14 research outputs found

    Verification of Japanese language classes that foster logical thinking skills

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    In this study, based on the hypothesis that it is effective to develop logical thinking ability in the Japanese language department, we will examine the reading comprehension and instruction of "strategy" at low, middle and high levels. By conducting lessons based on these hypotheses, the types of logical thinking and the characteristics of developmental stages were clarified. One is logical thinking as a process of interpreting the logic contained in the content of the story. The other is the logic of linguistic expression, or logical thinking as a process of interpreting the narrator or author of a story

    Verification of Japanese language classes that foster logical thinking skills

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    In this study, based on the hypothesis that it is effective to develop logical thinking ability in the Japanese language department, we will examine the reading comprehension and instruction of "strategy" at low, middle and high levels. By conducting lessons based on these hypotheses, the types of logical thinking and the characteristics of developmental stages were clarified. One is logical thinking as a process of interpreting the logic contained in the content of the story. The other is the logic of linguistic expression, or logical thinking as a process of interpreting the narrator or author of a story

    Myosin II does not contribute to wound repair in Dictyostelium cells

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    Cells are always subjected to mechanical stresses, resulting in wounds of the cell membrane, but cells are able to repair and reseal their wounded membrane. Previous reports have shown that actin and myosin II accumulate around the wound and that the constriction of this purse-string closes the membrane pore. Here, we developed a microsurgical wound assay to assess wound repair in Dictyostelium cells. Fluorescent dye that had been incorporated into the cells leaked out for only 2–3 sec after wounding, and a GFP-derived, fluorescent Ca2+ sensor showed that intracellular Ca2+ transiently increased immediately after wounding. In the absence of external Ca2+, the cell failed to repair itself. During the repair process, actin accumulated at the wounded sites but myosin II did not. The wounds were repaired even in myosin II null cells to a comparable degree as the wild-type cells, suggesting that myosin II does not contribute to wound repair. Thus, the actomyosin purse-string constriction model is not a common mechanism for wound repair in eukaryotic cells, and this discrepancy may arise from the difference in cell size

    Language activity promoting the development of competence in reading reflectively.

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    論理的思考力を育成する国語科授業の発展 : 対象の論理と主体の論理を切り口にした理論と実践

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    The purpose of this study is to connect theory and practice to develop logical thinking skills within a 2 year research period. This year, we will return to the starting point of what logic is and reconsider the logical thinking ability to be put on in the class of the Japanese language department at the elementary school stage which aims at this research. Based on this, classes shall be created and verified. In doing so, we will consider classes that foster logical thinking skills in the low, middle, and advanced grades

    The Development of Japanese Language Lessons to Foster Reading Literacy in Elementary Schools

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    本プロジェクトは,小学校において読書リテラシーを育成するために有効な授業開発について研究することを目的としている。そのために,これまで行われてきた読書教育や読書活動に関する資料を収集し,授業開発の際に活用していく。その際,読書に必要な広義の資質・能力である読書力を授業づくりに位置づける。また,読書リテラシーを育成するために有効な授業について検討し,実践を行いながら検証することにした。この検証のために,小学校の低学年,中学年,高学年で文学的文章を教材として授業実践を行う。   この研究を通して,身に付ける読書力を授業の中に位置づけることにより,児童を主体的な学びに導くことができるということが明らかになった。その際,児童は,それぞれの読書による成果をもちより,積極的に考えを交流し,目的をはっきりさせながら読書に向かうことができた。   今後さらに小学校段階で読書リテラシーを育成するためには,身に付けたい読書力の系統性を考えたカリキュラムづくりをする必要がある。In this project, we aimed to develop useful lessons for fostering reading literacy at the elementary school level. First, we collected and examined existing literature about reading instruction and activities. Further, we applied this research to develop our lessons. We considered the broad reading qualifications and abilities of students when shaping the lessons. Then, we conducted literature lessons for students in Grades 1-6, and examined the effect of these lessons on reading literacy. From the results, we were able to establish that it is important to clarify the goals that one aims at fostering in a lesson. This encourages students to apply independently formed attitudes toward reading and learning. Furthermore, it helps students to set up definite aims and to achieve specific outcomes in relation to reading and discussing books as well as encouraging the students to continue reading. In future, we plan to develop a reading program that considers the sequence and scope of students’ reading qualifications and abilities at each developmental stage

    Classes based on the new course of study : On coordination of the curriculum among elementary, junior, and senior high schools in learning traditional linguistic culture (3)

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    昨年度は随筆『枕草子』で小中の連関を見たが,高校でも新学習指導要領実施となった今年度は,物語である『竹取物語』を小中高三者を視野に考察することで,改めて新しい視点を持つことができた。たとえば三者ともに重視する音読については,小学校ではリズムや古語に慣れ,語り口の面白さに気付き,中学校では歴史的仮名遣いや古語を知って古文特有のリズムを味わい,高等学校では音声(語音)の層,意味の層,提示対象の層を考えることで,言葉の芸術として物語を捉え直した。また,アプローチの面でも,小学校では言い換えや日頃の物語学習でも用いているスキーマを活用して現代語の翻案を読み,考えた。中学校では,言葉を軸に電子黒板等の機器の活用や身体的活動を通して実感的に知見を広げ,考えた。高等学校では,助動詞等の学習をふまえて,生徒自身による授業構想を軸に着眼を掘り下げ読解を深めていった。古典と出会う小,世界を広げる中,深く掘り下げる高という段階性とともに,作品による差異も明らかになったといえよう。総じて今の地平で古典を考える小学校,未知の古典に迫ろうとする中学校,普遍への跳躍を求める高等学校,と考えることができる。Based on the previous discussion of the el-hi links in the study of the Japanese classical essay "Makura-no-soushi" or "The Pillow Book ," we can acquire new perspectives through teaching a Japanese classical story, "Taketori-monogatari" or "The Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter." We take reading a text aloud as an example. At the elementary level, the students become accustomed to the rhythm and words of Japanese classics and find interest in the storytelling styles. The junior high school students learn Japanese syllabic writing and appreciate the rhythm peculiar to Japanese classics. The students at the senior level view the story as linguistic art by considering the layers of word sounds, meanings, and specific characters. The students demonstrate their developmental stages at the three levels, depending on the text they read; i.e., elementary students encounter Japanese classics, junior high school students broaden their world, and senior high school students deepen their world

    Classes based on a new course of study : On teaching fruitful “discussion” considering coordination of the curriculum between elementary, junior, and senior high schools

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    「話し合い」は,学校生活のみならず,社会生活の様々な場面で必要とされるにもかかわらず,深い話し合いを実現することは容易なことではない。「話し合うこと」については,学習指導要領に各学年の指導事項が示され,発達段階に応じた違いも表現されているが,各学年段階における年間カリキュラムの中でどのように配置するのか,また,小,中,高の能力的な差異や学習者間の関係性をふまえての効果的な学習指導とはどういうものなのかなど,現実的な課題が少なくない。本研究は,各学校段階や各学年でどのような話し合いの力を身につけさせていくことが必要なのか,またそのための授業実践はどうあるべきかについて,小・中・高がお互いの指導実践の関連や,学習者の学びの履歴をふまえた「指導プログラム」の作成をめざすものである。3年計画の1年次である本年は,学習者・実践の実態調査,国語科教科書の実際,話し合い・言語コミュニケーション関係の先行文献,視聴覚教材等の収集分析を行い,話し合い学習指導の現状をいくつかの資料をもとにしながら,研究の立脚点を明らかにすることができた。その上で,これからの授業実践研究のためには何が必要なのかを明らかにすることを次年度以降の課題とした。When teaching “discussion,” we wonder when and what we should be showed to the students. We also have difficulty in dealing with students’ gaps in communication ability and with the human relationships between students. This study aims to create guidelines for tutoring on discussion, indicating what kinds of skills students should develop according to their ages as well as how we should instruct to help them to gain these skills. The teaching should be based on what the students have learned and practiced in each grade at elementary, junior, and senior high schools. In the first year of this three-year project, we investigated the current situation regarding discussion teaching by conducting a survey of students’ learning history, studying Japanese textbooks, reading prior studies on discussion and communication, and collecting and analyzing audiovisual equipment. Now, we have clarified what grounding is needed for the teaching discussion to school students