23 research outputs found

    Conocimiento y práctica de los maestros de preescolar sobre el aprendizaje socioemocional

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    Fostering and nurturing young children with good social-emotional skills are vitally important. Previous studies indicated a positive correlation between young children’s social-emotional skills and their future success. Hence, preschool teachers as children’s first educator play an important role in fostering and nurturing positive social-emotional development in young children. It is pivotal to ensure preschool teachers have vast knowledge and skills on social-emotional learning, hence capable to promote social-emotional learning.  As such, this research aims to examine preschool teachers’ knowledge and practice regarding social-emotional learning. This is a quantitative study with a survey research design.Fomentar y cuidar a los niños pequeños con buenas habilidades socioemocionales es de vital importancia. Estudios anteriores indicaron una correlación positiva entre las habilidades socioemocionales de los niños pequeños y su éxito futuro. Por lo tanto, los maestros de preescolar como primer educador de los niños juegan un papel importante en el fomento y el fomento del desarrollo social y emocional positivo en los niños pequeños. Es fundamental asegurar que los maestros de preescolar tengan un vasto conocimiento y habilidades sobre el aprendizaje socioemocional, por lo tanto, capaces de promover el aprendizaje socioemocional. Como tal, esta investigación tiene como objetivo examinar el conocimiento y la práctica de los maestros de preescolar con respecto al aprendizaje socioemocional. Este es un estudio cuantitativo con una encuesta de diseño de investigación

    Teacher's perspective on infrastructure of special education's classroom in Malaysia

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    AbstractTo provide children with special needs with comfortable, safe, and controlled learning, it is important to create continuity in the environment so that they would have equal access to education like typical students. Therefore, the specific infrastructure, such as barrier-free facilities, wheelchair access, a comfortable classroom, and safety aspects, should be taken into account for purposes of teaching and learning. Studies conducted in the form combine qualitative and quantitative aspects and involve observation, interviews, and questionnaires, with teachers and school administrators as respondents. The findings showed that 37.7 percent of the respondents are not sure about the classroom space needed by each special education student. Approximately 30 percent of the respondents also are uncertain, given the financial allocation for special education integration program. In addition, the majority of respondents (53.6%) are satisfied with the location of the special education program at their school, located on the ground floor of each building. Approximately 55.8 percent of the respondents agreed that the special education classroom in their schools have adequate lighting, and 52 percent agreed that there is good air circulation. However, 41.9 percent of the respondents did not agree with the space available for learning process because it does not match the capacity of students and teachers at a time. Some respondents indicated that insufficient infrastructure, especially for basic amenities, such as chairs, tables, fans, teaching aids (BBM), LCD facilities, computers, and others. In conclusion, the integration of special education programs needs much improvement especially in the accessibility of special needs students so that their right to have an education does not remain neglected. Therefore, the development of infrastructure and special education classroom modifications should be done using a certified standard

    Reading skills among year one students in Malaysia

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    AbstractThis study explored Primary One students’ reading skills at the beginning of the national academic schooling in Malaysia. The objectives of this study were to identify the students’ ability to read syllables of the Malay language and to compare this ability in terms of gender, the type of kindergarten attended, and the length of time spent in these kindergartens. The respondents were 17 boys and 18 girls from the three major ethnicities in Malaysia, namely Malays, Chinese, and Indians. The respondents’ reading skills were ranged from weak to medium to high. The instrument used was a progress chart on reading syllable patterns of the Malay language. The respondents were assessed individually in a comfortable setting. The findings suggested that the length of time spent in kindergarten may have a relationship with the ability to read syllables and words. The findings from this research were also used to classify the syllable patterns into three groups: weak, medium, and high

    Teacher's perspective on infrastructure of special education's classroom in Malaysia

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    AbstractTo provide children with special needs with comfortable, safe, and controlled learning, it is important to create continuity in the environment so that they would have equal access to education like typical students. Therefore, the specific infrastructure, such as barrier-free facilities, wheelchair access, a comfortable classroom, and safety aspects, should be taken into account for purposes of teaching and learning. Studies conducted in the form combine qualitative and quantitative aspects and involve observation, interviews, and questionnaires, with teachers and school administrators as respondents. The findings showed that 37.7 percent of the respondents are not sure about the classroom space needed by each special education student. Approximately 30 percent of the respondents also are uncertain, given the financial allocation for special education integration program. In addition, the majority of respondents (53.6%) are satisfied with the location of the special education program at their school, located on the ground floor of each building. Approximately 55.8 percent of the respondents agreed that the special education classroom in their schools have adequate lighting, and 52 percent agreed that there is good air circulation. However, 41.9 percent of the respondents did not agree with the space available for learning process because it does not match the capacity of students and teachers at a time. Some respondents indicated that insufficient infrastructure, especially for basic amenities, such as chairs, tables, fans, teaching aids (BBM), LCD facilities, computers, and others. In conclusion, the integration of special education programs needs much improvement especially in the accessibility of special needs students so that their right to have an education does not remain neglected. Therefore, the development of infrastructure and special education classroom modifications should be done using a certified standard

    Facilitating ESL Students with Autism Learn Sight Vocabulary: Teachers

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    Sokongan dan halangan yang dihadapi pelajar-pelajar kurang upaya di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia

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    This research was carried out to identify supports received and barriers faced by students with disabilities in an institute of higher education in Malaysia. Respondents for this research were students with vision impairment, two students with hearing impairment, and six students with physical impairment. Data from students with hearing and physical impairment were collected in written form while data from students with vision impairment were collected through interviews. Among the issues brought up by these students were inaccessible physical infrastructures on campus, lack of sign language interpreters for students with hearing impairment, lack of computers accessible for people with vision impairment, assistance in the library, accessible transportation system, issues of bureaucracy, and lack of empathy from the campus community. In terms of support, respondents reported that they depended on close friends to assist them; to follow lectures for students with hearing impairment and to move from one place to another for students with vision impairment. To improve the quality of service and facilities for students with disabilities in institutes of higher education in Malaysia, among the suggestions put forward by these respondents were to increase the awareness of issues faced by students with disabilities among the campus community and improve their understanding, to set up a council that could communicate their needs to the university administrators in taking steps towards a more positive physical and social environment on campus in order to provide an equal opportunity for these students to achieve their optimal potentia

    Bilik Darjah Pendidikan Khas Pada Masa Kini Dan Kekangannya Terhadap Proses Pengajaran (Current Special Education Classroom And Its Limitations Towards Teaching Process)

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    Suasana sesebuah bilik darjah mempunyai peranan besar dalam menghasilkan aktiviti pembelajaran yang baik. Oleh itu, pelbagai aspek perlu diambil kira sebelum sesebuah bilik darjah pendidikan khas dibina atau diubah suai. Bilik darjah yang sempit boleh menghasilkan suasana pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang hambar dan kurang berkesan. Bilik darjah pendidikan khas (PK) sepatutnya dibina secara terancang serta memenuhi ciri-ciri sebuah ruang pembelajaran bagi pelajar-pelajar PK. Sebagai contoh, program PK perlu disediakan tandas, laluan bagi pelajar kurang upaya fizikal, perabot dan ruang penyimpanan alat bantu mengajar (ABM) yang bersesuaian. Ini adalah kerana bilik darjah yang sesuai, selesa, ceria dan menarik boleh menimbulkan minat pelajarpelajar PK untuk belajar. Di Malaysia masih terdapat banyak bilik darjah PK yang dibina dan diubah suai tidak mengikuti ciri-ciri sebuah bilik darjah pelajar-pelajar PK. Ada pihak-pihak bertanggungjawab kurang mengambil berat tentang hal ini. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kesesuaian infrastruktur fizikal sekolah dan Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PPKI) di seluruh negara. Seramai 319 responden yang terdiri daripada guru PK telah memberikan pandangan mereka. Majoriti daripada mereka kurang berpuas hati terhadap infrastruktur bilik darjah PK di sekolah mereka. Mereka juga menyatakan bahawa bilik darjah yang disediakan sempit dan tidak sesuai dengan bilangan pelajar. Masalah lain yang turut dihadapi oleh mereka ialah kekurangan bahan bantu mengajar dan kemudahan yang terhad bagi pelajar PK. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa kelengkapan infrastruktur multimedia masih tidak mencukupi. Secara keseluruhan dapatlah disimpulkan bahawa infrastruktur bilik darjah sekolah dan PPKI di negara ini masih memerlukan penambahbaikan dan peningkatan mengikut satu spesifikasi standard yang dikeluarkan oleh badan yang bertanggungjawab

    English morphosyntactic performance of a high functioning ASD child: Implications on ELT

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    Purpose – The inclusion of an increasing number of highfunctioning ASD children in mainstream classrooms demands for adequate awareness of autism and effective teaching methods from teachers to ensure that learning takes places efficiently. Hence, this study investigated the atypical language performance of a highfunctioning Malay girl with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who chose to acquire English as her first language (L1) and eventually spoke the language fluently despite English not being the main language at home. Focus was given on the child’s literate language use of morphology and syntax in present tense English. Methodology – Data was collected from spontaneous speech interactions with an 8-year-old high-functioning ASD child for a period of 12 months. The interactions were conducted at the child’s home. Each session lasted approximately an hour and was video recorded. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis. In this study, focus was given on the morphology and syntax of the child’s present tense structures in English.Findings – The findings revealed four main themes: 1) elaborated noun phrases, 2) adverbs, 3) conjunctions, plus 4) mental and linguistic verbs. The findings indicated the child’s strength in her language performance that was consistent albeit with weak central coherence account and that she was not at the optional infinitive stage of grammatical development.Significance – These findings led to a further understanding of the language acquisition process in high-functioning children with ASD in Malaysia, and called for mainstream teachers to 1) upgrade their skills, enhance their knowledge and develop their awareness of the linguistic ability of high-functioning ASD children, and 2) implement effective teaching methods in managing them

    Tahap Pengetahuan Guru Pendidikan Khas dalam Pengurusan Sosioemosi Murid Autisme

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    Guru perlu mempunyai pengetahuan dan kepakaran dalam menguruskan sosioemosi murid kecelaruan spektrum autisme agar mereka mampu belajar seperti murid lain. Kajian ini mengkaji tahap pengetahuan guru untuk mengenali tahap dan ciri-ciri sosioemosi murid autisme serta pengurusan sosioemosi mereka. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji  tahap pengetahuan guru mengenai ciri-ciri sosioemosi murid autisme, tahap pengetahuan guru mengenai tahap sosioemosi murid Autisme dan tahap pengetahuan guru mengenai pengurusan sosioemosi murid. Kajian dilaksanakan secara kuantitatif menggunakan borang soal selidik yang telah dijawab oleh  seratus orang responden. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap pengetahuan guru mengenai pengurusan sosio-emosi, tahap perkembagan sosio emosi dan ciri – ciri sosio emosi murid autisme di sekolah adalah rendah. Diharapkan kajian ini dapat meningkatkan kefahaman pemegang taruh mengenai kepentingan pengetahuan guru dalam menguruskan sosioemosi murid autisme di dalam bilik darjah dan impaknya ke atas perkembangan murid autisme.     &nbsp

    Pengetahuan dan amalan aktiviti perbualan pagi oleh guru Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran (PPKBP)

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    Perbualan pagi merupakan satu aktiviti yang dijalankan di kelas Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran. Pelbagai kemahiran dapat diterapkan melalui aktiviti perbualan pagi. Salah satu kemahiran yang diterapkan melalui aktiviti perbualan pagi ialah kemahiran sosial dan emosi. Kemahiran sosial dan emosi diperlukan oleh murid dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran pembelajaran. Guru merupakan agen pelaksana dalam bilik darjah yang bertanggungjawab untuk menerapkan kemahiran sosial dan emosi melalui aktiviti perbualan pagi, walaupun menghadapi pelbagai cabaran. Justeru itu, guru perlukan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam melaksanakan aktiviti perbualan pagi dalam bilik darjah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan guru serta amalan aktiviti perbualan pagi dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di bilik darjah. Kajian kuantitatif ini menggunakan kaedah tinjauan terhadap 120 orang guru Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran dari seluruh Malaysia. Hasil dapatan yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif mendapati interpretasi skor bagi tahap pengetahuan guru adalah tinggi (min = 3.30, sisihan piawai = 0.40 ). Manakala bagi amalan aktiviti perbualan pagi pula, interpretasi skor adalah sederhana (min = 2.96, sisihan piawai = 0.36 ). Analisis statistik inferensi menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan guru tentang perbualan pagi dan amalan aktiviti perbualan pagi. Hal ini memberikan kesimpulan bahawa walaupun guru mempunyai pengetahuan yang tinggi mengenai aktiviti perbualan pagi, namun amalan perbualan pagi didapati berada di tahap yang sederhana sahaja. Implikasi dapatan kajian ini, mencadangkan bahawa guru perlu diberikan latihan yang berterusan bagi membantu melaksanakan perbualan pagi dalam bilik darjah dengan berkesan