30 research outputs found

    Pharmacological and Behavioral Strategies to Improve Vision in Acquired Pendular Nystagmus.

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    BACKGROUND Acquired pendular nystagmus (APN) is a back and forth, oscillatory eye movement in which the 2 oppositely directed slow phases have similar waveforms. APN occurs commonly in multiple sclerosis and causes a disabling oscillopsia that impairs vision. Previous studies have proven that symptomatic therapy with gabapentin or memantine can reduce the nystagmus amplitude or frequency. However, the effect of these medications on visual acuity (VA) is less known and to our knowledge the impact of non-pharmacological strategies such as blinking on VA has not been reported. This is a single observational study without controls (Class IV) and is meant to suggest a future strategy for study of vision in patients with disabling nystagmus and impaired vision. CASE REPORT A 49-year-old woman with primary progressive multiple sclerosis with spastic paraparesis and a history of optic atrophy presented with asymmetrical binocular APN and bothersome oscillopsia. We found that in the eye with greater APN her visual acuity improved by 1 line (from 0.063 to 0.08 decimals) immediately after blinking. During treatment with memantine, her VA without blinking increased by 2 lines, from 0.063 to 0.12, but improved even more (from 0.12 to 0.16) after blinking. In the contralateral eye with a barely visible nystagmus, VA was reduced by 1 line briefly (~500 ms) after blinking. CONCLUSIONS In a patient with APN, blinking transiently improved vision. The combination of pharmacological treatment with memantine and the blinking strategy may induce better VA and less oscillopsia than either alone

    Do monosymptomatic stroke patients with dizziness present a vestibular syndrome without nystagmus? An underestimated entity.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Vestibular symptoms are common in emergency department (ED) patients and have various causes, including stroke. Accurate identification of stroke in patients with vestibular symptoms is crucial for timely management. We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study from 2015 to 2019 to determine stroke prevalence and associated symptoms in ED patients with vestibular symptoms, aiming to improve diagnosis and outcomes. METHODS As part of the DETECT project, we screened 1647 ED patients with acute vestibular symptoms. Following a retrospective analysis of 961 head and neck magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, we included 122 confirmed stroke cases and assessed them for vestibular signs and symptoms. RESULTS Stroke prevalence in dizzy patients was 13% (122/961 MRI scans). Most patients (95%) presented with acute vestibular symptoms with or without nystagmus, whereas 5% had episodic vestibular syndrome (EVS). Nystagmus was present in 50% of stroke patients. Eighty percent had a purely posterior circulation stroke, and nystagmus was absent in 46% of these patients. Seven patients (6%) had lesions in both the anterior and posterior circulation. Vertigo was experienced by 52% regardless of territory. CONCLUSIONS A stroke was identified in 13% of ED patients presenting with acute vestibular symptoms. In 5%, it was EVS. Most strokes were in the posterior circulation territory; vertigo occurred with similar frequency in anterior and posterior circulation stroke, and absence of nystagmus was common in both

    The Behavioral Mapping of Psychomotor Slowing in Psychosis Demonstrates Heterogeneity Among Patients Suggesting Distinct Pathobiology.

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    OBJECTIVES Psychomotor slowing (PS) occurs in up to half of schizophrenia patients and is linked to poorer outcomes. As standard treatment fails to improve PS, novel approaches are needed. Here, we applied the RDoC framework using 3 units of analysis, ie, behavior, self-report, and physiology to test, whether patients with PS are different from patients without PS and controls. METHODS Motor behavior was compared between 71 schizophrenia patients with PS, 25 without PS, and 42 healthy controls (HC) using 5 different measures: (1) for behavior, an expert rating scale: Motor score of the Salpêtrière Retardation Rating Scale, (2) for self-report, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire; and for physiology, (3) Actigraphy, which accounts for gross motor behavior, (4) Gait velocity, and (5) coin rotation task to assess manual dexterity. RESULTS The ANCOVAs comparing the 3 groups revealed differences between patients with PS and HC in expert ratings, self-report, and instrumental measures (all P ≤ .001). Patients with PS also scored higher in expert ratings and had lower instrumental activity levels compared to patients without PS (all P ≤ .045). Instrumental activity levels correlated with an expert rating of PS (rho = -0.51, P-fdr corrected <.001) and classified similarly at 72% accuracy. CONCLUSIONS PS is characterized by slower gait, lower activity levels, and slower finger movements compared to HC. However, only actigraphy and observer ratings enable to clearly disentangle PS from non-PS patients. Actigraphy may become the standard assessment of PS in neuroimaging studies and clinical trials

    Interplay of Socio-economic Factors, Consanguinity, Fertility, and Offspring Mortality in Monastir, Tunisia

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    Cilj Procijeniti međusobne utjecaje društvenoga položaja, prevalencije brakova među srodnicima i učinaka srođivanja na reprodukciju i smrtnost dojenčadi u Tunisu. Postupci Obrađeni su podatci o 1741 živorođene djece donešene između studenoga 1989. i listopada 1990. u rodilištu Sveučilišne bolnice Fattouma Bourguiba u Monastiru u Tunisu. Žene su nakon porođaja ispunile upitnik o dobi roditelja novorođenčeta u vrijeme sklapanja braka, broju trudnoća i pobačaja, broju novorođenačkih i kasnijih smrti djece i smrti djece do dobi od 5 godina. Mogla su se razaznati tri tipa braka: između prvih rođaka, između rođaka drugih stupnjeva srodnosti i nesrodni brakovi. Rezultati Brakova među srodnicima bilo je 432 (24.81%). Većina brakova među srodnicima odnosila se na prve rođake (n=303; 70.13%). Srodni su bračni parovi bili mlađi u doba sklapanja braka i imali su veći indeks fertilnosti nego li nesrodni parovi. Postotci spontanih pobačaja i mrtvorođene djece nisu bili povezani sa srodnošću roditelja. No, u brakovima između srodnika bilo je više neonatalnih i kasnijih smrti djece, kao i smrti djece do dobi od 5 godina. Zaključak Indeks fertilnosti i dojenački mortalitet, navlastito u prvoj gorini života, bili su češći u brakovima sklopljenim među srodnicima. Taj značajan društveno-ekonomski čimbenik treba imati na umu pri procjeni zdravlja populacija s društvenim i kulturalnim posebnostima.Aim To assess the association among social status, prevalence of consanguineous marriages, and the effects of consanguinity on reproductive behavior and mortality in Tunisia. Methods The study included data on a total of 1741 live-births born from November 1989 to October 1990 in the maternity ward of the University- Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba of Monastir, Tunisia. After delivery, women filled out a questionnaire on the age of the parents at marriage, the number of pregnancies and abortions, the number of neonatal and post-neonatal deaths, and deaths of children under 5 years. Three categories of marriages were distinguished as follows: marriages between first cousins, marriages between cousins of other degree, and non consanguineous marriages. Results Consanguineous marriages represented 432 (24.81%) of the unions. Most consanguineous marriages were contracted between first cousins (n = 303; 70.13%). Consanguineous couples had a lower age at marriage and a higher fertility index than non-consanguineous couples. The rates of spontaneous abortions and stillbirths were not correlated with consanguinity. However, higher rates of neonatal and post-neonatal deaths, and deaths of children younger than 5 years were observed in consanguineous couples. Conclusion Fertility index and mortality, especially in the first year of life, were significantly higher in consanguineous marriages. This important socio-economical factor needs to be considered in assessing equity on health in specific social and cultural contexts

    Needs and supporting tools for primary care physicians to improve care of patients with vertigo and dizziness: a national survey.

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    BACKGROUND The diagnostic workup and treatment decisions for vertigo or dizziness in primary care can be challenging due to the broad range of possible causes and limited time and expertise of physicians. This can lead to delays in treatment and unnecessary tests. We aimed to identify the unmet needs of primary care physicians (PCPs) and strategies to improve care for dizzy patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS An online survey was conducted among board-certified PCPs in Switzerland to explore needs in caring for dizzy patients and potential educational approaches. RESULTS Based on responses from 152 participating PCPs, satisfaction and confidence were higher in diagnosing (82%) and treating (76%) acute dizziness compared to episodic/chronic cases (63 and 59%, respectively). Younger PCPs had lower diagnostic yield and confidence. Areas for improvement in specialist interactions included communication between physicians (23%/36%; always/often true), shorter waiting times for consultations (19%/40%), more detailed feedback (36%/35%), and consistent patient back referrals (31%/30%). PCPs expressed interest in hands-on courses, workshops, practical guidelines, web-based algorithms, and digital tools such as printed dizzy diaries and apps for follow-up. CONCLUSION Enhanced dialog between PCPs and specialists is crucial to address the most common unmet needs. Reducing waiting times for referrals and providing clear instructions to specialists for triage are essential. The findings from this survey will guide the development of tools to improve the diagnosis and treatment of dizzy patients. Younger PCPs, who face higher diagnostic uncertainty, should be prioritized for educational approaches such as hands-on courses, workshops, and practical recommendations

    Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis.

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    Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder, in which 50% of the patients present with motor abnormalities such as psychomotor slowing. Slow spontaneous gait has been reported in schizophrenia. However, comprehensive objective instrumental assessments of multiple gait conditions are missing. Finally, the specific gait patterns of subjects with psychomotor slowing are still unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to objectively assess multiple gait parameters at different walking conditions in patients with schizophrenia with and without psychomotor slowing. Also, we hypothesised gait impairments to correlate with expert ratings of hypokinetic movement disorders and negative symptoms. We collected gait data (GAITRite®) in 70 patients with psychomotor slowing (SRRS (Salpetriere retardation rating scale) ≥15), 22 non-psychomotor slowed patients (SRRS  16.18, all p < 0.001). Secondly, slower velocity was associated with more severe hypokinetic movement disorders and negative symptoms. In conclusion, gait impairments exist in a spectrum with healthy controls on one end and patients with psychomotor slowing on the other end. Patients with psychomotor slowing are specifically impaired when an adaptation of gait patterns is required, contributing to the deleterious effects of sedentary behaviours

    Stroke Prediction Based on the Spontaneous Nystagmus Suppression Test in Dizzy Patients: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study.

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    ObjectiveFailure of fixation suppression of spontaneous nystagmus is sometimes seen in patients with vestibular strokes involving the cerebellum or brainstem, however, the accuracy of this test for the discrimination between peripheral and central causes in patients with an acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) is unknown.MethodsPatients with AVS were screened and recruited (convenience sample) as part of a prospective cross-sectional study in the Emergency Department between 2015-2020. All patients received neuroimaging which served as a reference standard. We recorded fixation suppression with video-oculography (VOG) for straight, right and left gaze. The ocular fixation index (OFI) and the spontaneous nystagmus slow velocity reduction was calculated.ResultsWe screened 1646 dizzy patients in the emergency department and tested for spontaneous nystagmus in 148 included AVS patients. We analyzed 56 patients with a diagnosed acute unilateral vestibulopathy (vestibular neuritis) and 28 patients with a confirmed stroke. There was a complete nystagmus fixation suppression in 49.5% of AVS patients, in 40% of patients with vestibular neuritis and in 62.5% of vestibular strokes. OFI scores had no predictive value for detecting strokes, however, a nystagmus reduction of less than 2deg/s showed a high accuracy of 76.9% (CI 0.59-0.89) with a sensitivity of 62.2% and specificity of 84.8% in detecting strokes..ConclusionsThe presence of fixation suppression does not rule out a central lesion. The magnitude of suppression was lower compared to patients with vestibular neuritis. The nystagmus suppression test still predicts accurately vestibular strokes provided that eye movements are recorded with VOG.Classification of EvidenceThis study provides Class II evidence that in patients with an acute vestibular syndrome, decreased fixation suppression recorded with VOG occurred more often in stroke (76.9%) than in vestibular neuritis (37.8%)

    Less in-toeing after femoral derotation osteotomy in adult patients with increased femoral version and posterior hip impingement compared to patients with femoral retroversion

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    In-toeing of the foot was associated with high femoral version (FV), while Out-toeing was associated with femoral-retroversion. Therefore, we report on (i) foot-progression-angle (FPA), (ii) prevalence of In-toeing and Out-toeing, and (iii) clinical outcome of patients treated with femoral-derotation-osteotomy (FDO). We performed a retrospective analysis involving 20 patients (20 hips) treated with unilateral FDO (2017-18). Of them, 14 patients had increased FV, 6 patients had femoral-retroversion. Follow-up time was mean 1 ± 1 years. All patients had minimal 1-year follow-up and the mean age was 29 ± 8 years. Patients with increased FV (FV > 35°) presented with positive posterior-impingement-test and mean FV was 49 ± 11° (Murphy method). Six patients with femoral-retroversion (FV < 10°) had positive anterior impingement test and mean FV of 5 ± 4°. Instrumented gait analysis was performed preoperatively and at follow-up using the Gaitrite system to measure FPA and was compared to a control group of 18 healthy asymptomatic volunteers (36 feet, mean age 29 ± 6 years). (i) Mean FPA increased significantly (P = 0.006) from preoperative 1.3 ± 7° to 4.5 ± 6° at follow-up for patients with increased FV and was not significantly different compared to the control group (4.0 ± 4.5°). (ii) In-toeing decreased from preoperatively (five patients) to follow-up (two patients) for patients with increased FV. Out-toeing decreased from preoperatively (two patients) to follow-up (no patient) for patients with femoral-retroversion. (iii) Subjective-hip-value of all patients increased significantly (P < 0.001) from preoperative 21 to 78 points at follow-up. WOMAC was 12 ± 8 points at follow-up. Patients with increased FV that underwent FDO walked with less In-toeing. FDO has the potential to reduce In-toeing and Out-toeing and to improve subjective satisfaction at follow-up

    Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up

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    Background: Slipped capital femoral epiphyses (SCFE) is associated with out-toeing of the foot and external rotation gait. But it is unknown if SCFE patients treated with the modified Dunn procedure have out-toeing at follow up.Therefore, we used instrumented gait analysis and questioned (1) do severe SCFE patients treated with a modified Dunn procedure have symmetrical foot progression angle (FPA) compared with contralateral side and compared with asymptomatic volunteers (2) what is the prevalence of out-toeing gait and what are the outcome socres at follow up. Methods: Gait analysis of 22 patients (22 hips) treated with an unilateral modified Dunn procedure for severe SCFE (slip angle >60 degrees, 2002 to 2011) was retrospectively evaluated. Of 38 patients with minimal 5-year follow up, 2 hips (4%) had avascular necrosis of the femoral head and were excluded for gait analysis. Twenty-two patients were available for gait analysis at follow up (mean follow up of 9±2 y). Mean age at follow up was 22±3 years. Mean preoperative slip angle was 64±8 degrees (33% unstable slips) and decreased postoperatively (slip angle of 8±4 degrees). Gait analysis was performed with computer-based instrumented walkway system (GAITRite) to measure FPA with embedded pressure sensors. Patients were compared with control group of 18 healthy asymptomatic volunteers (36 feet, mean age 29±6 y). Results: (1) Mean FPA of SCFE patients (3.6±6.4 degrees) at follow up was not significantly different compared with their contralateral side (5.6±5.5 degrees) and compared with FPA of controls (4.0±4.5 degrees). (2) Of the 22 SCFE patients, most of them (19 hips, 86%) had normal FPA (-5 to 15 degrees), 2 patients had in-toeing (FPA15 degrees) and was not significantly different compared with control group. (3) Mean modified Harris hip score (mHHS) was 93±11 points, mean Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) score was 91±10 points. Three patients (14%) had mHHS 95 points. Conclusions: Patients with severe SCFE treated with modified Dunn procedure had mostly symmetrical FPA and good hip scores at long term follow up. This is in contrast to previous studies. Although 1 patient had out-toeing and 2 patients had in-toeing at follow up, they had good hip scores. Level of evidence: Level III-retrospective comparative study

    What is the current status of primary care in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with vertigo and dizziness in Switzerland? A national survey

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    BackgroundVertigo and dizziness are among the most frequent presenting symptoms in the primary care physicians' (PCPs) office. With patients facing difficulties in describing their complaints and clinical findings often being subtle and transient, the diagnostic workup of the dizzy patient remains challenging. We aimed to gain more insights into the current state of practice in order to identify the limitations and needs of the PCPs and define strategies to continuously improve their knowledge in the care of the dizzy patient.Materials and methodsBoard-certified PCPs working in Switzerland were invited to participate in an online survey. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and prospectively defined hypotheses were assessed using regression analyses.ResultsA vast majority of participating PCPs (n = 152) were familiar with the key questions when taking the dizzy patient's history and with performing provocation/repositioning maneuvers when posterior-canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) was suspected (91%). In contrast, strong agreement that performing the alternating cover test (21%), looking for a spontaneous nystagmus with fixation removed (42%), and performing the head-impulse test (47%) were important was considerably lower, and only 19% of PCPs were familiar with lateral-canal BPPV treatment. No specific diagnosis could be reached in substantial fractions of patients with acute (35% [25; 50%], median [inter-quartile range]) and episodic/chronic (50% [40; 65.8%]) dizziness/vertigo. Referral to specialists was higher in patients with episodic/chronic dizziness than in acutely dizzy patients (50% [20.3; 75] vs. 30% [20; 50]), with younger PCPs (aged 30–40 years) demonstrating significantly increased odds of referral to specialists (odds ratio = 2.20 [1.01–4.81], p = 0.048).ConclusionThe assessment of dizzy patients takes longer than that of average patients in most primary care practices. Many dizzy patients remain undiagnosed even after a thorough examination, highlighting the challenges faced by PCPs and potentially leading to frequent referrals to specialists. To address this, it is crucial to promote state-of-the-art neuro-otological examination and treatment techniques that are currently neglected by most PCPs, such as “HINTS” and lateral-canal BPPV treatment. This can help reduce referral rates allowing more targeted treatment and referrals