1,193 research outputs found

    Virtual Black Holes

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    One would expect spacetime to have a foam-like structure on the Planck scale with a very high topology. If spacetime is simply connected (which is assumed in this paper), the non-trivial homology occurs in dimension two, and spacetime can be regarded as being essentially the topological sum of S2×S2S^2\times S^2 and K3K3 bubbles. Comparison with the instantons for pair creation of black holes shows that the S2×S2S^2\times S^2 bubbles can be interpreted as closed loops of virtual black holes. It is shown that scattering in such topological fluctuations leads to loss of quantum coherence, or in other words, to a superscattering matrix $\$ that does not factorise into an SS matrix and its adjoint. This loss of quantum coherence is very small at low energies for everything except scalar fields, leading to the prediction that we may never observe the Higgs particle. Another possible observational consequence may be that the ξ\theta angle of QCD is zero without having to invoke the problematical existence of a light axion. The picture of virtual black holes given here also suggests that macroscopic black holes will evaporate down to the Planck size and then disappear in the sea of virtual black holes.Comment: 24p, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures included with epsf sent in a seperate uuencoded fil

    Open Inflation, the Four Form and the Cosmological Constant

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    Fundamental theories of quantum gravity such as supergravity include a four form field strength which contributes to the cosmological constant. The inclusion of such a field into our theory of open inflation (hep-th/9802030) allows an anthropic solution to the cosmological constant problem in which the cosmological constant gives a small but non-negligible contribution to the density of today's universe. We include a discussion of the role of the singularity in our solution and a reply to Vilenkin's recent criticism (hep-th/9803084).Comment: 11 pages, RevTex file. Replaced version contains major corrections, including a crucial new surface term, and important additions. A connection to eleven dimensional supergravity is made. The anthropic solution of the cosmological constant problem now holds with a real four form in the Lorentzian region. The previously claimed solution to the empty universe problem is shown to be incorrect, but a new solution is suggeste

    No-Go Theorem in Spacetimes with Two Commuting Spacelike Killing Vectors

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    Four-dimensional Riemannian spacetimes with two commuting spacelike Killing vectors are studied in Einstein's theory of gravity, and found that no outer apparent horizons exist, provided that the dominant energy condition holds.Comment: latex, 1 figure, version published in Gen. Relativ. Grav., 37, 1919-1926 (2005

    Comment on "The black hole final state"

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    Horowitz and Maldacena have suggested that the unitarity of the black hole S-matrix can be reconciled with Hawking's semiclassical arguments if a final-state boundary condition is imposed at the spacelike singularity inside the black hole. We point out that, in this scenario, departures from unitarity can arise due to interactions between the collapsing body and the infalling Hawking radiation inside the event horizon. The amount of information lost when a black hole evaporates depends on the extent to which these interactions are entangling.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    Why Does Inflation Start at the Top of the Hill?

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    We show why the universe started in an unstable de Sitter state. The quantum origin of our universe implies one must take a `top down' approach to the problem of initial conditions in cosmology, in which the histories that contribute to the path integral, depend on the observable being measured. Using the no boundary proposal to specify the class of histories, we study the quantum cosmological origin of an inflationary universe in theories like trace anomaly driven inflation in which the effective potential has a local maximum. We find that an expanding universe is most likely to emerge in an unstable de Sitter state, by semiclassical tunneling via a Hawking-Moss instanton. Since the top down view is forced upon us by the quantum nature of the universe, we argue that the approach developed here should still apply when the framework of quantum cosmology will be based on M-Theory.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Entropy in the RST Model

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    The RST Model is given boundary term and Z-field so that it is well-posed and local. The Euclidean method is described for general theory and used to calculate the RST intrinsic entropy. The evolution of this entropy for the shockwave solutions is found and obeys a second law.Comment: 10 pages, minor revisions, published version in Late

    Classical and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Branes

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    It is argued that many non-extremal black branes exhibit a classical Gregory-Laflamme instability if, and only if, they are locally thermodynamically unstable. For some black branes, the Gregory-Laflamme instability must therefore disappear near extremality. For the black pp-branes of the type II supergravity theories, the Gregory-Laflamme instability disappears near extremality for p=1,2,4p=1,2,4 but persists all the way down to extremality for p=5,6p=5,6 (the black D3-brane is not covered by the analysis of this paper). This implies that the instability also vanishes for the near-extremal black M2 and M5-brane solutions.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX. v2: Various points clarified, typos corrected and reference adde

    Open Inflation With Scalar-tensor Gravity

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    The open inflation model recently proposed by Hawking and Turok is investigated in scalar-tensor gravity context. If the dilaton-like field has no potential, the instanton of our model is singular but has a finite action. The Gibbons-Hawking surface term vanishes and hence, can not be used to make Ω0\Omega_0 nonzero. To obtain a successful open inflation one should introduce other matter fields or a potential for the dilaton-like fields.Comment: 10 pages.1 figure. Some comments and references are improved. to be published in PR

    Black Hole Entropy is Noether Charge

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    We consider a general, classical theory of gravity in nn dimensions, arising from a diffeomorphism invariant Lagrangian. In any such theory, to each vector field, Οa\xi^a, on spacetime one can associate a local symmetry and, hence, a Noether current (n−1)(n-1)-form, j{\bf j}, and (for solutions to the field equations) a Noether charge (n−2)(n-2)-form, Q{\bf Q}. Assuming only that the theory admits stationary black hole solutions with a bifurcate Killing horizon, and that the canonical mass and angular momentum of solutions are well defined at infinity, we show that the first law of black hole mechanics always holds for perturbations to nearby stationary black hole solutions. The quantity playing the role of black hole entropy in this formula is simply 2π2 \pi times the integral over ÎŁ\Sigma of the Noether charge (n−2)(n-2)-form associated with the horizon Killing field, normalized so as to have unit surface gravity. Furthermore, we show that this black hole entropy always is given by a local geometrical expression on the horizon of the black hole. We thereby obtain a natural candidate for the entropy of a dynamical black hole in a general theory of gravity. Our results show that the validity of the ``second law" of black hole mechanics in dynamical evolution from an initially stationary black hole to a final stationary state is equivalent to the positivity of a total Noether flux, and thus may be intimately related to the positive energy properties of the theory. The relationship between the derivation of our formula for black hole entropy and the derivation via ``Euclidean methods" also is explained.Comment: 16 pages, EFI 93-4

    Naked and Thunderbolt Singularities in Black Hole Evaporation

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    If an evaporating black hole does not settle down to a non radiating remnant, a description by a semi classical Lorentz metric must contain either a naked singularity or what we call a thunderbolt, a singularity that spreads out to infinity on a spacelike or null path. We investigate this question in the context of various two dimensional models that have been proposed. We find that if the semi classical equations have an extra symmetry that make them solvable in closed form, they seem to predict naked singularities but numerical calculations indicate that more general semi classical equations, such as the original CGHS ones give rise to thunderbolts. We therefore expect that the semi classical approximation in four dimensions will lead to thunderbolts. We interpret the prediction of thunderbolts as indicating that the semi classical approximation breaks down at the end point of black hole evaporation, and we would expect that a full quantum treatment would replace the thunderbolt with a burst of high energy particles. The energy in such a burst would be too small to account for the observed gamma ray bursts.Comment: 21 pages (10 diagrams available on request
