4 research outputs found

    Flexible Neural Image Compression via Code Editing

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    Neural image compression (NIC) has outperformed traditional image codecs in rate-distortion (R-D) performance. However, it usually requires a dedicated encoder-decoder pair for each point on R-D curve, which greatly hinders its practical deployment. While some recent works have enabled bitrate control via conditional coding, they impose strong prior during training and provide limited flexibility. In this paper we propose Code Editing, a highly flexible coding method for NIC based on semi-amortized inference and adaptive quantization. Our work is a new paradigm for variable bitrate NIC. Furthermore, experimental results show that our method surpasses existing variable-rate methods, and achieves ROI coding and multi-distortion trade-off with a single decoder.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Conditional Perceptual Quality Preserving Image Compression

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    We propose conditional perceptual quality, an extension of the perceptual quality defined in \citet{blau2018perception}, by conditioning it on user defined information. Specifically, we extend the original perceptual quality d(pX,pX^)d(p_{X},p_{\hat{X}}) to the conditional perceptual quality d(pX∣Y,pX^∣Y)d(p_{X|Y},p_{\hat{X}|Y}), where XX is the original image, X^\hat{X} is the reconstructed, YY is side information defined by user and d(.,.)d(.,.) is divergence. We show that conditional perceptual quality has similar theoretical properties as rate-distortion-perception trade-off \citep{blau2019rethinking}. Based on these theoretical results, we propose an optimal framework for conditional perceptual quality preserving compression. Experimental results show that our codec successfully maintains high perceptual quality and semantic quality at all bitrate. Besides, by providing a lowerbound of common randomness required, we settle the previous arguments on whether randomness should be incorporated into generator for (conditional) perceptual quality compression. The source code is provided in supplementary material

    Bit Allocation using Optimization

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of bit allocation in neural video compression (NVC). Due to the frame reference structure, current NVC methods using the same R-D (Rate-Distortion) trade-off parameter λ\lambda for all frames are suboptimal, which brings the need for bit allocation. Unlike previous methods based on heuristic and empirical R-D models, we propose to solve this problem by gradient-based optimization. Specifically, we first propose a continuous bit implementation method based on Semi-Amortized Variational Inference (SAVI). Then, we propose a pixel-level implicit bit allocation method using iterative optimization by changing the SAVI target. Moreover, we derive the precise R-D model based on the differentiable trait of NVC. And we show the optimality of our method by proofing its equivalence to the bit allocation with precise R-D model. Experimental results show that our approach significantly improves NVC methods and outperforms existing bit allocation methods. Our approach is plug-and-play for all differentiable NVC methods, and it can be directly adopted on existing pre-trained models