16 research outputs found

    Lead concentration in the muscles of slaughtered buffalos in northwest regions of Iran

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    Background: The topic of food safety has become a major public health issue worldwide. Over recent decades, the growing concern for food safety has brought about greater research regarding the risks associated with the consumption of produce that has been contaminated by pesticides, heavy metals and/or toxins. Objective: The study was conducted to determine the concentration of Pb in the muscle of buffalos slaughtered in the northwest regions of Iran (Ardabil, Urmia and Tabriz cities). Methods: The present was a descriptive cross-sectional study in the northwest regions of Iran during 2013 to 2014. A total of 30 muscle samples from individual buffalos were analyzed for Pb concentrations using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (ASS). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0. All results were computed as mean standard deviation and subjected to one-way analysis of variance to establish whether the differences in Pb concentrations in meat samples from different cities were significant or not. The Statistical significance was determined at p<0.05. Results: The results showed that the mean concentration of Pb in muscle samples were measured 0.043±0.035 ppm. The highest Pb concentration (0.11 ppm) was detected in the buffalo muscle samples from Urmia city. In total, 25 muscle samples (80.33%) were contaminated with Pb and concentration of Pb in 3.33% of contaminated samples exceeded the permissible limits advised by the European Commission (EC) (0.1 ppm). Conclusion: We recommend identifying Pb sources in order to eliminate or control Pb contamination of food, and monitor environmental exposures and hazards to prevent lead poisoning

    A Case Report of Four and a Half Syndrome

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    Being able to localize a lesion based on the physical exam findings is critical in neuro-ophthalmology. Crossed localizing signs are particularly helpful in brainstem lesions. We report a patient with a IV nerve palsy ipsilateral to an internuclear ophthalmoplegia. This combination localized the lesion to the dorsal midbrain

    No Gain But Pain

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    Ocular pain is commonly seen with headaches. Although, blurred vision and visual disturbances are frequent among patients suffering from headaches, necessarily not all patients experience it. Intractable ocular pain with normal anatomical structure can mislead to diagnosis of functional disease. The purpose of this report is to present a patient with intractable ocular pain without response to general treatments led to diagnosis of potentially life threatening condition with persistency of clinicians

    Six-Year Follow-Up Of The Progression Of Cortical Vision Loss In A Patient With HIV-Related Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy

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    "A 43- year- old right-handed African American man with 20-year history of HIV presented to with blurred vision in both eyes. He also had right hemiparesis and right arm flailing. Neuro-exam revealed right hemiparesis, hemiataxia and hemibalismus, alexia without agraphia and dysnomia. Ophthalmic exam showed BCVA 20/25 OD, 20/40 OS. EOM was intact. Slit lamp and fundoscopic exam was normal. Humphrey visual field 30-2 demonstrated a left homonymous para-central scotoma.


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    The topological and fi rst-hyperpolarizability properties of 2-(1-{6-[(2-fl uoroethyl)(methyl)amino]-2-naphthyl}ethylidene)malononitrile (FDDNP) were studied using DFTB3LYP method. The static and dynamic electronic (hyper)polarizabilities of conformers were calculated and a simple two-state model was employed to explain the fi rst hyperpolarizability differences in two conformers. The second harmonic generation property was evaluated at the typical wavelengths of Cr:forsterite, Nd:YAG(neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet) and Ti:sapphire lasers to predict the compound conformers potency for second harmonic generation imaging in biological studies

    Total Absence of Conjugate Horizontal Eye Movements and Facial Paresis as the First Presentation of Multiple Sclerosis (.pdf)

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    Eye movement abnormalities are a common manifestation of Multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we report a patient with total absence of conjugate horizontal eye movements, and facial diparesis, as an initial presentation of MS

    Role of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Treatment of Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis-Associated Low CD4 and CD8 Levels

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    We report a 35-year-old healthy male who developed central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease consistent with tumefactive multiple sclerosis. About 2 weeks after onset of symptoms and prior to initiation of therapy, the patient had lymphopenia and low CD4 and CD8 levels. His lymphocyte count was 400 cells/µl (850–3,900 cells/µl), CD4 was 193 cells/µl (490–1,740 cells/µl) and CD8 was 103 cells/µl (180–1,170 cells/µl). He was treated with intravenous methylprednisolone followed by therapeutic plasma exchange, the levels of CD4 and CD8 normalized, and ultimately, he recovered completely

    Neuro-ophthalmic Complications in Patients Treated with CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-L1 Checkpoint Blockade Inhibition (PDF)

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    In recent years, the use of CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint blockade inhibitors have proven to be effective and become increasingly widespread treatment options for metastatic melanoma and other cancers by enhancing autologous anti-tumor immune responses. Immune related ophthalmologic complications have been reported in association with checkpoint inhibitor usebut remain incompletely characterized. This study seeks to investigate and further characterize the neuro-ophthalmic adverse effects from immune checkpoint blockade treatment