638 research outputs found

    Heavy Quarks on the Lattice

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    Lattice quantum chromodynamics provides first principles calculations for hadrons containing heavy quarks -- charm and bottom quarks. Their mass spectra, decay rates, and some hadronic matrix elements can be calculated on the lattice in a model independent manner. In this review, we introduce the effective theories that treat heavy quarks on the lattice. We summarize results on the heavy quarkonium spectrum, which verify the validity of the effective theory approach. We then discuss applications to BB physics, which is the main target of the lattice theory of heavy quarks. We review progress in lattice calculations of the BB meson decay constant, the BB parameter, semi-leptonic decay form factors, and other important quantities.)Comment: 38 pages, Latex, ar.sty, 7 figures. A review based on the work until February 2004. To appear in the Annual Review of Nuclear & Particle Science, Vol. 5

    Surface density: a new parameter in the fundamental metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies

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    Star-forming galaxies display a close relation among stellar mass, metallicity and star-formation rate (or molecular-gas mass). This is known as the fundamental metallicity relation (FMR) (or molecular-gas FMR), and it has a profound implication on models of galaxy evolution. However, there still remains a significant residual scatter around the FMR. We show here that a fourth parameter, the surface density of stellar mass, reduces the dispersion around the molecular-gas FMR. In a principal component analysis of 29 physical parameters of 41,338 star-forming galaxies, the surface density of stellar mass is found to be the fourth most important parameter. The new four-dimensional (4D) fundamental relation forms a tighter hypersurface that reduces the metallicity dispersion to 50% of that of the molecular-gas FMR. We suggest that future analyses and models of galaxy evolution should consider the FMR in a 4D space that includes surface density. The dilution time scale of gas inflow and the star-formation efficiency could explain the observational dependence on surface density of stellar mass. AKARI is expected to play an important role in shedding light on the infrared properties of the new 4D FMR.Comment: Proceedings of the "The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life", held from October 17 - 20, 2017, Tokyo, Japa

    Phase diagram of QCD chaos in linear sigma models and holography

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    Measuring chaos of QCD-like theories is a challenge for formulating a novel characterization of quantum gauge theories. We define a chaos phase diagram of QCD allowing us to locate chaos in the parameter space of energy of homogeneous meson condensates and the QCD parameters such as pion/quark mass. We draw the chaos phase diagrams obtained in two ways: first, by using a linear sigma model, varying parameters of the potential, and second, by using the D4/D6 holographic QCD, varying the number of colors NcN_c and the 't Hooft coupling constant λ\lambda. A scaling law drastically simplifies our analyses, and we discovered that the chaos originates in the maximum of the potential, and larger NcN_c or larger λ\lambda diminishes the chaos.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Theta vacuum physics from QCD at fixed topology

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    We propose a method to obtain physical quantities in the theta vacuum from those at fixed topology, which are different by finite size effects. Extending the work by Brower et al., we derive the formula to estimate these finite size corrections for arbitrary correlators in terms of the topological susceptibility and the theta dependence. Applying this formula, we show that topological susceptibility can be measured through two-point functions of pseudoscalar operator.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4, 2007, Regensburg, German

    Chaos of QCD string from holography

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    It is challenging to quantify chaos of QCD, because non-perturbative QCD accompanies non-local observables. By using holography, we find that QCD strings at large NcN_c and strong coupling limit exhibit chaos, and measure their Lyapunov exponent at zero temperature. A pair of a quark and an antiquark separated by LqL_q in the large NcN_c QCD is dual to a Nambu-Goto string hanging from the spatial boundary of the D4-soliton geometry. We numerically solve the motion of the string after putting a pulse force on its boundaries. The chaos is observed for the amplitude of the force larger than a certain lower bound. The bound increases as LqL_q grows, and its dependence is well approximated by a hypothesis that the chaos originates in the endpoints of the QCD string.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Perturbative calculation of O(a) improvement coefficients

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    We compute several coefficients needed for O(a) improvement of currents in perturbation theory, using the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie prescription for choosing an optimal scale q*. We then compare the results to non-perturbative calculations. Normalization factors of the vector and axial vector currents show good agreement, especially when allowing for small two-loop effects. On the other hand, there are large discrepancies in the coefficients of O(a) improvement terms. We suspect that they arise primarily from power corrections inherent in the non-perturbative methods.Comment: 14pp, 3 figs (8 plots

    Formation of the Pd atomic chain in hydrogen atmosphere

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    The formation of a Pd atomic chain in a hydrogen atmosphere was investigated by measurements of conductance and vibrational spectroscopy of a single molecular junction, and the theoretical calculation. While atomic chains were not formed for clean 3d and 4d metals, in the case of Pd (a 4d metal) atomic chains could be formed in the presence of hydrogen. Stable atomic chains with two different atomic configurations were formed when the Pd atomic contact was stretched in a H2_{2} atmosphere; highly conductive short hydrogen adsorbed atomic chain and low conductive long hydrogen incorporated atomic chain.Comment: 11pages, 4 figures, to be appear in Phys. Rev.

    A filtering technique for the temporally reduced matrix of the Wilson fermion determinant

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    The Wilson fermion determinant can be written in the form of a series expansion in fugacity ξ=exp(μ/T)\xi=\exp(\mu/T), provided that the eigenmodes of the temporally reduced operator are obtained. Since the calculation of all eigenmodes rapidly becomes prohibitive for larger volumes, we develop a method to calculate only the low-energy eigenmodes of the reduced matrix using a matrix filetering technique. This provides a basis for an approximation to neglect uninteresting ultraviolet contributions.Comment: 7 pages, 2figures. Proceedings of The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 23-28 June, 2014 Columbia University New York, N

    An extinction free AGN selection by 18-band SED fitting in mid-infrared in the AKARI NEP deep field

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    We have developed an efficient Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) selection method using 18-band Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting in mid-infrared (mid-IR). AGNs are often obscured by gas and dust, and those obscured AGNs tend to be missed in optical, UV and soft X-ray observations. Mid-IR light can help us to recover them in an obscuration free way using their thermal emission. On the other hand, Star-Forming Galaxies (SFG) also have strong PAH emission features in mid-IR. Hence, establishing an accurate method to separate populations of AGN and SFG is important. However, in previous mid-IR surveys, only 3 or 4 filters were available, and thus the selection was limited. We combined AKARI's continuous 9 mid-IR bands with WISE and Spitzer data to create 18 mid-IR bands for AGN selection. Among 4682 galaxies in the AKARI NEP deep field, 1388 are selected to be AGN hosts, which implies an AGN fraction of 29.6±\pm0.8%\% (among them 47%\% are Seyfert 1.8 and 2). Comparing the result from SED fitting into WISE and Spitzer colour-colour diagram reveals that Seyferts are often missed by previous studies. Our result has been tested by stacking median magnitude for each sample. Using X-ray data from Chandra, we compared the result of our SED fitting with WISE's colour box selection. We recovered more X-ray detected AGN than previous methods by 20%\%.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS; A video summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMfH0vkStq

    AGN selection by 18-band SED fitting in mid-infrared in the AKARI NEP deep field

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    In this research, we provide a new, efficient method to select infrared (IR) active galatic nucleus (AGN). In the past, AGN selection in IR had been established by many studies using color-color diagrams. However, those methods have a problem in common that the number of bands is limited. The AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) survey was carried out by the AKARI Infrared Camera (IRC), which has 9 filters in mid-IR with a continuous wavelength coverage from 2 to 24μ\mum1^{-1}. Based on the intrinsic different mid-IR features of AGN and star-forming galaxies (SFGs), we performed SED fitting to separate these two populations by the best-fitting model. In the X-ray AGN sample, our method by SED fitting selects 50%\% AGNs, while the previous method by colour criteria recovers only 30%\% of them, which is a significant improvement. Furthermore, in the whole NEP deep sample, SED fitting selects two times more AGNs than the color selection. This may imply that the black hole accretion history could be more stronger than people expected before.Comment: Proceedings of the "The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life", held from October 17 - 20, 2017, Tokyo, Japa