80 research outputs found

    Detection of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) in Mosquitoes from Pig Farms by PCR

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    To investigate, whether mosquitoes could be potential vectors that maintain or transmit PCV2, 59 mosquito samples were collected from suspicious PCV2-infected pig farms in Hubei and Anhui province, China. Total DNA from these mosquitoes was extracted and then tested for presence of PCV2 nucleic acid by PCR. Four (6.78%) samples showed the positive result. Subsequently, the positive PCR product was cloned into pEASY-T1 vector and sequenced. Sequence analysis displayed that homology between the PCR products and PCV2 strains were more than 94%. These results demonstrate that PCV2 nucleic acid exists in these mosquitoes, which suggests that mosquitoes could serve as mechanical transmission vectors of PCV2

    The Epidemiology of Circulating Rotavirus Associated with Diarrhea in Egyptian Kids and Calves: A Review

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    Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) induced by rotavirus has been a major disease burden in Egypt since 1981 when rotavirus was first reported in humans and calves. Genome segmentation facilitates the emergence of new virus serotypes, which allows reassortment during mixed infections, and is a characteristic feature of the family Reoviridae to which rotavirus belongs. The rotavirus genome involves 11 double-stranded RNA gene segments encoding 6 non-structural (NSP1–6) and 6 structural (VP1–4, VP6, VP7) proteins. Rotavirus A has a zoonotic potential associated with diarrhea. The primary strategy for prevention and control of bovine and human rotavirus infections is vaccination; however, routine rotavirus vaccination has not been implemented in the National Immunization Program. We evaluated studies published over the last 30 years that pertained to the epidemiology of circulating rotavirus genotypes among children, calves, and environmental samples in Egypt. The analysis revealed a rotavirus prevalence of 15%–100%, with diarrhea occurring throughout the year, but generally peaking during the cold months. G1 was the predominant genotype in children, followed by G2, G3, G4, G8, G9, and G12 throughout the study duration. Mixed infections were also detected. G6 was the predominant genotype in calves, followed by G10. There are still gaps in knowledge regarding molecular data of rotavirus infections in humans, animals, and environmental samples in Egypt, as well as the zoonotic potential of rotavirus disease. Therefore, it is critical to continue rotavirus surveillance in Egypt to further understand the epidemiology of rotavirus infections and the emerging new genotypes

    The AI-2/luxS Quorum Sensing System Affects the Growth Characteristics, Biofilm Formation, and Virulence of Haemophilus parasuis

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    Haemophilus parasuis (H. parasuis) is a kind of opportunistic pathogen of the upper respiratory tract of piglets. Under certain circumstances, virulent strains can breach the mucosal barrier and enter the bloodstream, causing severe Glässer's disease. Many virulence factors are found to be related to the pathogenicity of H. parasuis strain, but the pathogenic mechanism remains unclear. LuxS/AI-2, as a kind of very important quorum sensing system, affects the growth characteristics, biofilm formation, antibiotic production, virulence, and metabolism of different strains. In order to investigate the effect of luxS/AI-2 quorum sensing system on the virulence of H. parasuis, a deletion mutant strain (ΔluxS) and complemented strain (C-luxS) were constructed and characterized. The results showed that the luxS gene participated in regulating and controlling stress resistance, biofilm formation and virulence. Compared with wild-type strain, ΔluxS strain decreased the production of AI-2 molecules and the tolerance toward oxidative stress and heat shock, and it reduced the abilities of autoagglutination, hemagglutination, and adherence, whereas it increased the abilities to form biofilm in vitro. In vivo experiments showed that ΔluxS strain attenuated its virulence about 10-folds and significantly decreased its tissue burden of bacteria in mice, compared with the wild-type strain. Taken together, the luxS/AI-2 quorum sensing system in H. parasuis not only plays an important role in growth and biofilm formation, but also affects the pathogenicity of H. parasuis

    Comparative Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Pharmacodynamics Evaluation of Piscidin 1 Against PRV and PEDV in Rats

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    Antimicrobial peptide (Piscidin-1) is an effective natural polypeptide, which has great influence and potential on porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) and pseudorabies virus (PRV). As an alternative antibiotic substitute, Piscidin-1 was subjected for pharmacokinetics study with three administration routes (i.v, i.m, and p.o) after a single dose of 2 mg/kg in rats and preliminary pharmacodynamics including antiviral activity in cell against PEDV and PRV. Based on 50 percent tissue culture infective dose (TCID50), there were about 2 and 10% virus survived ratios for Piscidin-1 against PRV and PEDV, respectively. The plaque test showed 1 and 2 μg/ml Piscidin-1 could eliminate 95% PRV and 85% PEDV, respectively. The main pharmacokinetics parameters of Cmax, AUC0−∞, Ke, t1/2, Tmax, MRT, and Clb in plasma were not applicable value, 25.9 μg*h/ml, 0.041 h−1, 16.97 h, not available value, 22.77 h, 0.067 L/h*kg after i.v administration, 2.37 μg/ml, 18.95 μg*h/ml, 0.029 h−1, 23.50 h, 0.33 h, 30.12 h, 0.095 L/h*kg after i.m administration and 0.73 μg/ml, 9.63 μg*h/ml, 0.036 h−1, 19.46 h, 0.50 h, 26.76 h, 0.171 L/h*kg after p.o administration. The bioavailability values after i.m and p.o administrations were calculated as 73.17 and 37.18%, respectively. The i.m administration was selected for pharmacokinetics study in ileum content against PEDV. The main pharmacokinetic parameters of Cmax, AUC0−∞, Ke, t1/2, Tmax, MRT, and Clb in ileum content were 1.67 μg/ml, 78.40 μg*h/ml, 0.034 h−1, 20.16 h, 8.12 h, 36.45 h, 0.026 L/h*kg. The Cmax values in plasma (2.37 μg/ml) and ileum content (1.67 μg/ml) were higher than the effective inhibitory concentration determined in the plaque test, and this indicates that Piscidin-1 might have effective inhibition effect against PRV and PEDV after administration of 2 mg/kg i.m. The results of this study represent the first investigations toward the pharmacokinetic characteristics of piscidin-1 in plasma upon three different administration routes, among which i.m. resulted in the highest bioavailability (73.17%). Furthermore, the pharmacokinetics study of ileum content indicated Piscidin-1 might have good effect against PEDV and could be regarded as an alternative antibiotic in clinical veterinary in the future study

    Optimal Regimens and Cutoff Evaluation of Tildipirosin Against Pasteurella multocida

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    Pasteurella multocida (PM) can invade the upper respiratory tract of the body and cause death and high morbidity. Tildipirosin, a new 16-membered-ring macrolide antimicrobial, has been recommended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. The objective of this research was to improve the dose regimes of tildipirosin to PM for reducing the macrolides resistance development with the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling approach and to establish an alternate cutoff for tildipirosin against PM. A single dose (4 mg/kg body weight) of tildipirosin was administered via intramuscular (i.m.) and intravenous (i.v.) injection to the pigs. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of clinical isolates (112) were measured in the range of 0.0625–32 μg/ml, and the MIC50 and MIC90 values were 0.5 and 2 μg/ml, respectively. The MIC of the selected PM04 was 2 and 0.5 μg/ml in the tryptic soy broth (TSB) and serum, respectively. The main pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters including the area under the curve at 24 h (AUC24 h), AUC, terminal half-life (T1/2), the time to peak concentration (Tmax), peak concentration (Cmax), relative total systemic clearance (CLb), and the last mean residence time (MRTlast) were calculated to be 7.10, 7.94 μg∗h/ml, 24.02, NA h, NA μg/ml, 0.46 L/h∗kg, 8.06 h and 3.94, 6.79 μg∗h/ml, 44.04, 0.25 h, 0.98 μg/ml, 0.43 L/h∗kg, 22.85 h after i.v. and i.m. induction, respectively. Moreover, the bioavailability of i.m. route was 85.5%, and the unbinding of tildipirosin to serum protein was 78%. The parameters AUC24 h/MIC in serum for bacteriostatic, bactericidal, and elimination activities were calculated as 18.91, 29.13, and 34.03 h based on the inhibitory sigmoid Emax modeling. According to the Monte Carlo simulation, the optimum doses for bacteriostatic, bactericidal, and elimination activities were 6.10, 9.41, and 10.96 mg/kg for 50% target and 7.86, 12.17, and 14.57 mg/kg for 90% target, respectively. The epidemiological cutoff value (ECV) was calculated to be 4 μg/ml which could cover 95% wild-type clinical isolates distribution. The PK-PD cutoff (COPD) was analyzed to be 0.25 μg/ml in vitro for tildipirosin against PM based on the Monte Carlo simulation. Compared with these two cutoff values, the finial susceptible breakpoint was defined as 4 μg/ml. The data presented now provides the optimal regimens (12.17 mg/kg) and susceptible breakpoint (4 μg/ml) for clinical use, but these predicted data should be validated in the clinical practice

    The Accessory Protein ORF3 Contributes to Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Replication by Direct Binding to the Spike Protein

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    The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is an important swine pathogen responsible for severe watery diarrhea, particularly in neonatal piglets. Despite extensive studies performed to elucidate the function of several viral proteins, the contribution of an accessory protein ORF3 in PEDV replication is still largely unknown. Here, we constructed expression plasmids as well as recombinant PEDV carrying myc-tagged ORF3 to assess their expression and subcellular localization in both transfected and infected cells. In PEDV-infected cells, ORF3 was predominantly localized in the cytoplasm, partially in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus (Golgi). Interestingly, ORF3 with the N-terminal Flag tag was also detected on the cell surface concomitant with the spike (S) protein as determined by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. ORF3 and S proteins were also co-localized at perinuclear compartments and in the vesicle-like structures in transfected and infected cells. We also demonstrated that both full-length and naturally truncated ORF3 proteins could interact with the S protein but with different binding affinity, which correlate with the ability of the protein to regulate virus replication in cell culture. Collectively, our results underscore the unprecedented role of the ORF3, which involves the interaction of ORF3 with S and, possibly, other structural protein during PEDV replication

    Broad activity against porcine bacterial pathogens displayed by two insect antimicrobial peptides moricin and cecropin B

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    In response to infection, insects produce a variety of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) to kill the invading pathogens. To study their physicochemical properties and bioactivities for clinical and commercial use in the porcine industry, we chemically synthesized the mature peptides Bombyx mori moricin and Hyalophora cecropia cecropin B. In this paper, we described the antimicrobial activity of the two AMPs. Moricin exhibited antimicrobial activity on eight strains tested with minimal inhibitory concentration values (MICs) ranging between 8 and 128 mu g/ml, while cecropin B mainly showed antimicrobial activity against the Gramnegative strains with MICs ranging from 0.5 to 16 mu g/ml. Compared to the potent antimicrobial activity these two AMPs displayed against most of the bacterial pathogens tested, they exhibited limited hemolytic activity against porcine red blood cells. The activities of moricin and cecropin B against Haemophilus parasuis SH 0165 were studied in further detail. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of moricin and cecropin B treated H. parasuis SH 0165 indicated extensive damage to the membranes of the bacteria. Insights into the probable mechanism utilized by moricin and cecropin B to eliminate pathogens are also presented. The observations from this study are important for the future application of AMPs in the porcine industry
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