff
- Taguieff
- Taguieff
- Tapia
- Tarchi Marco
- Taylor Charles
- Teitelbaum Vivianne
- Thieme Tom
- Thion Serge
- Todorova Maria
- Trplan Tomaz
- Tsebelis George
- Tóth Grajczjar
- Türk Orta Asya'da
- Ulrike Heß-Meining
- Vasilopoulou The
- Vejvodová Petra
- Verberk Genevieve
- Waele Rea
- Weber Claudia
- Weckenbrock Christoph
- Williams Phil
- Winock Michel
- Yerasimos Seufert
- Yerasimos Seufert
- Zick Küpper
- ZÖ
- ZÖ
- Ágh
- Çeçen
- Çeçen
- ür Verfassungsschutz
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study