21 research outputs found

    Getting it right: for Care Experienced students in Higher education

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    Commissioned by UCL Access and Widening Participation Office, this research investigated the experiences of students in Higher Education when they have a background of having lived in local authority care as children. Previously known as ‘care leavers’, this group is now known as ‘care experienced’ young people. Care experienced young people are much less likely to achieve the academic qualifications, overcome the practical obstacles and reconcile the personal difficulties necessary to attend university than other young people who have not been in care, and when they do get to university, there is a relatively high chance they will withdraw early. The aim of the current study is to explore what happens at university, from the perspective of both institutional arrangements, and current and former students’ experience, to encourage, or discourage, care experienced students to follow their chosen study programme

    The impact of Covid-19 on families, children aged 0-4 and pregnant women in Tower Hamlets: Wave One Survey Findings

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    Families in Tower Hamlets is an ongoing research project led by University College London into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of families with young children and pregnant women. This report is of initial findings from the ‘first 500’ respondents, who completed the survey between July and November 2020. We present findings in terms of seven main ethnic groups that broadly represent proportions in the local population: one third of the population identify as White British and White Irish; a further third identify as Bangladeshi; and a final third identify with a wide range of other ethnicities. There are marked differences within this group so we have used the categories: Other White; Asian Other; Somali; Black & Black Other; and Other ethnic group to illustrate the experiences of respondents. With this lens of ethnicity, combined with analysis by household income, we can see certain clear patterns arising. Here, we focus on five main areas: family livelihoods; housing and environment; supporting children at home; health and social support services; and participants’ own health and mental health. Subsequent outputs will present findings in more detail

    Interim Briefing Report. The First 500: The impact of Covid-19 on families, children aged 0-4 and pregnant women in Tower Hamlets

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    Families in Tower Hamlets is an ongoing research project led by University College London into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of families with young children and pregnant women. This report is of initial findings from the ‘first 500’ respondents, who completed the survey between July and September 2020. We present findings in terms of three main ethnic groups that broadly represent proportions in the local population: one third of the population identify as White British and White Irish; a further third identify as Bangladeshi; and a final third identify with a wide range of other ethnicities which we have had to present as ‘Other ethnicity’ in this report and we acknowledge this is unlikely to do justice to the range of experience within this group. With this lens of ethnicity, combined with analysis by household income, we can see certain clear patterns arising. Here, we focus on five main areas: family livelihoods; housing and environment; supporting children at home; health and social support services; and participants’ own health and mental health. Subsequent outputs will present findings in more detail

    What Family Circumstances, During COVID-19, Impact on Parental Mental Health in an Inner City Community in London?

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    The introduction of lockdown due to a public health emergency in March 2020 marked the beginning of substantial changes to daily life for all families with young children. Here we report the experience of families from London Borough of Tower Hamlets with high rates of poverty and ethnic and linguistic diversity. This inner city community, like communities worldwide, has experienced a reduction or closure in access to education, support services, and in some cases, a change in or loss of income, job, and food security. Using quantitative survey items (N = 992), we examined what differences in family circumstances, for mothers and fathers of young children aged 0-5 living in Tower Hamlets, during March 2020 to November 2020, were associated with their mental health status. We measure parental mental health using symptoms of depression (self-report: Patient Health Questionnaire depression scale: PHQ-8), symptoms of anxiety levels (self-report: General Anxiety Disorder: GAD-7), and perceptions of direct loneliness. We find parental mental health difficulties are associated with low material assets (financial security, food security, and children having access to outside space), familial assets (parents time for themselves and parent status: lone vs. cohabiting), and community assets (receiving support from friends and family outside the household). South Asian parents and fathers across ethnicities were significantly more likely to experience mental health difficulties, once all other predictors were accounted for. These contributing factors should be considered for future pandemics, where restrictions on people's lives are put in place, and speak to the importance of reducing financial insecurity and food insecurity as a means of improving the mental health of parents

    Income, ethnic diversity and family life in East London during the first wave of the pandemic: An assets approach

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    Objective: This paper reports first results from a survey of 992 parents and parents to be living in an ethnically diverse and socio-economically unequal borough of East London during the coronavirus pandemic that reduced mobility, closed services and threatened public health. / Background: Little is known about the place based impacts of the pandemic on families with young children. We describe the living circumstances of families with children under five or expecting a baby living in Tower Hamlets during the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, and then examine the relative importance of household characteristics such as ethnicity and household income for adverse impacts on survey respondents, as seen in mental health outcomes. / Method: a community survey sample recruited with support from the local council comprised 75% mothers/pregnant women, 25% fathers/partners of pregnant women. Reflecting the borough population, 35 percent were White British or Irish and 36 percent were Bangladeshi, and the remainder were from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. Adopting an assets based approach, we describe material, familial and community assets using three household income bands and seven ethnic groups. We then use regressions to identify which assets were most important in mitigating adversity. / Results: We find that material assets (income, employment, food insecurity, housing quality) were often insecure and in decline but familial assets (home caring practices, couple relationships) were largely sustained. Community assets (informal support, service provision) were less available or means of access had changed. Our analyses find that while descriptively ethnicity structured adverse impacts of the pandemic related changes to family life, income and couple relationships were the most important assets for mitigating adversity as seen in mental health status. / Conclusion: Supporting family assets will require close attention to generating local and decent work as well as enhancing access to community assets

    A scoping review of ‘think-family’ approaches in healthcare

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    ABSTRACT Background ‘Think-family’ child health approaches treat child and parent/carer health as inter-related. They are promoted within health policy internationally (also called ‘family paediatrics’ or ‘whole-family’, ‘family-centred’ approaches or ‘child-centred’ approaches within adult services). Methods We reviewed publications of think-family interventions. We developed a typology of these interventions using thematic analysis of data extracted from the included studies. Results We included 62 studies (60% USA and 18% UK); 45/62 (73%) treated the parent as patient, helping the child by addressing parental mental health, substance and alcohol misuse and/or domestic violence. Our typology details three common mechanisms of change in relevant interventions: screening, health promotion and developing relationships (inter-professional and parent-professional). Conclusions Policy-makers, practitioners and researchers can use our typology to develop and evaluate think-family approaches within healthcare. Strong relationships between parents and professionals are key in think-family approaches and should be considered in service design. Although helping the child through the parent may be a good place to start for service development, care is needed to ensure parental need does not eclipse child need. Strategies that reach out to the parent behind the child (child as patient) and which work simultaneously with parent and child warrant attention

    Human well-being impacts of terrestrial protected areas

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    © 2013 Pullin et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: Establishing Protected Areas (PAs) is among the most common conservation interventions. Protecting areas from the threats posed by human activity will by definition inhibit some human actions. However, adverse impacts could be balanced by maintaining ecosystem services or introducing new livelihood options. Consequently there is an ongoing debate on whether the net impact of PAs on human well-being at local or regional scales is positive or negative. We report here on a systematic review of evidence for impacts on human well-being arising from the establishment and maintenance of terrestrial PAs. Methods: Following an a priori protocol, systematic searches were conducted for evidence of impacts of PAs post 1992. After article title screening, the review was divided into two separate processes; a qualitative synthesis of explanations and meaning of impact and a review of quantitative evidence of impact. Abstracts and full texts were assessed using inclusion criteria and conceptual models of potential impacts. Relevant studies were critically appraised and data extracted and sorted according to type of impact reported. No quantitative synthesis was possible with the evidence available. Two narrative syntheses were produced and their outputs compared in a metasynthesis. Results: The qualitative evidence review mapped 306 articles and synthesised 34 that were scored as high quality. The quantitative evidence review critically appraised 79 studies and included 14 of low/medium susceptibility to bias. The meta-synthesis reveals that a range of factors can lead to reports of positive and negative impacts of PA establishment, and therefore might enable hypothesis generation regarding cause and effect relationships, but resulting hypotheses cannot be tested with the current available evidence. Conclusions: The evidence base provides a range of possible pathways of impact, both positive and negative, of PAs on human well-being but provides very little support for decision making on how to maximise positive impacts. The nature of the research reported to date forms a diverse and fragmented body of evidence unsuitable for the purpose of informing policy formation on how to achieve win-win outcomes for biodiversity and human well-being. To better assess the impacts of PAs on human well-being we make recommendations for improving research study design and reporting