85 research outputs found

    Magidor-Malitz Reflection

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    In this paper we investigate the consequences and consistency of the downward L\"owenheim-Skolem theorem for extension of the first order logic by the Magidor-Malitz quantifier. We derive some combinatorial results and improve the known upper bound for the consistency of Chang's Conjecture at successor of singular cardinals

    Restrictions on Forcings That Change Cofinalities

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    In this paper we investigate some properties of forcing which can be considered "nice" in the context of singularizing regular cardinals to have an uncountable cofinality. We show that such forcing which changes cofinality of a regular cardinal, cannot be too nice and must cause some "damage" to the structure of cardinals and stationary sets. As a consequence there is no analogue to the Prikry forcing, in terms of "nice" properties, when changing cofinalities to be uncountable.Comment: 8 pages; post-refereeing versio

    Partial strong compactness and squares

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    In this paper we analyze the connection between some properties of partially strongly compact cardinals: the completion of filters of certain size and instances of the compactness of Lκ,κ\mathcal{L}_{\kappa,\kappa}. Using this equivalence we show that if any κ\kappa-complete filter on λ\lambda can be extended to a κ\kappa-complete ultrafilter and λ<κ=λ\lambda^{<\kappa} = \lambda then □(μ)\square(\mu) fails for all regular μ∈[κ,2λ]\mu\in[\kappa,2^\lambda]. As an application, we improve the lower bound for the consistency strength of κ\kappa-compactness, a case which was explicitly considered by Mitchell

    On Foreman's maximality principle

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    In this paper we consider the Foreman's maximality principle, which says that any non-trivial forcing notion either adds a new real or collapses some cardinals. We prove the consistency of some of its consequences. We prove that it is consistent that every c.c.c.c.c.c. forcing adds a real and that for every uncountable regular cardinal κ\kappa, every κ\kappa-closed forcing of size 2<κ2^{<\kappa} collapses some cardinals.Comment: The proof of Lemma 6.3 has changed, and the large cardinal assumption used in earlier version is reduce

    On the consistency of local and global versions of Chang's Conjecture

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    We show that for many pairs of infinite cardinals κ>μ+>μ\kappa > \mu^+ > \mu, (κ+,κ)↠(μ+,μ)(\kappa^{+}, \kappa)\twoheadrightarrow (\mu^+, \mu) is consistent relative to the consistency of a supercompact cardinal. We also show that it is consistent, relative to a huge cardinal that (κ+,κ)↠(μ+,μ)(\kappa^{+}, \kappa)\twoheadrightarrow (\mu^+, \mu) for every successor cardinal κ\kappa and every μ<κ\mu < \kappa, answering a question of Foreman.Comment: Fixed a proof for Lemma 4

    The strong tree property and weak square

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    We show that it is consistent, relative to ω\omega many supercompact cardinals, that the super tree property holds at ℵn\aleph_n for all 2≤n<ω2 \leq n < \omega but there are weak square and a very good scale at ℵω\aleph_{\omega}

    Destructibility of the tree property at ℵω+1\aleph_{\omega+1}

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    We construct a model in which the tree property holds in ℵω+1\aleph_{\omega + 1} and it is destructible under Col(ω,ω1)\text{Col}(\omega, \omega_1). On the other hand we discuss some cases in which the tree property is indestructible under small or closed forcings

    Magidor cardinals

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    We define Magidor cardinals as J\'onsson cardinals upon replacing colorings of finite subsets by colorings of ℵ0\aleph_0-bounded subsets. Unlike J\'onsson cardinals which appear at some low level of large cardinals, we prove the consistency of having quite large cardinals along with the fact that no Magidor cardinal exists

    The tree property on a countable segment of successors of singular cardinals

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    Starting from the existence of many supercompact cardinals, we construct a model of ZFC in which the tree property holds at a countable segment of successor of singular cardinals

    Square and Delta reflection

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    Starting from infinitely many supercompact cardinals, we force a model of ZFC where ℵω2+1\aleph_{\omega^2+1} satisfies simultaneously a strong principle of reflection, called Δ\Delta-reflection, and a version of the square principle, denoted □(ℵω2+1).\square(\aleph_{\omega^2+1}). Thus we show that ℵω2+1\aleph_{\omega^2+1} can satisfy simultaneously a strong reflection principle and an anti-reflection principle
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