729 research outputs found

    Realization of a Resonant Fermi Gas with a Large Effective Range

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    We have measured the interaction energy and three-body recombination rate for a two-component Fermi gas near a narrow Feshbach resonance and found both to be strongly energy dependent. Even for deBroglie wavelengths greatly exceeding the van der Waals length scale, the behavior of the interaction energy as a function of temperature cannot be described by atoms interacting via a contact potential. Rather, energy-dependent corrections beyond the scattering length approximation are required, indicating a resonance with an anomalously large effective range. For fields where the molecular state is above threshold, the rate of three-body recombination is enhanced by a sharp, two-body resonance arising from the closed-channel molecular state which can be magnetically tuned through the continuum. This narrow resonance can be used to study strongly correlated Fermi gases that simultaneously have a sizeable effective range and a large scattering length.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Three-body recombination in a three-state Fermi gas with widely tunable interactions

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    We investigate the stability of a three spin state mixture of ultracold fermionic 6^6Li atoms over a range of magnetic fields encompassing three Feshbach resonances. For most field values, we attribute decay of the atomic population to three-body processes involving one atom from each spin state and find that the three-body loss coefficient varies by over four orders of magnitude. We observe high stability when at least two of the three scattering lengths are small, rapid loss near the Feshbach resonances, and two unexpected resonant loss features. At our highest fields, where all pairwise scattering lengths are approaching at=−2140a0a_t = -2140 a_0, we measure a three-body loss coefficient L3≃5×10−22cm6/sL_3 \simeq 5\times 10^{-22} \mathrm{cm}^6/\mathrm{s} and a trend toward lower decay rates for higher fields indicating that future studies of color superfluidity and trion formation in a SU(3) symmetric Fermi gas may be feasible

    Epistemic Schmagency?

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    Constructivist approaches in epistemology and ethics offer a promising account of normativity. But constructivism faces a powerful Schmagency Objection, raised by David Enoch. While Enoch’s objection has been widely discussed in the context of practical norms, no one has yet explored how the Schmagency Objection might undermine epistemic constructivism. In this paper, I rectify that gap. First, I develop the objection against a prominent form of epistemic constructivism, Belief Constitutivism. Belief Constitutivism is susceptible to a Schmagency Objection, I argue, because it locates the source of normativity in the belief rather than the agent. In the final section, I propose a version of epistemic constructivism that locates epistemic normativity as constitutive of agency. I argue that this version has the resources to respond to the Schmagency Objection

    Inter-laboratory Variation in the Chemical Analysis of Acidic Forest Soil Reference Samples from Eastern North America

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    Long-term forest soil monitoring and research often requires a comparison of laboratory data generated at different times and in different laboratories. Quantifying the uncertainty associated with these analyses is necessary to assess temporal changes in soil properties. Forest soil chemical properties, and methods to measure these properties, often differ from agronomic and horticultural soils. Soil proficiency programs do not generally include forest soil samples that are highly acidic, high in extractable Al, low in extractable Ca and often high in carbon. To determine the uncertainty associated with specific analytical methods for forest soils, we collected and distributed samples from two soil horizons (Oa and Bs) to 15 laboratories in the eastern United States and Canada. Soil properties measured included total organic carbon and nitrogen, pH and exchangeable cations. Overall, results were consistent despite some differences in methodology. We calculated the median absolute deviation (MAD) for each measurement and considered the acceptable range to be the median 6 2.5 3 MAD. Variability among laboratories was usually as low as the typical variability within a laboratory. A few areas of concern include a lack of consistency in the measurement and expression of results on a dry weight basis, relatively high variability in the C/N ratio in the Bs horizon, challenges associated with determining exchangeable cations at concentrations near the lower reporting range of some laboratories and the operationally defined nature of aluminum extractability. Recommendations include a continuation of reference forest soil exchange programs to quantify the uncertainty associated with these analyses in conjunction with ongoing efforts to review and standardize laboratory methods

    Trajectories of Early Brain Volume Development in Fragile X Syndrome and Autism

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    To examine patterns of early brain growth in young children with fragile X syndrome (FXS) compared to a comparison group (controls) and a group with idiopathic autism

    CD74 deficiency ameliorates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced ocular infection

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    Eye trauma and contact lens wear are the main factors that predispose to the development of infectious keratitis. The existing therapies fail to control the inflammation-driven tissue damage that occurs during Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Antibiotic treatment reduces bacterial burdens, but better interventions are needed to alleviate tissue damage resulting from local inflammation. We have previously documented that inhibition of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) reduces the bacterial levels and the inflammatory damage during keratitis. Here, we report that mice deficient for CD74, the putative MIF receptor, developed milder Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced disease, characterized by decreased proinflammatory mediators and reduced bacterial presence in the cornea. However, topical inhibition of MIF using antibodies applied to the cornea further promoted recovery from disease, suggesting that in addition to MIF-dependent signaling events, MIF-triggered CD74-independent signaling pathways regulate sensitization to P. aeruginosa-induced infection
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