20,855 research outputs found

    Two quantum analogues of Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation

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    We discuss two quantum analogues of Fisher information, symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) Fisher information and Kubo-Mori-Bogoljubov (KMB) Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation and prove that the former gives the true bound and the latter gives the bound of consistent superefficient estimators. In another comparison, it is shown that the difference between them is characterized by the change of the order of limits.Comment: LaTeX with iopart.cls, iopart12.clo, iopams.st


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    The CD spectra of a range of antenna complexes from several different species of purple photosynthetic bacteria were recorded in the wavelength range of 190 to 930 nm. Analysis of the far UV CD (190 to 250 nm) showed that in each case except for the B800-850 from Chr. vinosum the secondary structure of the light-harvesting complexes contains a large amount of α-helix (50%) and very little 0-pleated sheet. This confirms the predictions of the group of Zuber of a high a-helical content based upon consideration of the primary structures of several antenna apoproteins. The CD spectra from the carotenoids and the bacteriochlorophylls show considerable variations depending upon the type of antenna complex. The different amplitude ratios in the CD spectrum for the bacteriochlorophyll Qy, Qx and Soret bands indicate not only different degrees of exciton coupling, but also a strong and variable hyperchromism (Scherz and Parson, 1984a, b)

    Universal entanglement concentration

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    We propose a new protocol of \textit{universal} entanglement concentration, which converts many copies of an \textit{unknown} pure state to an \textit{% exact} maximally entangled state. The yield of the protocol, which is outputted as a classical information, is probabilistic, and achives the entropy rate with high probability, just as non-universal entanglement concentration protocols do. Our protocol is optimal among all similar protocols in terms of wide varieties of measures either up to higher orders or non-asymptotically, depending on the choice of the measure. The key of the proof of optimality is the following fact, which is a consequence of the symmetry-based construction of the protocol: For any invariant measures, optimal protocols are found out in modifications of the protocol only in its classical output, or the claim on the product. We also observe that the classical part of the output of the protocol gives a natural estimate of the entropy of entanglement, and prove that that estimate achieves the better asymptotic performance than any other (potentially global) measurements.Comment: Revised a lot, especially proofs, though no change in theorems, lemmas itself. Very long, but essential part is from Sec.I to Sec IV-C. Some of the appendces are almost independent of the main bod

    Asymptotic estimation theory for a finite dimensional pure state model

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    The optimization of measurement for n samples of pure sates are studied. The error of the optimal measurement for n samples is asymptotically compared with the one of the maximum likelihood estimators from n data given by the optimal measurement for one sample.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, Doctoral Thesi

    Exponents of quantum fixed-length pure state source coding

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    We derive the optimal exponent of the error probability of the quantum fixed-length pure state source coding in both cases of blind coding and visible coding. The optimal exponent is universally attained by Jozsa et al. (PRL, 81, 1714 (1998))'s universal code. In the direct part, a group representation theoretical type method is essential. In the converse part, Nielsen and Kempe (PRL, 86, 5184 (2001))'s lemma is essential.Comment: LaTeX2e and revetx4 with aps,twocolumn,superscriptaddress,showpacs,pra,amssymb,amsmath. The previous version has a mistak

    Adaptive experimental design for one-qubit state estimation with finite data based on a statistical update criterion

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    We consider 1-qubit mixed quantum state estimation by adaptively updating measurements according to previously obtained outcomes and measurement settings. Updates are determined by the average-variance-optimality (A-optimality) criterion, known in the classical theory of experimental design and applied here to quantum state estimation. In general, A-optimization is a nonlinear minimization problem; however, we find an analytic solution for 1-qubit state estimation using projective measurements, reducing computational effort. We compare numerically two adaptive and two nonadaptive schemes for finite data sets and show that the A-optimality criterion gives more precise estimates than standard quantum tomography.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Optimal ratio between phase basis and bit basis in QKD

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    In the original BB84 protocol, the bit basis and the phase basis are used with equal probability. Lo et al (J. of Cryptology, 18, 133-165 (2005)) proposed to modify the ratio between the two bases by increasing the final key generation rate. However, the optimum ratio has not been derived. In this letter, in order to examine this problem, the ratio between the two bases is optimized for exponential constraints given Eve's information distinguishability and the final error probability
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