69 research outputs found

    Bitter Taste Receptors and Endocrine Disruptors: Cellular and Molecular Insights from an In Vitro Model of Human Granulosa Cells

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    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are compounds that interfere with the synthesis, transport and binding action of hormones responsible for reproduction and homeostasis. Some EDCs compounds are activators of Taste bitter Receptors, a subclass of taste receptors expressed in many extraoral locations, including sperm and follicular somatic cells. This makes TAS2Rs attractive molecules to study and investigate to shed light on the effect of EDCs on female reproduction and fertility. This study aims to assess the effect of selected EDCs [namely Biochanin A (BCA), caffeine, Daidzein, Genistein and Isoflavone] on hGL5, an immortalized cell line exhibiting characteristics coherent with primary follicular granulosa cells. After demonstrating that this model expresses all the TAS2Rs (TAS2R3, TAS2R4, TAS2R14, TAS2R19, TAS2R43) specifically expressed by the primary human granulosa cells, we demonstrated that BCA and caffeine significantly affect mitochondrial footprint and intracellular lipid content, indicating their contribution in steroidogenesis. Our results showed that bitter taste receptors may be involved in steroidogenesis, thus suggesting an appealing mechanism by which these compounds affect the female reproductive system

    Analiza możliwości udostępnienia nowego obszaru wybierania w północnej części zagłębia węgla brunatnego Sibovc w Kosowie

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    This review describes the possibility of development a new lignite deposit in northern Kosovo lignite basin - Sibovc. Analysis of the initial state briefly evaluates Kosovo energy sector, geomorphological conditions and quality of lignite from Sibovc deposit. With using Dataminesoft it was created geological model and approximate calculation of lignite reserves in the deposit. The data obtained from Dataminesoft were used as starting points of the financial analysis of project. The result of the analysis is exactly describe the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of deposit Sibovc compared to other deposits in the area and creating of geological model with productive horizons deposit of lignite. Based on these data lignite deposit Sibovc was classified, according to the classification of deposits the UN, as economical.W pracy tej omówiono możliwości udostępnienia nowego obszaru wybierania złoża węgla brunatnego (lignitu) w północnej części zagłębia węgla brunatnego Sibovc w Kosowie. W analizie stanu początkowego krótko scharakteryzowano sektor energetyczny Kosowa, warunki geo-morfologiczne oraz parametry jakościowe węgla brunatnego z zagłębia Sibovc. Przy pomocy pakietu Dataminesoft stworzono model geologiczny i przeprowadzono przybliżone obliczenia zasobów węgla brunatnego w złożu. Dane uzyskane przy zastosowaniu pakietu Dataminesoft zostały następnie wykorzystane jako dane wejściowe do analizy finansowej przedsięwzięcia. Na podstawie wyników analizy uzyskuje się jakościową i ilościową charakterystykę złoża w odniesieniu do pozostałych złóż w regionie. Opracowano model geologiczny ze szczegółowym wskazaniem poziomów wybierania lignitu. W oparciu o te dane dokonano klasyfikacji złoża węgla brunatnego (lignitu) w Sibovc zgodnie z międzynarodowymi zasadami klasyfikacji wykazując, że złoże będzie ekonomiczne

    Main actors behind the endometrial receptivity and successful implantation

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    Embryo implantation occurs during a short period of time, the implantation window, in the mid-secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. The cross-talk between the endometrium and the embryo, at the stage of blastocyst, is a necessary condition for successful implantation. Till now, no single molecule or receptor has been identified to play an essential role on embryo implantation but a huge number of mediators, including cytokines, lipids, adhesion molecules, growth factors, and others, are reported to support the establishment of pregnancy. Therefore, the aim of this review is not only to describe the different actors involved in the implantation process, but also to try to characterize the relationships between these factors as well as their time-regulated activation. Moreover, the availability of in vitro culture systems to study the interactions between embryo and endometrium as well as the paracrine communication regulated by exosomal vesicles will be investigated, as an innovative approach for a more precise characterization of the interactions between the different molecules involved in this process. The in-depth knowledge of all these complex mechanisms will allow to address the reasons of implantation failure and infertility, thus providing new avenues for promoting the successful establishment of a pregnancy

    Oxidative stress measurement in frozen/thawed human sperm: The protective role of an in vitro treatment with myo-inositol

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    Despite its widespread use, sperm cryopreservation induces serious detrimental alterations in sperm function; indeed, it is commonly associated with decreased sperm viability and motility, and DNA fragmentation. Mechanisms of human sperm cryodamage are thought to be multifactorial, but oxidative stress seems to have a prominent role. A huge amount of data supported the cryoprotective effect of different antioxidants able to minimize the detrimental effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and improve the quality of spermatozoa. Among others, myo-inositol is one of the most powerful and has been reported to be effective in improving sperm quality and motility when used both in vivo and in vitro. This study aimed to determine the in vitro impact of myo-inositol in ameliorating sperm oxidative status during sperm cryopreservation. In particular, we demonstrated a significant improvement of sperm parameters (vitality and motility) when myo-inositol was added after sperm thawing (p < 0.05). Moreover, we showed that myo-inositol induces a significant increase in oxygen consumption, the main index of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency and ATP production. Finally, by means of 2D-electrophoresis, we demonstrated a significant decrease in the level of carbonyl groups, the main structural changes occurring in conditions of oxidative stress (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the sperm cryopreservation procedure we developed, assuring the reduction of ROS-induced sperm modifications, may improve the in vitro procedure currently used in ART laboratory for sperm cryostorage