300 research outputs found

    Acceptance model of electronic medical record

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    This paper discusses acceptance issues of Electronic Medical Record System (EMR), particularly in Malaysia. A detailed overview of EMR and its benefits are firstly discussed. A number of acceptance models are scrutinized. Then factors affecting EMR acceptance are put forward. Finally, before proposing an EMR acceptance model, an instrument formed by adapting and then finding its factors loading is presented

    A pilot study on red cell immunization in multiply transfused thalassaemic patients

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    BACKGROUND: The development of red blood cell (RBC) isoitnniunization with alloantibodies and autoantibodies cotnplicate transfusion therapy in multiply transfused thalassaemia patients. Thus, frequency, causes and prevention of these phenomena were studied among these patients. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Clinical and serological data of 58 Malay multiply transfused thalassaemia patients who seek their treatment in 1-Iospital University Sains Malaysia were collected and analyzed prospectively. Blood samples were subjected to standard blood bank procedure for screening of antibodies and subsequent antibodies identification. All patients in our hospital received blood n1atched for only ABO and Rh (D) antigens. RESULTS: There were 46 (79.3%) patients with Hb E/f3 thalassactnia~ 8 (13.8%) f3 thalassaemia major, 3 (5.2%) J-Ib 1-1 Constant Spring and I (1.7%) Hb 1-1 disease. Overall, 8.6% of the patients had alJoantibodies and 1. 7% had autoantibodies. The alloantibodies identified were anti-E, anti-c, anti-K, anti-Jka, anti-N and anti-S. CONCLUSION: The transfusion of tnatched blood is essential for chronically nlultitransfused patients in order to avoid alloimmunisation. Considering high frequency of anti E in our hospital, it is advisable to genotype patients and n1atch the red cell unit for E antigens in multiply transfused thalassaemia patients

    Understanding teacher communication skills

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    In this study, the researchers provide an analysis of teacher communication skills within the framework of the communicative language teaching using communicative approach.The aim is to determine English as Second Language (ESL) teachers’ communication skills as displayed in their second language (L2) classrooms.This study explored the communication skills used by ESL secondary teachers. Data were collected from 18 class hours of video recordings.The study supports better quality teacher communication, with regard to classroom communication, communicative activities and teacher - student interaction

    Critical success factors (CSFS) of the pre-adoption and pre-implementation plan of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

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    The success of Customer Relationship management (CRM) is not an easy thing to be achieved.The understanding of the main factors that could contribute in the success of CRM initiatives will make the difference toward successful CRM systems adoption and implementation.An extensive review of the literature was conducted in order to highlight the main success factors that if the organization be aware of and dealt with properly will achieve success and will gain the intended benefits of their CRM initiative or program.This paper revealed that top management support, managing organizational and cultural change, CRM understanding, organizational readiness, and users’ involvement are among the most important CRM systems success factors.In addition, this paper proposed plan of six success factors to be as a pre-adoption and pre-implementation plan for the successful adoption and implementation of CRM systems

    Malaysian institutional investors' annual reports information needs

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    This paper examines annual report information needs of Malaysian institutional investors. Data were collected from a sample of 286 institutions (compresing government agencies and private industries)through questionnaires, and were analysed to test for differences and relationships in the extent of usage and perceived importance of annual reports in Malaysia. The results indicate some significant differences in the extent of usage and in the perceived importance of items in annual reports between institutional investors

    Measuring doctor’s quickness and effort of using key-stroke level model: A case study of drug order entry

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    Drug Order Entry (DOE) is one of the most important components in Electronic Medical Records System (EMR).Doctor’s appropriate order of drugs via DOE is very important to reduce consultation hour per patient and medical errors.Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) was employed to estimate the doctor’s quickness and effort while performing DOE at two public hospitals in Malaysia.Observation method was used in this study.The results showed that the proposed scenario represents the DOE behaviours well, and confines to the doctor’s workflow, easy to be understood and navigated, hence increases the efficiency of the EMR, reduce medical errors, and increases the acceptance level of the system

    Analisis pola taburan reruang PM10 dan O3 di Lembah Klang dengan mengaplikasikan teknik Geographic Information System (GIS)

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    Sumber utama masalah kemerosotan kualiti udara bandar terutamanya di Lembah Klang adalah berpunca daripada jumlah kenderaan bermotor yang tinggi. Beberapa Laporan Kualiti Alam Sekitar dan Laporan Tahunan yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar dari 2003 hingga 2009 telah membuktikan penyataan ini. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tahap kualiti udara dan menganalisis pola taburan reruang tahunan bahan pencemar partikel zarah terampai berdiameter kurang daripada 10 mikrometer (PM10) dan ozon (O3) di beberapa stesen kualiti udara terpilih di Klang, Petaling Jaya, Kajang, Shah Alam dan Cheras. Analisis pola taburan reruang tahunan menggunakan teknik interpolasi Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) dalam Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) menunjukkan kepekatan PM10 yang berjulat antara 50 hingga 100 μg/m3 turut melebihi nilai setaraan purata tahunan RMAQG (Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines), iaitu 50μg/m3 di setiap stesen kajian antara 2004 dan 2009. Impaknya, kemerosotan kualiti udara bandar Lembah Klang akibat daripada kenderaan bermotor bukan sahaja memburukkan masalah alam sekitar bahkan turut juga memberi kesan negatif terhadap kesihatan manusia

    Pencemaran habuk di Lembah Klang melalui analisis statistik boxplot

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    Salah satu punca masalah kemerosotan kualiti udara bandar di Lembah Klang berlaku akibat daripada peningkatan bahan pencemar udara partikel zarah terampai berdiameter kurang daripada 10 mikron (PM10) daripada kenderaan bermotor selain faktor perbandaran yang pesat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tren kepekatan purata bulanan PM10 di lima stesen kualiti udara di Lembah Klang iaitu Klang, Petaling Jaya, Kajang, Shah Alam dan Cheras dari 2000 hingga 2009 dengan menggunakan kaedah statistik boxplot. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tren kepekatan purata bulanan PM10 adalah lebih tinggi daripada nilai kesetaraan Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines (RMAQG) iaitu 103.5 μg/m3 untuk tempoh sebulan bagi beberapa stesen kajian. Nilai kepekatan PM10 bulanan yang tertinggi direkodkan adalah pada Ogos 2005 sebanyak 590 μg/m3 di stesen Klang, 482 μg/m3 (Petaling Jaya), 371 μg/m3 (Kajang) serta 587 μg/m3 (Shah Alam) dan Cheras sebanyak 465 μg/m3 sewaktu peristiwa jerebu pada ketika itu. Selain nilai maksimum, analisis boxplot turut mewakili nilai Q2 (kuartil 2) iaitu nilai median atau penengah data, IQR (julat antara kuartil) iaitu angka penengah antara nilai yang paling kecil dan median serta Q3 (kuartil 3) merupakan nilai tengah antara median dan nilai tertinggi sesuatu set data. Stesen Klang mencatatkan nilai Q3, IQR dan Q2 tertinggi pada tahun 2005 masing-masing sebanyak 342 μg/m3, 75 μg/m3 dan 277 μg/m3 pada bulan Ogos berbanding stesen lain. Episod jerebu yang serius berlaku di Semenanjung Malaysia pada waktu tersebut berasal daripada pembakaran biojisim di Sumatera, Indonesia dan faktor kedudukan Klang yang paling hampir dengan Sumatera adalah punca utama kepada peningkatan kepekatan PM10 yang tinggi di stesen tersebut

    Principles and guidelines for developing implementation methodology of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

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    The implementation of CRM systems has become very necessary for organizations in order to effectively manage their relationships with the customers.Unfortunately, it has faced various failures in different industries. Besides, the existence of implementation methodologies or frameworks that guide the successful implementation of CRM systems are still lacking. In response to that, this paper aims to critically review the methodologies of the existing implementation of CRM system and to comprehensively suggest a set of principles and guidelines for the successful implementation plan of CRM systems.In accordance, this paper compares three most famous CRM implementation methodologies; CRM-iris methodology, CRM-six sigma methodology, and Jun-Wu methodology. As a result, a set of implementation principles and guidelines are suggested to be taken into consideration in the implementation of CRM systems.These principles and guidelines could be tested empirically in the future for the generalization purposes

    Peranan pengukuran prestasi strategik ke atas kepuasan kerja dan kekuasaan psikologi dalam kalangan pengurus dalam sektor automotif

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    kajian pasaran mendapati inovasi, kreativiti dan kejuruteraan semula adalah antara faktor-faktor kejayaan kritikal bagi industri automo tif yang seharusnya di ukur dan di pantau. Faktor faktor ini adalah sebahagian daripada maklumat yang luas skopnya dalam sistem pengukuran prestasi strategik (PPS) yang menggabungkan ukuran kewangan dan bukan kewangan. Kajian lepas menunjukkan bahawa PPS telah dilaksanakan dan diamalkan dalam kalangan syarikat-syarikat automotif di Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, masih kurang jelas bagaimana sistem ini mampu mempengaruhi tingkah laku individu serta prestasi kakitangan. Oleh itu kajian ini melihat hubungan antara kesan PPS dengan tahap motivasi.Kekuasaan psikologi dan prestasi mereka. Berdasarkan maklum balas daripada 100 orang pengurus jualan automotif, kajian menunjukkan bahawa ukuran kewangan adalah berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja, kekuasaan psikologi dan prestasi. Sebaliknya tiada hubungan signikan bagi ukuran bukan kewangan di laporkan. Kebimbangan bagi PPS adalah berkaitan dengan peranan ukuran bukan kewangan dalam mempengaruhi prestasi kerja kakitangan. Oleh itu perbincangan kertas ini di rumuskan dengan implikasi kepada teori dan amalan