8 research outputs found

    Presenting as a Mastoid Abscess

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    Introduction. Congenital cholesteatoma is a pearly white mass that rarely originates from the mastoid process. Case Report. A 21-year-old male patient presented to our department with severe right mastoid pain and postauricular fluctuant swelling for 23 days. There was no preceding history of ear complaints and examination showed a normal right ear drum. Emergency exploration of the mastoid process was done on the same day and revealed localized cholesteatoma limited only to the mastoid cavity. Conclusion. Despite a rarity, the mastoid process should be always put in mind as a site of origin for congenital cholesteatoma

    Osteoma Presenting as a Painless Solitary Mastoid Swelling

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    Introduction. Osteoma of the temporal bone is a very uncommon benign tumor of bone. Osteomas may occur in the external auditory canals but are reported to be very rare in the mastoid bone. Case Report. A 36-year-old male presented to our department with a hard swelling behind the right ear diagnosed as osteoma. Complete excision was done through a postauricular approach. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of osteoma. Conclusion. Osteomas, although rare, should be considered when dealing with any hard mastoid swelling. Complete removal can be ensured by drilling till the normal cortical bone is reached to avoid recurrence. A cortical mastoidectomy should be done if the mastoid air cell system is involved

    Congenital Cholesteatoma Localized to the Mastoid Cavity and Presenting as a Mastoid Abscess

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    Introduction. Congenital cholesteatoma is a pearly white mass that rarely originates from the mastoid process. Case Report. A 21-year-old male patient presented to our department with severe right mastoid pain and postauricular fluctuant swelling for 23 days. There was no preceding history of ear complaints and examination showed a normal right ear drum. Emergency exploration of the mastoid process was done on the same day and revealed localized cholesteatoma limited only to the mastoid cavity. Conclusion. Despite a rarity, the mastoid process should be always put in mind as a site of origin for congenital cholesteatoma

    A Surprising Finding after External Ear Polypectomy in a Deaf Mute Patient

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    Introduction. External auditory canal polyps usually reflect an inflammatory process. Rarely, they may reflect a serious condition that warrants urgent intervention. Case Report. A 19-year-old deaf mute female presented to our department with persistent left ear discharge and a reddish mass in the ear. After surgery, the cause was identified as a neglected foreign body. Tympanic membrane was intact. Conclusion. Aural polyp that is resistant to medical treatment should raise the suspicion of an inflammatory polyp with underlying chronic suppurative otitis media or foreign body. Rarer neoplastic and immunological causes should also be considered