8 research outputs found

    Demand Side Management in the Cooling Supply of Brewing Processes

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    Due to the increasing supply of volatile renewable energy, demand side management on the consumer side by temporally shifting electrical power demand is needed. Industrial cooling systems in particular offer great energy-flexibility potential since cooling energy is mostly electrically generated and almost all cooling systems already have thermal energy storage. Compared to other industrial sectors, the share of cooling energy demand in the food and beverage industry is particularly high. Especially in breweries, where large beer tanks require cooling, promising energy-flexibility potentials are expected. In order to quantify the technical energy-flexibility potential in the brewing process, relevant thermal energy consumers and process parameters are identified in a first step. Then, various energy-flexibility measures as well as their possible implementation barriers are identified and compared in terms of their technical energy-flexibility potential. The potential of the most promising energy-flexibility measure is then examined in detail by taking the cooling power demand and operating duration into consideration. The analysis shows that the focused beer cooling process in the storage tanks, accounts for around 45 % of the total cooling demand and can be shifted in time by up to 96 hours. Finally, the economic energy-flexibility potentials are determined. Taking advantage of the lowest electricity prices within one week, the results of a retrospectively optimized operation strategy show that energy cost savings of approx. 9 % can be achieved, without taking possibly increasing energy price fluctuations into account

    Energieeffiziente Bauteil­trocknung durch Abwärmenutzung

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    Im Rahmen des Projekts LoTuS wird die Bauteiltrocknung untersucht und hinsichtlich der Energieeffizienz optimiert. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine energieeffiziente Durchlaufreinigungsanlage als Forschungsanlage entwickelt und in Betrieb genommen. Zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz wird eine Wärmerückgewinnung aus verschiedenen Anlagenkomponenten und deren Nutzung in maschineninternen Prozessen untersucht. Hierzu werden verschiedene Abwärmenutzungskonzepte simuliert und bewertet, um diese bereits bei der Anlagenkonstruktion zu berücksichtigen. Energy efficient parts drying through waste heat utilization — Integrated thermal planning of a throughput cleaning machine for internal waste heat utilization The objective of the LoTuS project is to investigate and optimize parts drying, including the development and construction of a throughput cleaning machine as a research prototype. To increase energy efficiency, the waste heat of various machine components as well as their utilization in internal machine processes are examined. Different waste utilization schemes are simulated and assessed and then considered during machine construction

    Development of energy flexible and sustainable operation strategies of air conditioning systems for industrial production environments

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    The increasing expansion of renewable energies and the shortage of fossil fuels lead to rising and increasingly fluctuating energy prices. To benefit from these significant fluctuations and to become less dependent on fossil energy sources, this paper shows how the electricity demand of cooling supply systems for industrial room air conditioning can be flexibly adapted to the volatile energy supply. For this purpose, an energy-flexible air-conditioned climate room with a smart chiller and thermal storage units was built as a demonstrator at the ETA research factory at the Technical University of Darmstadt. To determine the energy flexibilization potential and to develop flexible operating strategies, a thermal simulation model of the climate room was also created in the simulation environment Dymola and experimentally validated. In addition, an energy-flexible operation of the climate room was validated on the real system and the economic potential was determined as well as the impact on sustainability was derived. The demonstrator shows that in the application scenario of air conditioning of cold storage facilities 26.3 % of electricity costs and 20.6 % of CO2 emissions can be saved by the developed energy-flexible operating strategies. The findings can be transferred and scaled to different cooling supply systems for industrial air conditioning

    Effiziente Trocknung mit Induktion und Infrarot: Einsparpotenzial alternativer Trocknungsarten für eine energieeffiziente Bauteiltrocknung

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    In der metallverarbeitenden Industrie wächst mit steigenden Qualitätsanforderungen die Bedeutung der Bauteilreinigung und -trocknung in der Wertschöpfungskette. Vor dem Hintergrund steigender Energiepreise und klimapolitischer Ziele besteht die Motivation, die Energieeffizienz der Bauteiltrocknung zu steigern. Zu diesem Zweck sollen neben einem Referenzfall die Infrarot- und die Induktionstrocknung als alternative Trocknungstechnologien untersucht sowie deren Energieeinsparpotenzial ermittelt werden. Higher quality requirements in the metal-processing industry are increasing the importance of processes such as parts cleaning and drying along the value chain. Rising energy prices and climate policy goals provide an incentive to improve energy efficiency in parts drying. This paper assesses infrared and induction drying as alternative drying technologies aginst a reference case, and determines the energy-saving potentials of these technologies

    Phasenwechselmaterialspeicher zur Lastflexibilisierung von Werkzeugmaschinen: Energieflexible Werkzeugmaschinenkühlung

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    Im Rahmen des vom BMWi geförderten Projekts "Phi-Factory" am Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen (PTW) der Technischen Universität Darmstadt wurden, angesichts des steigenden Anteils fluktuierend einspeisender Stromerzeuger, technische Potenziale zur energetischen Flexibilisierung von Produktionsanlagen und Industrieprozessen untersucht. Im Bereich der Kühlung von Werkzeugmaschinen bietet der Einsatz von innovativen Phasenwechselmaterialspeichern die Möglichkeit, Lastflexibilisierung auf Maschinenebene umzusetzen, ohne den Fertigungsprozess zu beeinflussen. Zur experimentellen Untersuchung dieser Speicher wurde ein Demonstrator aufgebaut an dem ein parallel entwickelter "digitaler Zwilling" validiert wurde