964 research outputs found

    Jeeg: Temporal Constraints for the Synchronization of Concurrent Objects

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    We introduce Jeeg, a dialect of Java based on a declarative replacement of the synchronization mechanisms of Java that results in a complete decoupling of the 'business' and the 'synchronization' code of classes. Synchronization constraints in Jeeg are expressed in a linear temporal logic which allows to effectively limit the occurrence of the inheritance anomaly that commonly affects concurrent object oriented languages. Jeeg is inspired by the current trend in aspect oriented languages. In a Jeeg program the sequential and concurrent aspects of object behaviors are decoupled: specified separately by the programmer these are then weaved together by the Jeeg compiler

    From Model Checking to Runtime Verification and Back

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    We describe a novel approach for adapting an existing software model checker to perform precise runtime verification. The software under test is allowed to communicate with the wider environment (including the file system and network). The modifications to the model checker are small and self-contained, making this a viable strategy for re-using existing model checking tools in a new context. Additionally, from the data that is gathered during a single execution in the runtime verification mode, we automatically re-construct a description of the execution environment which can then be used in the standard, full-blown model checker. This additional verification step can further improve coverage, especially in the case of parallel programs, without introducing substantial overhead into the process of runtime verification

    An Entry Point for Formal Methods: Specification and Analysis of Event Logs

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    Formal specification languages have long languished, due to the grave scalability problems faced by complete verification methods. Runtime verification promises to use formal specifications to automate part of the more scalable art of testing, but has not been widely applied to real systems, and often falters due to the cost and complexity of instrumentation for online monitoring. In this paper we discuss work in progress to apply an event-based specification system to the logging mechanism of the Mars Science Laboratory mission at JPL. By focusing on log analysis, we exploit the "instrumentation" already implemented and required for communicating with the spacecraft. We argue that this work both shows a practical method for using formal specifications in testing and opens interesting research avenues, including a challenging specification learning problem

    Automated Verification of Practical Garbage Collectors

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    Garbage collectors are notoriously hard to verify, due to their low-level interaction with the underlying system and the general difficulty in reasoning about reachability in graphs. Several papers have presented verified collectors, but either the proofs were hand-written or the collectors were too simplistic to use on practical applications. In this work, we present two mechanically verified garbage collectors, both practical enough to use for real-world C# benchmarks. The collectors and their associated allocators consist of x86 assembly language instructions and macro instructions, annotated with preconditions, postconditions, invariants, and assertions. We used the Boogie verification generator and the Z3 automated theorem prover to verify this assembly language code mechanically. We provide measurements comparing the performance of the verified collector with that of the standard Bartok collectors on off-the-shelf C# benchmarks, demonstrating their competitiveness

    Monitoring Java Programs with Java PathExplorer

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    AbstractWe present recent work on the development of Java PathExplorer (JPaX), a tool for monitoring the execution of Java programs. JPaX can be used during program testing to gain increased information about program executions, and can potentially furthermore be applied during operation to survey safety critical systems. The tool facilitates automated instrumentation of a program's byte code, which will then emit events to an observer during its execution. The observer checks the events against user provided high level requirement specifications, for example temporal logic formulae, and against lower level error detection procedures, usually concurrency related such as deadlock and data race algorithms. High level requirement specifications together with their underlying logics are defined in rewriting logic using Maude, and then can either be directly checked using Maude rewriting engine, or be first translated to efficient data structures and then checked in Java

    On-Line Monitoring for Temporal Logic Robustness

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    In this paper, we provide a Dynamic Programming algorithm for on-line monitoring of the state robustness of Metric Temporal Logic specifications with past time operators. We compute the robustness of MTL with unbounded past and bounded future temporal operators MTL over sampled traces of Cyber-Physical Systems. We implemented our tool in Matlab as a Simulink block that can be used in any Simulink model. We experimentally demonstrate that the overhead of the MTL robustness monitoring is acceptable for certain classes of practical specifications

    Formal Analysis of Java Programs in JavaFAN

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    From scripts to specifications: the evolution of a flight software testing effort

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    The research described in this publication was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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