16 research outputs found

    Influence of magnetic configuration on edge turbulence and transport in the H-1 Heliac

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    The role of the rotational transform (Îč) profile on fluctuations and transport is investigated in the H-1 Heliac by means of dynamic (i.e. changing during a shot) and static (fixed during a shot) scans of rotational transform through a range of values where the electron density drops markedly and which correspond to having the point of ℓ located near r/a = 0.75 in a region of magnetic well (such that the surface averaged magnetic field strength increases with radius). The gap is near the ℓ = 4/3 resonance, but as the resonance is not in the plasma for more than half the gap it is not clear that this is relevant. Although this drop is clearly driven by the variation of helical current, under particular circumstances, similar density changes occur spontaneously. Plasma currents are measured throughout the scan and are found to slightly affect the rotational transform profile, and reverse about the configuration of minimum confinement, while induced currents through a toroidal loop voltage in the dynamical scans are not found to be significant. The confinement and fluctuation properties are studied by means of 2D movable Langmuir probes. Large near edge-localised dithering quasi-coherent fluctuations at ∌ 6 kHz develop in a strong density gradient region with low magnetic shear as Îč is scanned up to a point where the density collapses in the outer region. This dithering corresponds to an m = 3 mode comprising of standing and propagating components. The net and fluctuation-induced transport components are measured near the plasma edge in a similar discharge, and it is found that fluctuation-induced transport driven by these low frequency coherent modes dominates the particle balance during the low density phase but is only a small component of the net flux when the density is higher

    Localizing resonant magnetic perturbations for edge localized mode control in KSTAR

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    An external 3D magnetic perturbation typically drives a resonant response at the rational surfaces from the core to the edge of tokamak plasmas, due to strong mode coupling and amplification. This paper presents a method to isolate the edge from core resonant fields using the ideal perturbed equilibrium code and to design an edge-localized resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) for effective edge localized mode (ELM) control. A robust feature of the edge-localized RMP is the curtailed response to the field at the low-field-side (LFS) midplane, as opposed to typical RMPs which strongly resonate with the LFS fields. This emphasizes the importance of off-midplane coils to improve ELM control without provoking a large core response that could lead to devastating instabilities. The conceptual design of new ELM control coils based on the edge-localized RMP in KSTAR shows how this new insight can be utilized to enhance the efficiency of our ELM suppression capabilities. Simple window-pane coils matching the edge-localized resonant mode structure substantially expand in the ELM suppression window beyond the existing coil. Further optimization using the flexible optimized coils using space-curves code leads to additional enhancement in the edge-localized control