156 research outputs found

    Analysis of turbulent flow on different arrangement of bio-balls using computational fluid dynamics

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    This paper aims to study the behavior of an attached growth reactor using CFD simulation. In order to benefit the engineering design of an attached growth reactor, ANSYS Fluent was used to make a simulation and visualize the flow pattern. The main purpose of this simulation is to prevent clogging by understanding the wastewater flow pattern inside the reactor. The investigation has focused on the effects of bio-ball arrangement with different distances in between using computational fluid dynamics and also the effects of bio-ball geometry in water flow pattern. Two different bio-balls were used in the simulation. They are fin ball and spike ball. From the results, it has been proven that arrangement of bio-balls with bigger distance in between have the better distribution of water flow. Better distribution of water flow around the water flow can increase the microorganism growth on the surface of bio-ball.Keywords: simulation; bio-balls; computational fluid dynamics

    Classical vs Quantum Annealing and Manifold Reduction in Soft-Spin Minimizers of Ising Hamiltonians

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    We investigate the minimization of the Ising Hamiltonians, comparing the dynamics of semi-classical soft-spin models with quantum annealing. We systematically analyze how the energy landscape for the circulant couplings of a Mobius graph evolves with increased annealing parameters. Our findings indicate that these semi-classical models face challenges due to a widening dimensionality landscape. To counteract this issue, we introduce the `manifold reduction' method, which restricts the soft-spin amplitudes to a defined phase space region. Concurrently, quantum annealing demonstrates a natural capability to navigate the Ising Hamiltonian's energy landscape due to its operation within the comprehensive Hilbert space. Our study indicates that physics-inspired or physics-enhanced optimizers will likely benefit from a blend of classical and quantum annealing techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Microscopic theory of Bose–Einstein condensation of magnons at room temperature

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    A quantised spin wave – magnon – in magnetic films can undergo Bose- Einstein condensation into two energetically degenerate lowest-energy quan- tum states with non-zero wave vectors ±kBEC. This corresponds to two in- terfering condensates forming spontaneously in momentum space. Brillouin Light Scattering studies for a microwave-pumped film with sub-micrometer spatial resolution experimentally confirm the existence of the two wave- functions and show that their interference results in a non-uniform ground state of the condensate with the density oscillating in space. Moreover, fork dislocations in the density fringes provide direct experimental evidence for the formation of pinned half quantum vortices in the magnon condensate. The measured amplitude of the density oscillation implies the formation of a non-symmetric state that corresponds to non equal occupation of two en- ergy minima. We discuss the experimental findings and consider the theory of magnon condensates which includes, to leading order, the contribution from the non-condensed magnons. The e↵ect of the non-condensed magnon cloud is to increase the contrast of the asymmetric state and to bring about the experimental measurements

    Analytical and numerical predictions of the thermal performance of multi-layered lattice structures

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    The recent development of additive manufacturing has allowed complex geometries such as multi-layered lattice structures to be designed for different applications, including heat transfer. Performing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses on each new design iteration of lattice structures would require high computational time and cost. An analytical model has therefore been developed, able to rapidly and cost-effectively predict the heat transfer of complex lattice structures. The numerical code has been written for a given multi-layered lattice sample and a two-step approach with fin analogy has been applied to determine the mean outlet fluid temperature and the total heat dissipation for air as the working fluid. CFD simulations have also been performed and results compared to the analytical ones. A very good agreement is obtained between numerical and analytical results under the defined industrial operating conditions of the complex lattice structures, showing that such analytical model can be quickly and efficiently applied to evaluate the thermal performance of multi-layered lattice structures

    Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Uplink with Underlay Spectrum Sharing

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    The present study was intended to reveal the validity of Toxocell (Biokit, Spain) latex agglutination test as screening test. The rate of toxoplasma antibodies distribution in randomly selected subjects was estimated. The sensitivity and specificity of the test were conducted in comparison to the "gold standard" reference test Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA, BioCheck, Inc).Fifty two adult persons (31 females and 21 males) were enrolled in this study. Twenty (38.4%) serum samples out of 52 subjects were positive for toxoplasma antibodies by direct latex agglutination test (DLA). The prevalence of toxoplasma antibodies in females and males were 54.8% and 14.28%, respectively. Among twenty DLA sera positive, only 5(25%) serum samples were positive with toxoplasma IgG ELISA test, three females and two males. However, the results of IgM ELISA assay were positive for only two (10%) female serum samples. None of negative DLA serum samples gave positive results with neither IgG nor IgM ELISA assay.The sensitivity and specificity and positive predictive value (PPV) of DLA test ( in comparison to IgM ELISA assay) were 100%, 64% and 10%, respectively. We concluded that in spite of low specificity of latex agglutination test, it was probably more suitable for laboratories in remote area as screening test where ELISA facility was unavailable

    Long Term Stability Study of Miconazole Muco–Adhesive Tablets

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    Stability is the ability of a drug substance or drug product to remain within established specifications to maintain its identity, strength, quality, and purity throughout the retest or expiration dating periods. Physical, chemical data are generated as a function of time and storage conditions. The purpose of this study is design to evaluate of the stability life of Miconazole muco-adhesive tablets in experiential formula. Tablets used in the Stability study were prepared in three different batches with same preparing percentages. Long-term testing was cover a 180 days duration for three different batches at the time of study. Prepared tablets were storied under conditions of high relative humidity and temperatures that applies particularly to solid stability tests. The prepared samples were analyzed according USP 27 methods of analysis. Assays were performed by HPLC while the dissolution was performed by UV analysis. The assays, dissolutions and disintegration values predicated stable formula under long term stability study conditions. These results had shown non significant changes (p>0.05) for assay and disintegration over 3 years. This formula provided successful distribution of Miconazole in mucoadhesive tablet for mass production. This formula could be achieved for oral disease with high efficienc

    Person identification using gait

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    In this paper, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with and without Radon Transform (RT) are applied for gait recognition purposes. The Radon Transform is used to detect features within an image and PCA is used to the reduce dimension of the images without much loss of information. The side view of slow walk, fast walk and carrying a ball walk have been selected from the CMU MoBo database for experimental purposes. The two techniques experimental result achieved equal recognition rates (EER) of 85.40%, 78.07% and 90.05% for RT with PCA and 85.18%, 80%, and 89.90% for PCA only for slow walk, fast walk and carrying a ball walk respectively
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