3,643 research outputs found

    The Perturbative Spectrum of the Dressed Sliver

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the dressed sliver solution found in a previous paper, hep-th/0311198, in the operator formulation of Vacuum String Field Theory. We derive the tachyon wave function and then analyze the higher level fluctuations. We show that the dressing is responsible for implementing the transversality condition on the massless vector. In order to consistently deal with the singular k=0k=0 mode we introduce a string midpoint regulator and we show that it is possible to accommodate all the open string states among the solutions to the linearized equations of motion. We finally show how the dressing can give rise to the correct ratio between the energy density of the dressed sliver and the brane tension computed via the three-tachyons-coupling.Comment: 52 pages, v2: comment added in sec. 5, v3: one appendix added, comments added in introduction and conclusion, to appear on PR

    Boundary and Midpoint Behaviors of Lump Solutions in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We discuss various issues concerning the behaviors near the boundary (\sigma=0,\pi) and the midpoint (\sigma=\pi/2) of the open string coordinate X(\sigma) and its conjugate momentum P(\sigma)=-i\delta/\delta X(\sigma) acting on the matter projectors of vacuum string field theory. Our original interest is in the dynamical change of the boundary conditions of the open string coordinate from the Neumann one in the translationally invariant backgrounds to the Dirichlet one in the D-brane backgrounds. We find that the Dirichlet boundary condition is realized on a lump solution only partially and only when its parameter takes a special value. On the other hand, the string midpoint has a mysterious property: it obeys the Neumann (Dirichlet) condition in the translationally invariant (lump) background.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e, a reference adde

    Boron abundance and solar neutrino spectrum distortion

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    The presence of neutrinos from Boron decay in the flux observed on Earth is attested by the observation of their energy spectrum. Possible distortions of the spectrum investigated in current detectors are often interpreted in terms of evidence in favour or against various schemes of neutrino oscillations. We stress here that a distortion of the spectrum at high energies could also result from an increase in the ratio of neutrinos originating from (3^3He+p) and 8^8B reactions. While a 8^8B neutrino depletion would contribute to this effect, an increase in the Hep contribution seems also needed to reproduce the preliminary data.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; abstract and introduction rewritten to match the conclusions bette

    Rolling Tachyon Solution in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We construct a time-dependent solution in vacuum string field theory and investigate whether the solution can be regarded as a rolling tachyon solution. First, compactifying one space direction on a circle of radius R, we construct a space-dependent solution given as an infinite number of *-products of a string field with center-of-mass momentum dependence of the form e^{-b p^2/4}. Our time-dependent solution is obtained by an inverse Wick rotation of the compactified space direction. We focus on one particular component field of the solution, which takes the form of the partition function of a Coulomb system on a circle with temperature R^2. Analyzing this component field both analytically and numerically using Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the parameter b in the solution must be set equal to zero for the solution to approach a finite value in the large time limit x^0\to\infty. We also explore the possibility that the self-dual radius R=\sqrt{\alpha'} is a phase transition point of our Coulomb system.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures, v3: references adde

    Predicting Big Bang Deuterium

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    We present new upper and lower bounds to the primordial abundances of deuterium and helium-3 based on observational data from the solar system and the interstellar medium. Independent of any model for the primordial production of the elements we find (at the 95\% C.L.): 1.5×105(D/H)P10.0×1051.5 \times 10^{-5} \le (D/H)_P \le 10.0 \times 10^{-5} and (3He/H)P2.6×105(^3He/H)_P \le 2.6\times 10^{-5}. When combined with the predictions of standard big bang nucleosynthesis, these constraints lead to a 95\% C.L. bound on the primordial abundance of deuterium: (D/H)best=(3.51.8+2.7)×105(D/H)_{best} = (3.5^{+2.7}_{-1.8})\times 10^{-5}. Measurements of deuterium absorption in the spectra of high redshift QSOs will directly test this prediction. The implications of this prediction for the primordial abundances of helium-4 and lithium-7 are discussed, as well as those for the universal density of baryons.Comment: Revised version of paper to reflect comments of the referee and reply to suggestions of Copi, Schramm, and Turner regarding the overall analysis and treatment of chemical evolution of D and He-3. Best-fit D/H abundance changes from (2.3 + 3.0 - 1.0)x10^{-5} to (3.5 +2.7 - 1.8) x10^{-5}. See also hep-ph/950531

    Chan-Paton factors and Higgsing from Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We give a description of open strings stretched between N parallel D-branes in VSFT. We show how higgsing is generated as the branes are displaced: the shift in the mass formula for on-shell states stretched between different branes is due to a twist anomaly, a contribution localized at the midpoint.Comment: 20 pages, JHEP clas

    Boundary states as exact solutions of (vacuum) closed string field theory

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    We show that the boundary states are idempotent B*B=B with respect to the star product of HIKKO type closed string field theory. Variations around the boundary state correctly reproduce the open string spectrum with the gauge symmetry. We explicitly demonstrate it for the tachyonic and massless vector modes. The idempotency relation may be regarded as the equation of motion of closed string field theory at a possible vacuum.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, v3:regularization improve

    Comments on Supersymmetry Algebra and Contact Term in Matrix String Theory

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    Following hep-th/0309238 relating the matrix string theory to the light-cone superstring field theory, we write down two supercharges in the matrix string theory explicitly. After checking the supersymmetry algebra at the leading order, we proceed to discuss higher-order contact terms.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, v2: eq. (5.1) and related appendices corrected, v3: final version to appear in JHE

    B field and squeezed states in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We show that squeezed state solutions for solitonic lumps in Vacuum String Field Theory still exist in the presence of a constant B field. We show in particular that, just as in the B=0 case, we can write down a compact explicit form for such solutions.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, typos corrected, final versio

    Time Dependent Solution in Cubic String Field Theory

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    We study time dependent solutions in cubic open string field theory which are expected to describe the configuration of the rolling tachyon. We consider the truncated system consisting of component fields of level zero and two, which are expanded in terms of cosh n x^0 modes. For studying the large time behavior of the solution we need to know the coefficients of all and, in particular, large n modes. We examine numerically the coefficients of the n-th mode, and find that it has the leading n-dependence of the form (-\beta)^n \lambda^{-n^2} multiplied by a peculiar subleading part with peaks at n=2^m=4,8,16,32,64,128,.... This behavior is also reproduced analytically by solving simplified equations of motion of the tachyon system.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, LaTeX2e, v3:minor correction