20 research outputs found

    Corrosion Inhibition Using Harmal Leaf Extract as an Eco-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor

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    Extract of natural plants is one of the most important metallic corrosion inhibitors. They are readily available, nontoxic, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, highly efficient, and renewable. The present project focuses on the corrosion inhibition effects of Peganum Harmala leaf extract. The equivalent circuit with two time constants with film and charge transfer components gave the best fitting of impedance data. Extraction of active species by sonication proved to be an effective new method to extract the inhibitors. High percent inhibition efficacy IE% of 98% for 283.4 ppm solutions was attained using impedance spectroscopy EIS measurements. The values of charge transfer Rct increases while the double layer capacitance Cdl values decrease with increasing Harmal extract concentration. This indicates the formation of protective film. The polarization curves show that the Harmal extract acts as a cathodic-type inhibitor. It is found that the adsorption of Harmal molecules onto the steel surface followed Langmuir isotherm. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR was used to determine the electron-rich functional groups in Harmal extract, which contribute to corrosion inhibition effect. Scanning electron microscopy SEM measurement of a steel surface clearly proves the anticorrosion effect of Harmal leaves

    Photodegradation of Congo Red by Modified P25-Titanium Dioxide with Cobalt-Carbon Supported on SiO2 Matrix, DFT Studies of Chemical Reactivity

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    Congo red is a hazardous material in the environment. The present work describes the synthesis of TiO2/CoC@SiO2-bipy (1) and TiO2/CoC@SiO2-phen (2) nanocomposites for the photodegradation of azo-dye Congo red (CR) dye in aqueous solution, by combining pure TiO2 with CoC@SiO2-bipy (s1) and CoC@SiO2-phen (s2) nanoparticles. The prepared nanocomposites were evaluated in term of photocatalytic activity rates in aqueous solution using CR. The nanocomposites TiO2/CoC@SiO2-bipy (1) and TiO2/CoC@SiO2-phen (2) were prepared from TiO2 (75%) and CoC@SiO2-bipy (s1) or CoC@SiO2-phen (s2) (25%) (weight ratio). Ultra-sonication and milling were used to prepare the heterogeneous nano catalysts. The pH, initial dye concentration, and catalyst dosage appeared to have a significant impact on the photocatalytic degradation performance. Molecular oxygen and other active species played a significant role in the photocatalyst degradation of CR with sunlight energy (UV-index 5.0). The chemical reactions were accelerated depending upon electrophilicity (ω) and energy gap (Eg) of azo dye species CR-N=N, CR-N=NH and CR=N-NH species which were calculated by density function theory (DFT). It can be concluded that the rate of electron–hole recombination of the TiO2 catalyst, when adding CoC@SiO2-bipy (s1) or CoC@SiO2-phen (s2), not only enhances the degradation but also effectively removes toxic dye molecules and their by-products. The newly prepared TiO2/CoC@SiO2-bipy (1) nanocomposites showed increased photocatalytic efficiency at low catalyst dose and faster rate of degradation of Congo red compared to TiO2/CoC@SiO2-phen (2) and TiO2 catalysts. The novel catalysts (1) and (2) can be easily separated by centrifugation and filtration, from the reaction mixture compared to TiO2

    Photodegradation of Congo Red by Modified P25-Titanium Dioxide with Cobalt-Carbon Supported on SiO<sub>2</sub> Matrix, DFT Studies of Chemical Reactivity

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    Congo red is a hazardous material in the environment. The present work describes the synthesis of TiO2/CoC@SiO2-bipy (1) and TiO2/CoC@SiO2-phen (2) nanocomposites for the photodegradation of azo-dye Congo red (CR) dye in aqueous solution, by combining pure TiO2 with CoC@SiO2-bipy (s1) and CoC@SiO2-phen (s2) nanoparticles. The prepared nanocomposites were evaluated in term of photocatalytic activity rates in aqueous solution using CR. The nanocomposites TiO2/CoC@SiO2-bipy (1) and TiO2/CoC@SiO2-phen (2) were prepared from TiO2 (75%) and CoC@SiO2-bipy (s1) or CoC@SiO2-phen (s2) (25%) (weight ratio). Ultra-sonication and milling were used to prepare the heterogeneous nano catalysts. The pH, initial dye concentration, and catalyst dosage appeared to have a significant impact on the photocatalytic degradation performance. Molecular oxygen and other active species played a significant role in the photocatalyst degradation of CR with sunlight energy (UV-index 5.0). The chemical reactions were accelerated depending upon electrophilicity (ω) and energy gap (Eg) of azo dye species CR-N=N, CR-N=NH and CR=N-NH species which were calculated by density function theory (DFT). It can be concluded that the rate of electron–hole recombination of the TiO2 catalyst, when adding CoC@SiO2-bipy (s1) or CoC@SiO2-phen (s2), not only enhances the degradation but also effectively removes toxic dye molecules and their by-products. The newly prepared TiO2/CoC@SiO2-bipy (1) nanocomposites showed increased photocatalytic efficiency at low catalyst dose and faster rate of degradation of Congo red compared to TiO2/CoC@SiO2-phen (2) and TiO2 catalysts. The novel catalysts (1) and (2) can be easily separated by centrifugation and filtration, from the reaction mixture compared to TiO2

    Derivative-ratio spectrophotometric method for the determination of ternary mixture of aspirin, paracetamol and salicylic acid

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    A derivative spectrophotometric method was developed for the assay of a ternary mixture of aspirin (ASP), paracetamol (PAR) and salicylic acid (SAL). The method is based on the use of the first and second derivatives of the ratio spectra and measurement at zero-crossing wavelengths. The ratio spectra were obtained by dividing the absorption spectrum of the mixture by that of one of the components. The concentration of the other components are then determined from their respective calibration curves treated similarly. The described method was applied for the determination of these combinations in synthetic mixtures and dosage forms. The results obtained were accurate and precise.Peer reviewe

    New spectrofluorometric application for the determination of ternary mixtures of drugs

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    A new spectrofluorometric method was developed for the determination of a ternary mixture of dexamethasone, dexchlorpheniramine maleate, and fluphenazine hydrochloride in dosage forms where the literature did not reveal any method for analysis of this mixture. The method was based on the use of the first and second derivatives of the ratio of the emission spectra with a zero-crossing technique. The ratio spectra were obtained by dividing the emission spectrum of the mixture by that of one of the components. The concentrations of the other components were then determined from their respective calibration graphs treated similarly. The method can resolve the spectral overlapping of the three components and was applied successfully for the determination of these drugs in synthetic mixtures and in commercial dosage forms.Peer reviewe

    Analysis of eprosartan-hydrochlorothiazide and irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide binary mixtures by derivative spectrophotometry

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    Two simple and accurate spectrophotometric methods were presented for the determination of binary mixtures of each of Eprosartan and Irbesartan with Hydrochlorothiazide in dosage forms. Concerning the first mixture (Eprosartan/Hydrochlorothiazide mixture), Eprosartan was assayed by first derivative zero crossing technique, while Hydrochlorothiazide was determined by the second derivative zero crossing technique after extraction with ethyl acetate. On the other hand, for the second mixture (Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide mixture), Irbesartan was determined by the first derivative zero crossing technique after extraction with chloroform, while Hydrochlorothiazide was determined by a specific colorimetric method using chromotropic acid. The aim of this work was to provide new analytical methods for both mixtures. These methods proved to be accurate and precise and were highly able to cope with the strong

    Hierarchical Graphitic Carbon-Encapsulating Cobalt Nanoparticles for Catalytic Hydrogenation of 2,4-Dinitrophenol

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    Cobalt hierarchical graphitic carbon nanoparticles (Co@HGC) (1), (2), and (3) were prepared by simple pyrolysis of a cobalt phenanthroline complex in the presence of anthracene at different temperatures and heating times, under a nitrogen atmosphere. The samples were used for the catalytic hydrogenation of 2,4-dinitrophenol. Samples (1) and (3) were prepared by heating at 600 °C and 800 °C respectively, while (2) was prepared by heating at 600 °C with an additional intermediate stage at 300 °C. This work revealed that graphitization was catalyzed by cobalt nanoparticles and occurred readily at temperatures of 600 °C and above. The nanocatalysts were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM, energy dispersive X-ray analysis EDX, Raman, Xrd, and XPS. The analysis revealed the presence of cobalt and cobalt oxide species as well as graphitized carbon, while TEM analysis indicated that the nanocatalyst contains mainly cobalt nanoparticles of 3–20 nm in size embedded in a lighter graphitic web. Some bamboo-like multiwall carbon nanotubes and graphitic onion-like nanostructures were observed in (3). The structures and chemical properties of the three catalysts were correlated with their catalytic activities. The apparent rate constants kapp (min−1) of the 2,4-dinitrophenol reductions were 0.34 for (2), 0.17 for (3), 0.04 for (1), 0.005 (no catalyst). Among the three studied catalysts, the highest rate constant was obtained for (2), while the highest conversion yield was achieved by (3). Our data show that an increase in agglomeration of the cobalt species reduces the catalytic activity, while an increase in pyrolysis temperature improves the conversion yield. The nanocatalyst enhances hydrogen generation in the presence of sodium borohydride and reduces 2,4-dinitrophenol to p-diamino phenol. The best nanocatalyst (3) was prepared at 800 °C. It consisted of uniformly distributed cobalt nanoparticles sheltered by hierarchical graphitic carbon. The nanocatalyst is easily separated and recycled from the reaction system and proved to be degradation resistant, to have robust stability, and high activity towards the reduction reaction of nitrophenols

    An Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel by Harmal Extracts

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    The corrosion inhibition effect of the three extracts from Harmal roots (HRE), leaves (HLE), and flowers (HFE) were studied for carbon steel corrosion inhibition in 0.25 M H2SO4 solution. The electrochemical impedance study indicated that the three types of extracts decreased corrosion effectively through a charge transfer mechanism. Harmal roots and leaf extracts showed inhibition values of 94.1% and 94.2%, while it was 88.7% for Harmal flower extract at the inhibitor concentration of 82.6 ppm. Potentiodynamic polarization data revealed that Harmal extracts acted through predominant cathodic type inhibition. Both the corrosion current density and corrosion rate decreased significantly in the presence of Harmal extracts compared to blank solution. The corrosion rate (mpy) value was 63.3, 86.1, and 180.7 for HRE, HLE, and HFE, respectively. The adsorption-free energy change &Delta;Gads (kJ&middot;mol&minus;1) values calculated from the Langmuir adsorption isotherm plots were for HRE (&minus;35.08), HLE (&minus;33.17), and HFE (&minus;33.12). Thus, corrosion inhibition occurred due to the adsorption of Harmal extract on the carbon steel surface via the chemisorption mechanism. Moreover, a computational investigation using B3LYP/6-311G++(d,p) basis set in both gaseous and aqueous phases was performed for the major alkaloids (1&ndash;8) present in the Harmal extract