17 research outputs found

    A Laboratory Investigation of Spume Generation in High Winds for Fresh and Seawater

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    Data are archived at the University of Miami repository under the name Spray Concentration Measurements from ASIST for Freshwater and Seawater.The article of record as published may be found at https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2019JD030928Given spume's role in mediating air‐sea exchange at the base of tropical cyclones or other storm events, the focus of studies on spray dynamics has been within the marine environment. In contrast, spume production in nonseawater bodies has been underexplored and potential differences between sea and freshwater are neglected. The laboratory remains the primary means for directly observing spray processes near the surface because of the challenges to making robust field measurements. There is no standardization on the water type used for these experiments, and the effect this has on the generation process is unknown. This adds uncertainty in our ability to make physically realistic spume generation functions that are ultimately applied to the geophysical domain. We have conducted a laboratory experiment that aims to address this simple, yet overlooked, question of whether water type impacts the spume droplet concentration entrained in the air flow above actively breaking waves. We compared directly imaged concentrations for fresh and seawater droplets produced in 10‐m equivalent winds from 36–54 m/s. Substantially higher concentrations of seawater spume were observed, as compared to freshwater across all particle sizes and wind speeds. The seawater particles' vertical distribution was concentrated near the surface, whereas the freshwater droplets were more uniformly distributed. Our statistical analysis of these findings suggests significant differences in the size‐ and height‐dependent distributions response to increased wind forcing between fresh and seawater. These unexpected findings suggest an unanticipated role of the source water physiochemical properties on the spume generation mechanism.NSFONRThis work was funded by NSF through Grant 0933943. Additional support was provided through ONR phase‐resolved wave program under Grant N00014141064

    Wavelet analysis of surface current vector fields measured by high frequency Doppler radar

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    Fourier spectral methods have been widely applied to coastal zone current measurements. However in cases such as riverine tides or estuarine outflow currents exhibit non-stationary characteristics which invalidate the basic assumptions of these methods. Wavelet analysis techniques can be used to determine the temporal evolution of current variance over a range of frequency scales and therefore can provide an improved understanding of event-driven dynamics. Morlet continuous-wavelet transforms were applied to multiple vector time-series measurements from a High Frequency (HF) Doppler radar and moored ADCPs near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay in 1996 and 1997 as well as wind measurements at the Chesapeake Light tower. The time-varying clockwise (CW) and counter-clockwise (CCW) wavelet spectra were computed from each vector time-series. The horizontal, vertical and temporal evolution of high energy scales could then be visualized. Significant short-term intensifications of 30-60 hour CW energy in the region of the outfall plume were observed that were highly coherent with local wind forcing

    An EOF analysis of HF Doppler radar current measurements of the Chesapeake Bay buoyant outflow

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    Surface currents measured by HF Doppler radar as part of a study of the Chesapeake Bay outflow plume are examined using a ‘real-vector’ empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis (Kaihatu et al., 1998). Based on about 23 days of nearly continuous data, the analysis shows that the first three EOF modes, judged to be the only significant modes, account for 76% of the variance in the data set. The buoyant outflow occurs primarily in the mean flow field. The first EOF mode is dominated by wind forcing and the second mode by across-shelf semi-diurnal tidal forcing. The third mode exhibits a large-scale horizontal shear and contains a curved region of weak relative flow which appears to delineate the offshore edge of the plume; also, the third-mode response varies over the spring-neap cycle, suggesting a modulation of the outflow plume by a tidal residual eddy. The analysis therefore has provided a useful, exploratory examination of this dataset of surface currents

    Resolving Coastal Ocean Eddy Activity in Surface Velocity Signatures from Wellen Radars and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

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    A dual-station high frequency Wellen Radar (WERA), transmitting at 16.045 MHz, was deployed along the east Florida Shelf and is currently operated and maintained by the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science. From September 2004 to June 2005, a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) obtained subsurface current measurements within the radar footprint along the shelf break at 86-m depth. The RMS differences ranged from 0.1 to 0.25 ms -1 between the surface and 14 m depth indicating good data. Monthly time series analyses indicated numerous current reversals during the 9-month deployment. When utilized in conjunction with the ADCP subsurface measurements, WERA enables 3-dimensional snapshots of coastal oceanographic features. Given the high temporal and spatial resolution of the WERA system, an increased understanding can be gained in the coastal ocean regime aiding the ability of ocean models at predicting complicated features in the domain

    The spatial-temporal variability of air-sea momentum fluxes observed at a tidal inlet

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    Coastal waters are an aerodynamically unique environment that has been little explored from an air-sea interaction point of view. Consequently, most studies must assume that open ocean-derived parameterizations of the air-sea momentum flux are representative of the nearshore wind forcing. Observations made at the New River Inlet in North Carolina, during the Riverine and Estuarine Transport experiment (RIVET), were used to evaluate the suitability of wind speed-dependent, wind stress parameterizations in coastal waters. As part of the field campaign, a small, agile research vessel was deployed to make high-resolution wind velocity measurements in and around the tidal inlet. The eddy covariance method was employed to recover direct estimates of the 10 m neutral atmospheric drag coefficient from the three-dimensional winds. Observations of wind stress angle, near-surface currents, and heat flux were used to analyze the cross-shore variability of wind stress steering off the mean wind azimuth. In general, for onshore winds above 5 m/s, the drag coefficient was observed to be two and a half times the predicted open ocean value. Significant wind stress steering is observed within 2 km of the inlet mouth, which is observed to be correlated with the horizontal current shear. Other mechanisms such as the reduction in wave celerity or depth-limited breaking could also play a role. It was determined that outside the influence of these typical coastal processes, the open ocean parameterizations generally represent the wind stress field. The nearshore stress variability has significant implications for observations and simulations of coastal transport, circulation, mixing, and general surf-zone dynamics.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience