51 research outputs found

    Representasi Citra Perempuan Dalam Film Pendek The Dolls With Attitude Karya Sutradara Naoya Yamaguchi

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    Kecantikan sangat erat kaitannya dengan penampilan fisik perempuan. Sebagai makhluk sosial, perempuan akan terus berusaha untuk memenuhi standar yang telah dibuat masyarakat berdasarkan public figure yang ditampilkan dalam berbagai media. Salah satu contoh permasalahan mengenai citra perempuan tersebut diceritakan dalam film pendek The Dolls With Attitude karya Naoya Yamaguchi. Penulis tertarik untuk meneliti citra perempuan yang mencerminkan adanya bentuk dominasi patriarki dalam film pendek The Dolls With Attitude karya Naoya Yamaguchi. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori mitos kecantikan yang digagas oleh Naomi Wolf, meliputi mitos kecantikan dalam kebudayaan dan dalam lingkungan kerja yang digambarkan melalui Professional Beauty Qualification (PBQ). Mitos kecantikan menggunakan “citra” sebagai bentuk representasi atas perempuan di masyarakat. Citra perempuan diklasifikasikan menjadi ciri fisik, psikis, dan sosial menurut Satoto Soediro. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8 (delapan) data citra perempuan yang mencerminkan bentuk dominasi patriarki yang digambarkan dalam bentuk fisik, psikis, dan sosial. Kemudian, terdapat 5 data yan menunjukkan pengaruh citra perempuan terhadap perempuan lain yang terbagi menjadi reaksi pro dan reaksi kontra. Bentuk dominasi patriarki dalam film pendek The Dolls With Attitude terlihat dari adanya kekuasaan laki-laki yang diwakili oleh tokoh Takahashi dalam segala aspek kehidupan bermasyarakat. Dalam film pendek ini, perempuan yang diwakili oleh tokoh Eri terlihat hanya sebagai makhluk bawahan yang bisa dieksploitasi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat maupun dalam dunia kerja. Hal ini terlihat dari perilaku laki-laki yang secara sadar menggunakan perempuan untuk keuntungan individu maupun institusi saj


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    Background: In Uganda, the uptake of folic acid during pregnancy stands at 3.1% among all pregnant women which has led to an estimated 1400 children with spinal bifida annually. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant mothers towards the use of folic acid during antenatal at Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital, Wakiso district. Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional study design that employed quantitative data collection methods was used. A sample size of 30 respondents was selected using a simple random sampling method and responded to a structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel Programs that presented it in the form of frequency tables, pie charts, and graphs. Results: The study results on knowledge revealed that 71.4% had received information about folic acid from health workers, 56.7% did not know the recommended time of starting folic acid, 83.3% knew that they should take one tablet daily and 53.3% knew anemia as a danger of not taking folic acid. Regarding attitude; 43.3% believed that folic acid should not be taken throughout pregnancy, 66.7% disagreed that folic acid can be taken without a prescription, and 76.7% did not feel comfortable taking folic acid during pregnancy. Conclusion: The study concluded that mothers were moderately knowledgeable about folic acid use during pregnancy although they had negative attitudes. Recommendation: It is recommended that health education about folic acid use should be strengthened through the media and at the health facility which will aid in improving mothers’ knowledge and attitudes

    Determination concentration of heavy metals in cage silver catfish from Sungai Pahang and Sungai Tembeling by using energy dispersive x-ray fluorescent (EDXRF) / Hasifa Hashim

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    The research study is to investigate the presence of heavy metals concentration in cage silver catfish and the study involved in analysis of heavy metals in fish, fish feed and water, thus the Concentration Factor that effect on the accumulating metals in the silver catfish from Sungai Pahang and Sungai Tembeling. The Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) used to determine heavy metals concentration in fish. Unfiltered water samples collected from the study areas and analysed on Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Fish samples prior to measurement were dried, grind and kept in desiccator. Arsenic is the highest metal concentration from Sungai Pahang River followed by copper, manganese, cadmium and nickel. While from Sungai Tembeling, manganese showed highest concentration followed by copper, arsenic, cadmium and nickel. The Concentration Factor from water mostly showed highest value for all metals compared Concentration Factor from the fish feed. Hence, the accumulation metals in fish from both locations are mostly from the river wate


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    The problem in this research is that the focus of the teacher is only on providing material by taking notes and reading the subject matter, the teacher's teaching strategy is still not optimal in improving learning outcomes, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The teacher as the main component in the school in the teaching and learning process can manage the learning process with a good teaching strategy as a motivator in improving student learning achievement. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between the role of teacher learning management and the learning achievement of grade II students of SD Inpres 2 Tanamodindi. This type of research is a qualitative description. The subjects taken in this study were 18 and 11 teachers. Application of learning management which includes functions; planning, organizing, mobilizing, and controlling, indicated by a mean score of 80.08: 23 = 3.48 with the frequent category. Thus, the teachers at SD Inpres 2 Tanamodindi often apply the role of learning management in carrying out the learning process and the learning achievement of students in Civics, BI, MTK and Social Studies subjects at SD Inpres 2 Tanamodindi is 75.94 with a high category


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    Background: Septic abortion is an infection of the placenta and fetus, products of conception, of a pre-viable pregnancy. The purpose of the study was to examine the Factors contributing to septic abortion among women aged 15-45 years attending at IRAN-Uganda Hospital, Kampala district. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used to describe factors contributing to septic abortion among women aged 15-45 years attending at IRAN-Uganda Hospital. A cross-sectional descriptive study design was adopted in this study that involved observation of a sample of a population or phenomena that are made at one point in time. 30 respondents were involved in the study who were selected using convenient random sampling procedures. Results: (43.3%) of the women were aged 20-30 years, the majority of them (83.3%) were Catholics, half of them (50.0%) had never been to school, Majority (46.7%) of them were single. The majority of the respondents (46.7%) were employed, (93.3%) of them reported that the distance from home to the nearest health facility contributed to septic abortion, the majority (66.7%) reported unavailability of healthcare services being part of the factors leading to septic abortion,(56.7%)reported high cost of safe abortion services, (70%) reported that Poor attitude of health workers whereas (86.7%) said long- waiting-time, majority (66.7%) reported that unnecessary requirement like parent’s or spouse consent before providing abortion services led to septic abortion Conclusion: Personal factors, socio-economic factors, and health facility-related factors contributed to septic abortions among the respondents hence advocacy is needed to improve and prevent septic abortions among women. Recommendation; Septic abortion among women can be reduced and managed by considering and maintaining a balance between regular health education talks about the dangers of septic abortion and all categories of abortions, and mass sensitization of the community against practices of septic abortion

    Plasmodium infection and its risk factors in eastern Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is a leading cause of disease burden in Uganda, although surprisingly few contemporary, age-stratified data exist on malaria epidemiology in the country. This report presents results from a total population survey of malaria infection and intervention coverage in a rural area of eastern Uganda, with a specific focus on how risk factors differ between demographic groups in this population. METHODS: In 2008, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in four contiguous villages in Mulanda, sub-county in Tororo district, eastern Uganda, to investigate the epidemiology and risk factors of Plasmodium species infection. All permanent residents were invited to participate, with blood smears collected from 1,844 individuals aged between six months and 88 years (representing 78% of the population). Demographic, household and socio-economic characteristics were combined with environmental data using a Geographical Information System. Hierarchical models were used to explore patterns of malaria infection and identify individual, household and environmental risk factors. RESULTS: Overall, 709 individuals were infected with Plasmodium, with prevalence highest among 5-9 year olds (63.5%). Thin films from a random sample of 20% of parasite positive participants showed that 94.0% of infections were Plasmodium falciparum and 6.0% were P. malariae; no other species or mixed infections were seen. In total, 68% of households owned at least one mosquito although only 27% of school-aged children reported sleeping under a net the previous night. In multivariate analysis, infection risk was highest amongst children aged 5-9 years and remained high in older children. Risk of infection was lower for those that reported sleeping under a bed net the previous night and living more than 750 m from a rice-growing area. After accounting for clustering within compounds, there was no evidence for an association between infection prevalence and socio-economic status, and no evidence for spatial clustering. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate that mosquito net usage remains inadequate and is strongly associated with risk of malaria among school-aged children. Infection risk amongst adults is influenced by proximity to potential mosquito breeding grounds. Taken together, these findings emphasize the importance of increasing net coverage, especially among school-aged children

    An Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Optimize Municipal Sewage Networks; A Case of Tororo Municipality, Eastern Uganda.

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    This research article published by the Journal of Advances in Mathematics Vol 18, 2020Two-phase pipe flow is a common occurrence in many industrial applications such as sewage, water, oil, and gas transportation. Accurate prediction of liquid velocity, holdup and pressure drop is of vast importance to ensure effective design and operation of fluid transport systems. This paper aimed at the simulation of a twophase flow of air and sewage (water) using an open source software OpenFOAM. Numerical Simulations have been performed using varying dimensions of pipes as well as their inclinations. Specifically, a Standard k- turbulence model and the Volume of Fluid (VOF) free water surface model is used to solve the turbulent mixture flow of air and sewage (water). A two dimensional, 0.5m diameter pipe of 20m length is used for the CFD approach based on the Navier-Stokes equations. Results showed that the flow pattern behaviour is influenced by the pipe diameters as well as their inclination. It is concluded that the most effective way to optimize a sewer network system for Tororo Municipality conditions and other similar situations, is by adjusting sewer diameters and slope gradients and expanding the number of sewer network connections of household and industries from 535 (i.e., 31.2% of total) to at least 1,200 (70% of total)

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kampung Maribu, Distrik Sentani Barat, Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua Melalui Pembuatan Media Tanam Hidroponik

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    Sebagai media tanam pengganti tanah, hirdoponik digunakan untuk membudidayakan tanaman dengan memanfaatkan air yang telah dilarutkan dengan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman tersebut. Hidroponik dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu cara alternatif bagi daerah yang memiliki masalah keterbatasan lahan pertanian, tingkat kesuburan tanah yang rendah, dan wilayah padat penduduk. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan budidaya tanaman menggunakan media self-watering. Selain media tanam hidroponik, pelatihan juga mengajarkan cara menanam selada. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Kantor Kampung Maribu. Kegiatan pengenalan metode hidroponik bagi masyarakat Kampung Maribu sudah berjalan dengan baik. Peserta dari Kampung Maribu menyambut positif kegiatan ini terlihat dari antusiasme yang sangat tinggi

    Artemisinin Combination Therapies for Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Uganda

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy and safety of artemisinin combination therapies for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Uganda. DESIGN: Randomized single-blind controlled trial. SETTING: Tororo, Uganda, an area of high-level malaria transmission. PARTICIPANTS: Children aged one to ten years with confirmed uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria. INTERVENTIONS: Amodiaquine + artesunate or artemether–lumefantrine. OUTCOME MEASURES: Risks of recurrent symptomatic malaria and recurrent parasitemia at 28 days, unadjusted and adjusted by genotyping to distinguish recrudescences and new infections. RESULTS: Of 408 participants enrolled, 403 with unadjusted efficacy outcomes were included in the per-protocol analysis. Both treatment regimens were highly efficacious; no recrudescences occurred in patients treated with amodiaquine + artesunate, and only two occurred in those treated with artemether–lumefantrine. However, recurrent malaria due to new infections was common. The unadjusted risk of recurrent symptomatic malaria was significantly lower for participants treated with artemether–lumefantrine than for those treated with amodiaquine + artesunate (27% versus 42%, risk difference 15%, 95% CI 5.9%–24.2%). Similar results were seen for the risk of recurrent parasitemia (51% artemether–lumefantrine versus 66% amodiaquine + artesunate, risk difference 16%, 95% CI 6.2%–25.2%). Amodiaquine + artesunate and artemether–lumefantrine were both well-tolerated. Serious adverse events were uncommon with both regimens. CONCLUSIONS: Amodiaquine + artesunate and artemether–lumefantrine were both highly efficacious for treatment of uncomplicated malaria. However, in this holoendemic area, despite the excellent performance of both regimens in terms of efficacy, many patients experienced recurrent parasitemia due to new infections. Artemether–lumefantrine was superior to amodiaquine + artesunate for prevention of new infections. To maximize the benefit of artemisinin combination therapy in Africa, treatment should be integrated with strategies to prevent malaria transmission. The impact of frequent repeated therapy on the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of new artemisinin regimens should be further investigated