10 research outputs found

    Effect of quinapril and triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide on cardiac and vascular end-organ damage in isolated systolic hypertension

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    We compared, in a prospective double-blind randomized study, the effect of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor quinapril (QUI) with that of triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide (THCT) treatment on cardiovascular end-organ damage in subjects with untreated isolated systolic hypertension (ISH). End-organ damage measurements, performed initially and after 6 and 26 weeks of treatment, included echocardiographic determination of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and of diastolic function and measurement of aortic distensibility and peripheral vascular resistance. Blood pressure was significantly reduced in the 44 subjects (21 QUI, 23 THCT) completing the study. Both LVMI and aortic distensibility had changed at 6 weeks, with comparable improvements in both groups. LV diastolic function showed overall no significant changes, although patterns of early filling did differ between the two drug groups. Peripheral vascular resistance appeared to increase between 6 and 26 weeks in THCT subjects only, along with a decreased aortic distensibility. Blood pressure and LV mass were rapidly and markedly reduced in both treatment groups of ISH subjects, paralleled by an improvement of aortic distensibility. In interpreting these results, the pathophysiologic alterations in ISH need to be taken into account, because these differ strongly from those in diastolic hypertension. Results of LV diastolic function and peripheral vascular resistance were less clear but appear to show less favorable changes in the THCT subjects treatment group. Record 22 of 32 - SilverPlatter MEDLINE(R)

    Effects of amlodipine and lisinopril on left ventricular mass and diastolic function in previously untreated patients with mild to moderate diastolic hypertension

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effects of two long-acting antihypertensive agents, the calcium-antagonist amlodipine and the ACE inhibitor lisinopril, on left ventricular mass and diastolic filling in patients with mild to moderate diastolic hypertension from primary care centres. It is a 1-year prospective, double-blind, randomized, parallel group, comparative study. Patients between 25 and 75 years of age with untreated hypertension with elevated diastolic blood pressure (> or = 95 mmHg) on three occasions (twice on the first visit and once only on the second and third visits) were recruited from a population survey. After 4 weeks placebo run-in 71 patients were randomized to dosages of amlodipine 5-10 mg or lisinopril 10-20 mg, which were titrated on the basis of the effects on blood pressure. Fifty-nine patients completed the study period. Primary endpoints were left ventricular mass index and early to atrial peak filling velocity. Office and ambulatory blood pressure and other echocardiographic measurements were considered secondary. Decrease in blood pressure was equal for both treatment regimens. A statistically significant decrease in left ventricular mass index in both treatment groups was observed: -11.0 g/m2 (95% CI: -6.0, -16.1) in the amlodipine group and -12.6 g/m2 (95% CI: -8.2, -17.0) in the lisinopril group. The higher the baseline value of left ventricular mass before treatment, the more the decrease after treatment. Early to atrial peak filling velocity did not change significantly within the treatment groups: +0.07 (95% CI: -0.01, +0.15) in the amlodipine group and +0.01 (95% CI: -0.06, +0.08) in the lisinopril group. However, analysis of time measurements of the early peak showed significant changes for both treatment groups. No significant differences in primary and secondary endpoints between treatment groups were found. Twelve patients did not complete the study, seven in amlodipine and five in lisinopril, basically due to adverse events. The effects of amlodipine and lisinopril on left ventricular mass and early to atrial filling peak velocity after 1 year of treatment in patients with previously untreated mild to moderate hypertension are similar. Further studies are recommended, particularly with a larger sample size and a follow-up of longer duration. Record 24 of 32 - SilverPlatter MEDLINE(R)

    High prevalence of concentric remodeling in elderly individuals with isolated systolic hypertension from a population survey

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    Echocardiographic determination of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) is shown to be valuable in the assessment of cardiovascular risk. Determination of left ventricular geometry, including concentric remodeling, provides additional prognostic information. In isolated systolic hypertension (ISH), the few echocardiographic studies available show an increased LVMI, but criteria and patient populations differ. No comparison with diastolic hypertension (DH) has been made, nor has left ventricular geometry (with concentric remodeling) been evaluated. We compared both LVMI and left ventricular geometry of newly diagnosed ISH subjects with normotensive and DH subjects, all previously untreated and from the same population. The echocardiographic LVMI of 97 previously untreated ISH subjects (4 x systolic pressure > or = 160 mm Hg, diastolic pressure < 95 mm Hg) was clearly elevated compared with values in age- and sex-matched normotensive subjects (98 and 71 g/m2, respectively; P < .001). The geometric pattern was abnormal in most ISH subjects, with a high prevalence (43%) of concentric remodeling. Both LVMI and left ventricular geometry of ISH subjects did not differ significantly from values in DH subjects (LVMI, 92 g/m2; concentric remodeling, 56%). Sex differences in LV geometry in ISH were present only with the Framingham criteria, not with the Koren criteria. This study shows a high prevalence of concentric remodeling in elderly individuals with previously untreated ISH. The increase of LVMI and abnormality in left ventricular geometry are comparable with those in DH subjects, further defining the place of ISH as a cardiovascular risk factor in the elderly. Whether there are sex differences in cardiac adaptation in ISH and whether the geometric classification can be used to adjust treatment remain to be investigated. Record 32 of 32 - SilverPlatter MEDLINE(R)