298 research outputs found

    HBT pion interferometry with phenomenological mean field interaction

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    To extract information on hadron production dynamics in the ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision, the space-time structure of the hadron source has been measured using Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry. We study the distortion of the source images due to the effect of a final state interaction. We describe the interaction, taking place during penetrating through a cloud formed by evaporating particles, in terms of a one-body mean field potential localized in the vicinity of the source region. By adopting the semiclassical method, the modification of the propagation of an emitted particle is examined. In analogy to the optical model applied to nuclear reactions, our phenomenological model has an imaginary part of the potential, which describes the absorption in the cloud. In this work, we focus on the pion interferometry and mean field interaction obtained using a phenomenological ππ\pi\pi forward scattering amplitude in the elastic channels. The p-wave scattering with ρ\rho meson resonance leads to an attractive mean field interaction, and the presence of the absorptive part is mainly attributed to the formation of this resonance. We also incorporate a simple time dependence of the potential reflecting the dynamics of the evaporating source. Using the obtained potential, we examine how and to what extent the so-called HBT Gaussian radius is varied by the modification of the propagation

    Charge redistribution from novel magneto-vorticity coupling in anomalous hydrodynamics

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    We discuss new transport phenomena in the presence of both a strong magnetic field and a vortex field. Their interplay induces a charge distribution and a current along the magnetic field. We show that the associated transport coefficients can be obtained from a simple analysis of the single-particle distribution functions and also from the Kubo formula calculation. The consistent results from these analyses suggest that the transport coefficients are tied to the chiral anomaly in the (1+1) dimension because of the dimensional reduction in the lowest Landau levels.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of Quark Matter 2017 in Chicag

    Anatomy of the magnetic catalysis by renormalization-group method

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    We first examine the scaling argument for a renormalization-group (RG) analysis applied to a system subject to the dimensional reduction in strong magnetic fields, and discuss the fact that a four-Fermi operator of the low-energy excitations is marginal irrespective of the strength of the coupling constant in underlying theories. We then construct a scale-dependent effective four-Fermi interaction as a result of screened photon exchanges at weak coupling, and establish the RG method appropriately including the screening effect, in which the RG evolution from ultraviolet to infrared scales is separated into two stages by the screening-mass scale. Based on a precise agreement between the dynamical mass gaps obtained from the solutions of the RG and Schwinger-Dyson equations, we discuss an equivalence between these two approaches. Focusing on QED and Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, we clarify how the properties of the interactions manifest themselves in the mass gap, and point out an importance of respecting the intrinsic energy-scale dependences in underlying theories for the determination of the mass gap. These studies are expected to be useful for a diagnosis of the magnetic catalysis in QCD.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, version published in PL