3 research outputs found

    Application of Particle Swarm Optimization in Optimizing Stereo Matching Algorithm’s Parameters for Star Fruit Inspection System

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    This paper reports the finding of the experimentation of the Particle Swarm Optimization in optimizing the stereo matching algorithm’s parameters for the star fruit inspection system. The star fruit inspection system is built by CvviP Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. While the stereo matching algorithm used in the experiment is taken from the Matlab library. Each particle of Particle Swarm Optimization in the search pace repsents a set of candidate numerical value of the stereo matching’s parameters. The fitness function for this application is the sum of absolute error of the gray scale value of both images. Based on this information, the particles will improve its position in the search space by moving towards its best record and the swarm best record. The process repeated until the maximum iteration met. The result indicates that there is potential application of Particle Swarm Optimization in stereo matching’s parameters tuning

    An Experimental Study of the Application of Gravitational Search Algorithm in Solving Route Optimization Problem for Holes Drilling Process

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    Previously, route planning in holes drilling process has been taken for granted due to its automated process, in nature. But as the interest to make Computer Numerical Control machines more efficient, there have been a steady increase in number of studies for the past decade. Many researchers proposed algorithms that belong into Computational Intelligence, due to their simplicity and ability to obtain optimal result. In this study, an optimization algorithm based on Gravitational Search Algorithm is proposed for solving route optimization in holes drilling process. The proposed approach involves modeling and simulation of Gravitational Search Algorithm. The performance of the algorithm is benchmark with one case study that had been frequently used by previous researchers. The result indicates that the proposed approach performs better than most of the literatures

    Classification System for Wood Recognition using K-Nearest Neighbor with Optimized Features from Binary Gravitational Algorithm

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    Woods species recognition is a texture classification difficulty that has been studied by many researchers years ago. The species of the wood are identified by the proposed classification using the textural type that can be observed on the structural features for example the colour of the woods, weight, texture and other features. Any mistakes on texture recognition will affect the economic benefits of wood production where it is an important basis for an identification of woods. Besides, to guide a person to be skilled in wood recognition, it will take a long time and the result the wood sample can be biased. These kinds of problem can be a motivation to develop a system that can recognize the wood effectively. This project will try to integrate both attempts by proposing a classification system consists of feature extractor, classifier and optimizer. The project proposes a classification system using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) as feature extractor, K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) as classifier and Binary Gravitational Search Algorithm (BGSA) as the optimizer for GLCM’s feature selection and parameters. For this project, images of wood knot from CAIRO UTM database are used for benchmarking the proposed system performance. The result shows that the proposed approach can perform as good as previous literatures with fewer features used as input for the classifier