2 research outputs found


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    From the beginning of human’s creation, and after birth creativity has been existed, with the continuation of life and with the quick improvement of science, philosophy, and technology. Knowing the simplified agents of organizational evolution, obstacles, and the agents of reinforcement against that can be effective in the correct or principle management, guidance of innovation. Reinforcing the ability of innovation and creativity in organizations can be one of the significant simplified agents in the structure that corresponds to the appointed aim. Achieving the aims of the organization relates to the ability of staffs on duty with the correspondence to the adapted environment. To perform the training and meliorating the human power that causes an increase in their efficiency so that people can continue their activities with the adapted organizational and environmental changes highly systematically. The result indicated that, training and meliorating is a planned and continual struggle by the management in order to improve the capability of staffs and the organizational performance. This article not only expresses the role of human training resources and its significant necessity, also states the relatively common aims of different organizations and systems which are the in-service training and dynamic training of staffs

    The Effective Factors on the Guidance School Students’ Academic Motive

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the effective factors on the guidance school students’ academic motive in Mazandaran province. Method research is descriptive survey. The population includes all the guidance school students in Mazandaran (119619 ones). The content of the sample is derived from (Kerjesi) and Morgan’s list that is in common with the content and volume of the society (384 people) The way of picking up the sample first is in a racemiformmanner and then in a startiform manner according to this levels. The means in gathering the data for the Questionnaire designed with researcher, close ended questions and likerts choices with the levels .The base of the data is leveled with Alphas test/ (kerden Bach), 0/95 The results are:the personal, family, social, educational factors effective in Mazandarans guidance school students’ educational motivation. Generally the students believed that the most effective factor on this motivation were as follow :( in order of importance and effectiveness): personal/family/social and educational factors. In other words the most effective factor was the personal, and the least was the educational one