108 research outputs found

    Teasing apart the heterogeneity of autism: Same behavior, different brains in toddlers with fragile X syndrome and autism

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    pre-printTo examine brain volumes in substructures associated with the behavioral features of children with FXS compared to children with idiopathic autism and controls. A cross-sectional study of brain substructures was conducted at the first time-point as part of an ongoing longitudinal MRI study of brain development in FXS. The study included 52 boys between 18-42 months of age with FXS and 118 comparison children (boys with autism-non FXS, developmental-delay, and typical development). Children with FXS and autistic disorder had substantially enlarged caudate volume and smaller amygdala volume; whereas those children with autistic disorder without FXS (i.e., idiopathic autism) had only modest enlargement in their caudate nucleus volumes but more robust enlargement of their amygdala volumes. Although we observed this double dissociation among selected brain volumes, no significant differences in severity of autistic behavior between these groups were observed. This study offers a unique examination of early brain development in two disorders, FXS and idiopathic autism, with overlapping behavioral features, but two distinct patterns of brain morphology.We observed that despite almost a third of our FXS sample meeting criteria for autism, the profile of brain volume differences for children with FXS and autism differed from those with idiopathic autism. These findings underscore the importance of addressing heterogeneity in studies of autistic behavior

    Neural Connectivity Evidence for a Categorical-Dimensional Hybrid Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) encompasses a complex presentation of symptoms that include deficits in social interaction and repetitive or stereotyped interests/behaviors. In keeping with the increasing recognition of both the dimensional characteristics of ASD symptoms and the categorical nature of a diagnosis, we sought to delineate their neural mechanisms based on the functional connectivity of four known neural networks (i.e., the default-mode network, the dorsal attention network, the salience network, and the executive control network)

    Longitudinal Study of Amygdala Volume and Joint Attention in 2- to 4-Year-Old Children With Autism

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    CONTEXT: Cerebral cortical volume enlargement has been reported in 2- to 4-year-olds with autism. Little is known about the volume of subregions during this period of development. The amygdala is hypothesized to be abnormal in volume and related to core clinical features in autism. OBJECTIVES: To examine amygdala volume at 2 years with follow-up at 4 years of age in children with autism and to explore the relationship between amygdala volume and selected behavioral features of autism. DESIGN: Longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study. SETTING: University medical setting. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty autistic and 33 control (11 developmentally delayed, 22 typically developing) children between 18 and 35 months (2 years) of age followed up at 42 to 59 months (4 years) of age. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Amygdala volumes in relation to joint attention ability measured with a new observational coding system, the Social Orienting Continuum and Response Scale; group comparisons including total tissue volume, sex, IQ, and age as covariates. RESULTS: Amygdala enlargement was observed in subjects with autism at both 2 and 4 years of age. Significant change over time in volume was observed, although the rate of change did not differ between groups. Amygdala volume was associated with joint attention ability at age 4 years in subjects with autism. CONCLUSIONS: The amygdala is enlarged in autism relative to controls by age 2 years but shows no relative increase in magnitude between 2 and 4 years of age. A significant association between amygdala volume and joint attention suggests that alterations to this structure may be linked to a core deficit of autism

    Early white-matter abnormalities of the ventral frontostriatal pathway in fragile X syndrome

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    AIM—Fragile X syndrome is associated with cognitive deficits in inhibitory control and with abnormal neuronal morphology and development. METHOD—In this study, we used a diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography approach to reconstruct white-matter fibers in the ventral frontostriatal pathway in young males with fragile X syndrome (n=17; mean age 2y 9mo, SD 7mo, range 1y 7mo–3y 10mo), and two age-matched comparison groups: (1) typically developing (n=13; mean age 2y 3mo, SD 7mo, range 1y 7mo–3y 6mo) and (2) developmentally delayed (n=8; mean age 3y, SD 4mo, range 2y 9mo–3y 8mo). RESULTS—We observed that young males with fragile X syndrome exhibited increased density of DTI reconstructed fibers than those in the typically developing (p=0.001) and developmentally delayed (p=0.001) groups. Aberrant white-matter structure was localized in the left ventral frontostriatal pathway. Greater relative fiber density was found to be associated with lower IQ (Mullen composite scores) in the typically developing group (p=0.008). INTERPRETATION—These data suggest that diminished or absent fragile X mental retardation 1 protein expression can selectively alter white-matter anatomy during early brain development and, in particular, neural pathways. The results also point to an early neurobiological marker for an important component of cognitive dysfunction associated with fragile X syndrome

    Longitudinal identification of clinically distinct neurophenotypes in young children with fragile X syndrome

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), due to mutations of the FMR1 gene, is the most common known inherited cause of developmental disability. The cognitive, behavioral, and neurological phenotypes observed in affected individuals can vary considerably, making it difficult to predict outcomes and determine the need for interventions. We sought to examine early structural brain growth as a potential marker for identification of clinically meaningful subgroups. Participants included 42 very young boys with FXS who completed a T1-weighted anatomical MRI and cognitive/behavioral assessment at two longitudinal time points, with mean ages of 2.89 y and 4.91 y. Topological data analysis (TDA), an unsupervised approach to multivariate pattern analysis, was applied to the longitudinal anatomical data to identify coherent but heretofore unknown subgroups. TDA revealed two large subgroups within the study population based solely on longitudinal MRI data. Post hoc comparisons of cognition, adaptive functioning, and autism severity scores between these groups demonstrated that one group was consistently higher functioning on all measures at both time points, with pronounced and significant unidirectional differences (P < 0.05 for time point 1 and/or time point 2 for each measure). These results support the existence of two longitudinally defined, neuroanatomically distinct, and clinically relevant phenotypes among boys with FXS. If confirmed by additional analyses, such information may be used to predict outcomes and guide design of targeted therapies. Furthermore, TDA of longitudinal anatomical MRI data may represent a useful method for reliably and objectively defining subtypes within other neuropsychiatric disorders

    Testing for association of the monoamine oxidase A promoter polymorphism with brain structure volumes in both autism and the fragile X syndrome

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    Abstract Background Autism and the fragile X syndrome (FXS) are related to each other genetically and symptomatically. A cardinal biological feature of both disorders is abnormalities of cerebral cortical brain volumes. We have previously shown that the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) promoter polymorphism is associated with cerebral cortical volumes in children with autism, and we now sought to determine whether the association was also present in children with FXS. Methods Participants included 47 2-year-old Caucasian boys with FXS, some of whom also had autism, as well as 34 2-year-old boys with idiopathic autism analyzed in a previous study. The MAOA promoter polymorphism was genotyped and tested for relationships with gray and white matter volumes of the cerebral cortical lobes and cerebro-spinal fluid volume of the lateral ventricles. Results MAOA genotype effects in FXS children were the same as those previously observed in idiopathic autism: the low activity MAOA promoter polymorphism allele was associated with increased gray and white matter volumes in all cerebral lobes. The effect was most pronounced in frontal lobe gray matter and all three white matter regions: frontal gray, F = 4.39, P = 0.04; frontal white, F = 5.71, P = 0.02; temporal white, F = 4.73, P = 0.04; parieto-occipital white, F = 5.00, P = 0.03. Analysis of combined FXS and idiopathic autism samples produced P values for these regions <0.01 and effect sizes of approximately 0.10. Conclusions The MAOA promoter polymorphism is similarly associated with brain structure volumes in both idiopathic autism and FXS. These data illuminate a number of important aspects of autism and FXS heritability: a genetic effect on a core biological trait of illness, the specificity/generalizability of the genetic effect, and the utility of examining individual genetic effects on the background of a single gene disorder such as FXS

    Repetitive and self-injurious behaviors: associations with caudate volume in autism and fragile X syndrome

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    Abstract Background Following from previous work suggesting that neurobehavioral features distinguish fragile X and idiopathic variants of autism, we investigated the relationships between four forms of repetitive behavior (stereotypy, self-injury, compulsivity, ritual behavior) and caudate nuclei volume in two groups: boys with fragile X syndrome, a subset of whom met criteria for autism, and a comparison group of boys with idiopathic autism. Methods Bilateral caudate nuclei volumes were measured in boys aged 3 to 6 years with fragile X syndrome (n = 41), the subset of boys with fragile X syndrome and autism (n = 16), and boys with idiopathic autism (n = 30). Repetitive behaviors were measured using the Repetitive Behavior Scales-Revised. Results For boys with idiopathic autism, left caudate volume was modestly associated with self-injury, while both compulsive and ritual behaviors showed significant positive correlations with bilateral caudate nuclei volumes, replicating previous results. For boys with fragile X syndrome, there was no such association between caudate volume and compulsive behaviors. However, we did identify significant positive correlations between self-injury total scores and number of self-injury topographies with bilateral caudate nuclei volumes. Conclusions These findings suggest a specific role for the caudate nucleus in the early pathogenesis of self-injurious behavior associated with both idiopathic autism and fragile X syndrome. Results further indicate that the caudate may be differentially associated with compulsive behavior, highlighting the utility of isolating discrete brain-behavior associations within and between subtypes of autism spectrum disorder

    Frontolimbic neural circuitry at 6 months predicts individual differences in joint attention at 9 months

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    Elucidating the neural basis of joint attention in infancy promises to yield important insights into the development of language and social cognition, and directly informs developmental models of autism. We describe a new method for evaluating responding to joint attention performance in infancy that highlights the 9- to 10-month period as a time interval of maximal individual differences. We then demonstrate that fractional anisotropy in the right uncinate fasciculus, a white matter fiber bundle connecting the amygdala to the ventral-medial prefrontal cortex and anterior temporal pole, measured in 6-month-olds predicts individual differences in responding to joint attention at 9 months of age. The white matter microstructure of the right uncinate was not related to receptive language ability at 9 months. These findings suggest that the development of core nonverbal social communication skills in infancy is largely supported by preceding developments within right lateralized frontotemporal brain systems

    Morphometric Spatial Patterns Differentiating Boys With Fragile X Syndrome, Typically Developing Boys, and Developmentally Delayed Boys Aged 1 to 3 Years

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    Brain maturation starts well before birth and occurs as a unified process with developmental interaction among different brain regions. Gene and environment play large roles in such process. Studies of genetic disorders such as fragile X syndrome (FXS) which is a disorder caused by a single gene mutation resulting in abnormal dendritic and synaptic pruning, together with healthy individuals may provide valuable information

    Development of white matter circuitry in infants with fragile x syndrome

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    IMPORTANCE Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder and the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability in males. However, there are no published data on brain development in children with FXS during infancy. OBJECTIVE To characterize the development of white matter at ages 6, 12, and 24 months in infants with FXS compared with that of typically developing controls. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Longitudinal behavioral and brain imaging datawere collected at 1 or more time points from 27 infants with FXS and 73 typically developing controls between August 1, 2008, and June 14, 2016, at 2 academic medical centers. Infants in the control group had no first- or second-degree relatives with intellectual or psychiatric disorders, including FXS and autism spectrum disorder. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Nineteen major white matter pathwayswere defined in common atlas space based on anatomically informed methods. Diffusion parameters, including fractional anisotropy, were compared between groups using linear mixed effects modeling. Fiber pathways showing group differences were subsequently examined in association with direct measures of verbal and nonverbal development. RESULTS There were significant differences in the development of 12 of 19 fiber tracts between the 27 infants with FXS (22 boys and 5 girls) and the 73 infants in the control group (46 boys and 27 girls), with lower fractional anisotropy in bilateral subcortical-frontal, occipital-temporal, temporal-frontal, and cerebellar-thalamic pathways, as well as 4 of 6 subdivisions of the corpus callosum. For all 12 of these pathways, there were significant main effects between groups but not for the interaction of age Ă— group, indicating that lower fractional anisotropy was present and stable from age 6 months in infants with FXS. Lower fractional anisotropy values in the uncinate fasciculi were correlated with lower nonverbal developmental quotient in the FXS group (left uncinate, F = 10.06; false discovery rate-corrected P = .03; right uncinate, F = 21.8; P = .004). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The results substantiate in human infants the essential role of fragile X gene expression in the early development of white matter. The findings also suggest that the neurodevelopmental effects of FXS are well established at 6 months of age
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