8 research outputs found

    Promoting Pre-conceptional use of folic acid to Hispanic women: A social marketing approach

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    Objective: To develop a culturally appropriate communication initiative in an effort to promote the use of pre-conceptional folic acid among Hispanic women of childbearing age. The materials were designed to communicate information about the risks of neural tube defects and the value of folic acid supplementation before conception. Methods: The initiative was developed using a social marketing approach. A series of focus groups were conducted with Hispanic women, particularly Mexican and Mexican-American women, to gain an understanding of their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding birth defects and folic acid. Additionally focus groups assessed women's preferences for existing folic acid education materials. Qualitative analysis of coded transcripts revealed key themes which were incorporated into a multi-media initiative. Results: Critical themes of the research highlighted the need to include the role of partners and a sense of family in the promotions aimed at these groups. Another key component was the need to dispel myths which act as barriers to preconceptional folic acid use. Other important elements included in the media products were the need for Spanish and English versions, an explanation of neural tube defects, and a reference to the cost of the supplements. Conclusion: The final products of the initiative included Spanish and English versions of a brochure, photo-novella, and radio public service announcement. Pre-testing results showed women understood the message, thought the message was for women like them, and expected to begin taking a folic acid supplement. Results of the overall evaluation of the initiative are on-going

    Status of Population‐based Birth Defects Surveillance Programs before and after the Zika Public Health Response in the United States

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    Background: The 2016 Zika public health response in the United States highlighted the need for birth defect surveillance (BDS) programs to collect population‐based data on birth defects potentially related to Zika as rapidly as possible through enhanced case ascertainment and reporting. The National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) assessed BDS program activities in the United States before and after the Zika response. Methods: The NBDPN surveyed 54 BDS programs regarding activities before and after the Zika response, lessons learned, and programmatic needs. Follow‐up emails were sent and phone calls were held for programs with incomplete or no response to the online survey. Survey data were cleaned and tallied, and responses to open‐ended questions were placed into best‐fit categories. Results: A 100% response rate was achieved. Of the 54 programs surveyed, 42 reported participation in the Zika public health response that included BDS activities. Programs faced challenges in expanding their surveillance effort given the response requirements but reported mitigating factors such as establishing and enhancing partnerships and program experience with surveillance and clinical activities. Beyond funding, reported program needs included training, surveillance tools/resources, and availability of clinical experts. Conclusions: Existing BDS programs with experience implementing active case‐finding and case verification were able to adapt their surveillance efforts rapidly to collect and report data necessary for the Zika response. Program sustainability for BDS remains challenging; thus, continued support, training, and resource development are important to ensure that the infrastructure built during the Zika response is available for the next public health response