543 research outputs found
Mirror symmetry and Langlands duality in the non-Abelian Hodge theory of a curve
This is a survey of results and conjectures on mirror symmetry phenomena in
the non-Abelian Hodge theory of a curve. We start with the conjecture of
Hausel-Thaddeus which claims that certain Hodge numbers of moduli spaces of
flat SL(n,C) and PGL(n,C)-connections on a smooth projective algebraic curve
agree. We then change our point of view in the non-Abelian Hodge theory of the
curve, and concentrate on the SL(n,C) and PGL(n,C) character varieties of the
curve. Here we discuss a recent conjecture of Hausel-Rodriguez-Villegas which
claims, analogously to the above conjecture, that certain Hodge numbers of
these character varieties also agree. We explain that for Hodge numbers of
character varieties one can use arithmetic methods, and thus we end up
explicitly calculating, in terms of Verlinde-type formulas, the number of
representations of the fundamental group into the finite groups SL(n,F_q) and
PGL(n,F_q), by using the character tables of these finite groups of Lie type.
Finally we explain a conjecture which enhances the previous result, and gives a
simple formula for the mixed Hodge polynomials, and in particular for the
Poincare polynomials of these character varieties, and detail the relationship
to results of Hitchin, Gothen, Garsia-Haiman and Earl-Kirwan. One consequence
of this conjecture is a curious Poincare duality type of symmetry, which leads
to a conjecture, similar to Faber's conjecture on the moduli space of curves,
about a strong Hard Lefschetz theorem for the character variety, which can be
considered as a generalization of both the Alvis-Curtis duality in the
representation theory of finite groups of Lie type and a recent result of the
author on the quaternionic geometry of matroids.Comment: 22 pages, minor clarification
Vanishing of intersection numbers on the moduli space of Higgs bundles
In this paper we consider the topological side of a problem which is the
analogue of Sen's S-duality testing conjecture for Hitchin's moduli space of
rank 2 stable Higgs bundles of fixed determinant of odd degree over a Riemann
surface. We prove that all intersection numbers in the compactly supported
cohomology vanish, i.e. "there are no topological L^2 harmonic forms on
Hitchin's space". This result generalizes the well known vanishing of the Euler
characteristic of the moduli space of rank 2 stable bundles of fixed
determinant of odd degree over the given Riemann surface. Our proof shows that
the vanishing of all intersection numbers in the compactly supported cohomology
of Hitchin's space is given by relations analogous to Mumford's relations in
the cohomology ring of the moduli space of stable bundles.Comment: 30 pages (published version
Quaternionic Geometry of Matroids
Building on a recent joint paper with Sturmfels, here we argue that the
combinatorics of matroids is intimately related to the geometry and topology of
toric hyperkaehler varieties. We show that just like toric varieties occupy a
central role in Stanley's proof for the necessity of McMullen's conjecture (or
g-inequalities) about the classification of face vectors of simplicial
polytopes, the topology of toric hyperkaehler varieties leads to new
restrictions on face vectors of matroid complexes. Namely in this paper we give
two proofs that the injectivity part of the Hard Lefschetz theorem survives for
toric hyperkaehler varieties. We explain how this implies the g-inequalities
for rationally representable matroids. We show how the geometrical intuition in
the first proof, coupled with results of Chari, leads to a proof of the
g-inequalities for general matroid complexes, which is a recent result of
Swartz. The geometrical idea in the second proof will show that a pure
O-sequence should satisfy the g-inequalities, thus showing that our result is
in fact a consequence of a long-standing conjecture of Stanley.Comment: 11 page
Compactification of moduli of Higgs bundles
In this paper we consider a canonical compactification of Hitchin's moduli
space of stable Higgs bundles with fixed determinant of odd degree over a
Riemann surface, producing a projective variety by gluing in a divisor at
infinity. We give a detailed study of the compactified space, the divisor at
infinity and the moduli space itself. In doing so we reprove some assertions of
Laumon and Thaddeus on the nilpotent cone.Comment: Latex, 25 pages, to appear in Crelle's Journa
Betti numbers of holomorphic symplectic quotients via arithmetic Fourier transform
A Fourier transform technique is introduced for counting the number of
solutions of holomorphic moment map equations over a finite field. This in turn
gives information on Betti numbers of holomorphic symplectic quotients. As a
consequence simple unified proofs are obtained for formulas of Poincare
polynomials of toric hyperkahler varieties, Poincare polynomials of Hilbert
schemes of points and twisted ADHM spaces of instantons on C^2 and Poincare
polynomials of all Nakajima quiver varieties. As an application, a proof of a
conjecture of Kac on the number of absolutely indecomposable representations of
a quiver is announced.Comment: 8 pages, references and an announcement of a proof of a conjecture of
Kac are adde
Toric Hyperkahler Varieties
Extending work of Bielawski-Dancer and Konno, we develop a theory of toric
hyperkahler varieties, which involves toric geometry, matroid theory and convex
polyhedra. The framework is a detailed study of semi-projective toric
varieties, meaning GIT quotients of affine spaces by torus actions, and
specifically, of Lawrence toric varieties, meaning GIT quotients of
even-dimensional affine spaces by symplectic torus actions. A toric hyperkahler
variety is a complete intersection in a Lawrence toric variety. Both varieties
are non-compact, and they share the same cohomology ring, namely, the
Stanley-Reisner ring of a matroid modulo a linear system of parameters.
Familiar applications of toric geometry to combinatorics, including the Hard
Lefschetz Theorem and the volume polynomials of Khovanskii-Pukhlikov, are
extended to the hyperkahler setting. When the matroid is graphic, our
construction gives the toric quiver varieties, in the sense of Nakajima.Comment: 32 pages, Latex; minor corrections and a reference adde
Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality, and the Hitchin system
We study the moduli spaces of flat SL(r)- and PGL(r)-connections, or
equivalently, Higgs bundles, on an algebraic curve. These spaces are noncompact
Calabi-Yau orbifolds; we show that they can be regarded as mirror partners in
two different senses. First, they satisfy the requirements laid down by
Strominger-Yau-Zaslow (SYZ), in a suitably general sense involving a B-field or
flat unitary gerbe. To show this, we use their hyperkahler structures and
Hitchin's integrable systems. Second, their Hodge numbers, again in a suitably
general sense, are equal. These spaces provide significant evidence in support
of SYZ. Moreover, they throw a bridge from mirror symmetry to the duality
theory of Lie groups and, more broadly, to the geometric Langlands program.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX with packages amsfonts, latexsym, [dvips]graphicx,
[dvips]color, one embedded postscript figur
Generators for the cohomology ring of the moduli space of rank 2 Higgs bundles
The moduli space of stable vector bundles on a Riemann surface is smooth when
the rank and degree are coprime, and is diffeomorphic to the space of unitary
connections of central constant curvature. A classic result of Newstead and
Atiyah-Bott asserts that its rational cohomology ring is generated by the
universal classes, that is, by the Kunneth components of the Chern classes of
the universal bundle.
This paper studies the larger, non-compact moduli space of Higgs bundles, as
introduced by Hitchin and Simpson, with values in the canonical bundle K. This
is diffeomorphic to the space of all connections of central constant curvature,
whether unitary or not. The main result of the paper is that, in the rank 2
case, the rational cohomology ring of this space is again generated by
universal classes.
The spaces of Higgs bundles with values in K(n) for n > 0 turn out to be
essential to the story. Indeed, we show that their direct limit has the
homotopy type of the classifying space of the gauge group, and hence has
cohomology generated by universal classes.
A companion paper treats the problem of finding relations between these
generators in the rank 2 case.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX. Correction of an erroneous lemma in section 10
requires the addition, in Theorem 1.1, of the hypothesis that the rank is 2.
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