365 research outputs found

    コドモ ノ スイミン ノ ゲンジョウ

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    In the present day a time falling a sleep delayed and a sleep time decreased in the Japanese children. The Japanese children have been having some late nights for playing TV game, doing nothing or a delayed rhythm of family life style. The many Japanese children have a feeling of sleep defect or fatigue in the day time, fatigue. It has been studied that a short sleep time at night causes a psychosomatic disease, a life style disease and other impairment of physical functions. Blood pressure increased in short sleeper of elementary school children for 6 years follow up study relative to normal sleeper. And it has been reported that endocrine abnormalities, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia, hypercholesterolemia, DSPS, jet lag, attention deficit, irritability, immunological dysfunction, school phobia, etc. are easy to result from sleep defect

    X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein mediates neddylation by itself but does not function as a NEDD8–E3 ligase for caspase-7

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    AbstractX-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is a potent antagonist of caspases, and functions as a ubiquitin–E3 ligase by itself and for caspases. Recently, NEDD8, a ubiquitin-like modifier, has been suggested to be used for modification of caspase-7 mediated by XIAP. However, it is not clear whether caspase-7 is a bona fide target for NEDD8. Here we showed that no neddylation of caspase-7 but that of XIAP itself was observed under the conditions in which caspase-7 was modified with ubiquitin. These results reveal that XIAP does not function as a NEDD8–E3 ligase for caspase-7 in vivo.Structured summary of protein interactionsNEDD8 physically interacts with Caspase-7 by pull down (View interaction)XIAP physically interacts with NEDD8 by anti-bait coimmunoprecipitation (View interaction

    線虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)モデルにおける自家製発酵食品由来乳酸菌摂取が寿命に与える影響

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     一般家庭で作られた白菜の漬物から乳酸菌の分離と菌種の同定を行った。その結果、MH-1 ~MH-4株の4 株の乳酸菌が分離され、生化学的性状検査の成績からMH-1 ~ MH-3株はCarnobacterium maltaromaticum、MH-4株はLactobacillus acidophilusと同定された。続いて、分離された乳酸菌が生体に与える影響を、Caenorhabditis elegans(線虫)を用いて観察した。分離された2種類の乳酸菌MH-1株とMH-4株を線虫に与えたところ、MH-4株では寿命の延長効果が認められた。しかし、乳酸菌単独の給餌では忌避行動が見られたため、標準的な餌である大腸菌との混合給餌を行った。この条件では忌避行動はなくMH-1株では有意な寿命延長効果を示した。本研究により、線虫の寿命延長に少なくとも一部関与する乳酸菌株が新たに発見された

    Statistical Mechanics of Vortices from D-branes and T-duality

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    We propose a novel and simple method to compute the partition function of statistical mechanics of local and semi-local BPS vortices in the Abelian-Higgs model and its non-Abelian extension on a torus. We use a D-brane realization of the vortices and T-duality relation to domain walls. We there use a special limit where domain walls reduce to gas of hard (soft) one-dimensional rods for Abelian (non-Abelian) cases. In the simpler cases of the Abelian-Higgs model on a torus, our results agree with exact results which are geometrically derived by an explicit integration over the moduli space of vortices. The equation of state for U(N) gauge theory deviates from van der Waals one, and the second virial coefficient is proportional to 1/sqrt{N}, implying that non-Abelian vortices are "softer" than Abelian vortices. Vortices on a sphere are also briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    Developmental Changes of Prefrontal Activation in Humans: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Preschool Children and Adults

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    Previous morphological studies indicated that development of the human prefrontal cortex (PFC) appears to continue into late adolescence. Although functional brain imaging studies have sought to determine the time course of functional development of the PFC, it is unclear whether the developmental change occurs after adolescence to adulthood and when it achieves a peak because of the narrow or discontinuous range in the participant's age. Moreover, previous functional studies have not focused on the anterior frontal region, that is, the frontopolar regions (BA9/10). Thus, the present study investigated the developmental change in frontopolar PFC activation associated with letter fluency task by using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), in subjects from preschool children to adults. We analyzed the relative concentration of hemoglobin (ΔHb) in the prefrontal cortex measured during the activation task in 48 typically-developing children and adolescents and 22 healthy adults. Consistent with prior morphological studies, we found developmental change with age in the children/adolescents. Moreover, the average Δoxy-Hb in adult males was significantly larger than that in child/adolescent males, but was not true for females. These data suggested that functional development of the PFC continues into late adolescence. Although the developmental change of the frontopolar PFC was independent of gender from childhood to adolescence, in adulthood a gender difference was shown