12 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Green Financial Markets

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    Green financial markets are still in early stages of development. There are new green venture capital funds and green stocks to satisfy needs of project developers and investors. Various governments are also subsidizing new green ventures and project developers should take full advantage of these incentives. Also, there have been attempts to quantify riskiness of various green financial products so investors can make informed decisions

    Determinants Of Success In International Involvement Of Large U.S. Corporations

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    The findings of this study help to identify factors explaining success in international operations of large U.S. corporations. Successful foreign direct investment (FDI) and continuous involvement of large U.S. corporations is crucial for economic development of a country and social uplifting of many citizens of the world. Data were collected on selected U.S. corporations’ perception of the success variables in their international operation. Results indicate that large market size, geographical diversification, and low production/operating cost are the three most important success determinants of international operations

    Leadership Of Global Carbon Market

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    Carbon credits trading and the need to reduce carbon emissions are slowly being accepted as new realities of global business. A number of institutions played crucial role in developing the global carbon market. The World Bank Group, the World Resource Institute, the Institutional Investor’s Group on Climate Change, and the Carbon Disclosure Project are some of the pioneers in developing the global carbon industry. The United States government did not assume the leadership role of the global carbon market as expected by world governments and corporations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the United States government’s position vis-à-vis the global carbon market and explore the leadership role played by other global institutions

    Sustainability Commitment In Saudi Arabia And Need For Educational Reforms For The Jobs Of The Future

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    Saudi Arabia is an important country among the Middle Eastern nations and a pivotal one because of its key position in international petroleum production. Sustainable practices are becoming prominent considerations among public and private sector Saudi Arabian business enterprises. Secondary and primary data pertaining to sustainability and carbon management practices in Saudi Arabia and its business enterprises were analyzed in this study. Saudi Arabian government has been serious in tackling the environmental problems. Primary data revealed private sector managers were better prepared and eager to deal with sustainability and carbon management problems compared to public sector enterprises. Surveyed Saudi managers reported hope that their employers would start rewarding positive sustainability actions and focus on educating managers about carbon management practices. There is a need to reform the educational system to prepare future managers who are ready to implement sustainability policies in their organizations. The findings of this project can assist Saudi Arabian policymakers and leadership of public and private sector universities to restructure the higher education sector to prepare students for the jobs of the future and help Saudi Arabia in pursuing sustainability goals

    Is There A Need For A Free Trade Agreement Between The European Union And Gulf Cooperation Council?

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    The need for a free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is analyzed in this research project. Trade flows between these two economic blocs are studied to understand the importance of trade for these respective blocs. Failure of the free trade agreement negotiation is attributed to the lack of economic focus and the EU demands to improve human rights in GCC member countries. Based on the secondary sources and data analyses, the primary interest of both economic blocs is to enhance geopolitical influence and not boasting bilateral trade. Despite recent failures, both sides are still committed to increased partnership in the future. It is concluded that an EU-GCC free trade area may be essential for increased cooperation in economic, as well as geopolitical, security, environmental, and cultural arenas

    An Analysis Of The United Arab Emirates Banking Sector

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    The UAE has a fragmented banking sector. A total of 46 domestic and foreign banks are operating in the UAE. The banking sector is somewhat protected; however, foreign banks are becoming increasingly active in the economy. The banking sector is gearing up to meet global challenges by adopting Basel II banking standards. The big five banks dominate the banking sector and all of the large ten banks are financially sound. The banking sector is well managed by the UAE Central Bank which is a positive factor for the country’s growth and globalization efforts because the UAE banking sector has grown drastically and is gearing up for global competition

    The Role of Innovation-Driven Leadership in Public-Sector Innovation: The Case in Emerging Economies

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    Public sector organizations today must confront a steady stream of challenges, push against the status quo, and to be creative in capturing opportunities to effectively serve the public. Emerging economies’ public sector organizations have been slow to adopt change or innovate. Using the UAE as a case study, this study provides valuable insights into the relationship between innovation-driven leadership and innovation in public-sector organizations in emerging economies. Utilizing qualitative data from sixteen government and semi-government organizations’ leaders, the results indicate that innovation-driven leadership is essential in developing a culture of innovation and transformational leadership style is the more effective leadership style

    Relative Awareness of United States and Saudi Arabian Business Managers with Respect to Carbon Market Issues

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    This study focuses on the awareness level of American and Saudi Arabian managers in the private sector with respect to a set of study-defined awareness variables associated with the carbon market and carbon management policies. A questionnaire was distributed to randomly sampled middle-level managers. A total of 126 and 51 usable responses were collected from the American and Saudi Arabian sample groups, respectively. In 14 out of the 18 awareness variables contained in the survey, the American managers scored statistically significantly higher than their Saudi Arabian counterparts. In the four variables where Saudi Arabian managers scored higher, two were statistically significant (i.e., Pollution Problems and Green Investing) while the two were not