85 research outputs found

    How Government Policy and Demographics affect Money Demand Function in Bangladesh

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    Abstract. Money demand has a key position in macroeconomics generally and monetary economics particularly. The improved economic condition of any country is a sign of increasing money demand and deteriorating economic climate is a sign of decreasing money demand (Maravic & Palic, 2005). In this study, Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach of co-integration developed by Pesaran et al., (2001) is used to estimate the money demand function. Real interest rate, GDP per capita, exchange rate, fiscal deficit, urban and rural population are selected to determine money demand function in Bangladesh over the period from 1975-2013. The co-integration analysis reveals that interest rate and per capita GDP exerts significant effect upon money demand both in long run and short run as well. Both urban and rural population have significant effect on money demand in the long run and short run and money demand function is found stable over time.Keywords. Bangladesh, Money demand, Per Capita GDP, Real interest rate, Exchange rate, Fiscal deficit, Urban and Rural Population.JEL. E41, G18, N30

    Application of Blockchain and Internet of Things to Ensure Tamper-Proof Data Availability for Food Safety

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    Food supply chain plays a vital role in human health and food prices. Food supply chain inefficiencies in terms of unfair competition and lack of regulations directly affect the quality of human life and increase food safety risks. This work merges Hyperledger Fabric, an enterprise-ready blockchain platform with existing conventional infrastructure, to trace a food package from farm to fork using an identity unique for each food package while keeping it uncomplicated. It keeps the records of business transactions that are secured and accessible to stakeholders according to the agreed set of policies and rules without involving any centralized authority. This paper focuses on exploring and building an uncomplicated, low-cost solution to quickly link the existing food industry at different geographical locations in a chain to track and trace the food in the market.Comment: Journal of Food Quality, 202

    Relationship of Fiscal Discipline and House hold Income on Money Demand Function in Sri Lanka

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    This paper attempts to find those determinants stirring the function of money demand in Sri Lanka during 1975-2013. The empirical analysis starts from applying the unit root tests i.e. Ng-Perron. We apply ARDL bound testing approach of co-integration to scrutinize the co-integration in variables. We select independent variables like per capita GDP, interest rate, exchange rate, fiscal deficit, urban population and rural population to determine money demand function. The findings revealed that income, interest rate and fiscal deficit effect money demand significantly and positively. The exchange rate affects negatively and significantly upon money demand. The stable money demand function is found over time applying CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability test. The model of our study strongly recommends the real demand for M2 is vital monetary aggregate in terms of policy implication including the appropriateness of model in Sri Lanka

    Relationship of Fiscal Discipline and House hold Income on Money Demand Function in Sri Lanka

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    This paper attempts to find those determinants stirring the function of money demand in Sri Lanka during 1975-2013. The empirical analysis starts from applying the unit root tests i.e. Ng-Perron. We apply ARDL bound testing approach of co-integration to scrutinize the co-integration in variables. We select independent variables like per capita GDP, interest rate, exchange rate, fiscal deficit, urban population and rural population to determine money demand function. The findings revealed that income, interest rate and fiscal deficit effect money demand significantly and positively. The exchange rate affects negatively and significantly upon money demand. The stable money demand function is found over time applying CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability test. The model of our study strongly recommends the real demand for M2 is vital monetary aggregate in terms of policy implication including the appropriateness of model in Sri Lanka

    Revisiting Determinants of Money Demand Function in Pakistan

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    Abstract. This study investigates the factors such as interest rate, GDP per capita, exchange rate, fiscal deficit, urban and rural population to determine money demand function for Pakistan over the period from 1972-2013. We use ARDL Bound Testing approach in order to test long run relation between money demand and its factors whereas both long and short run coefficients will be found using similar approach. The results show that real interest rate exerts significant and negative effect upon money demand in both long and short run in Pakistan. The results also disclose that exchange rate and rural population are leaving significant but negative effect on the demand for money. These findings are robust to different diagnostic tests..Keywords. Pakistan, Money Demand, Interest Rate, Per Capita GDP, Fiscal Deficit and Exchange Rate.JEL. E40, E41, E50

    The real impact of ratings-based capital rules on the finance-growth nexus

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    We investigate whether ratings-based capital regulation has affected the finance-growth nexus via a foreign credit channel. Using quarterly data on short to medium term real GDP growth and cross-border bank lending flows from G-10 countries to 67 recipient countries, we find that since the implementation of Basel 2 capital rules, risk weight reductions mapped to sovereign credit rating upgrades have stimulated short-term economic growth in investment grade recipients but hampered growth in non-investment grade recipients. The impact of these rating upgrades is strongest in the first year and then reverses from the third year and onwards. On the other hand, there is a consistent and lasting negative impact of risk weight increases due to rating downgrades across all recipient countries. The adverse effects of ratings-based capital regulation on foreign bank credit supply and economic growth are compounded in countries with more corruption and less competitive banking sectors and are attenuated with greater political stability
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