3,011 research outputs found

    Carbon emission reduction targeting through process integration and fuel switching with mathematical modeling

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    Carbon emission reduction targeting is an important and effective effort for industry to contribute in controlling greenhouse gases concentration in atmosphere. Graphical approach has been proposed for CO2 emissions reduction targeting via HEN retrofit and fuel switching. However, it involves potentially time consuming manual procedures and the quality of solutions produced greatly depends on designer's experience and judgment. Besides, graphical approach hardly account for the cost factor during the design phase, thus potentially generate complex design. This paper introduces an MINLP model for simultaneous CO2 emissions reduction targeting via fuel switching and HEN retrofit. A sequential model execution was proposed along with the proposed model. The application of the model on a crude preheat train case study has demonstrated its workability to generate optimal solution for targeted CO2 emissions reduction at minimum payback period

    Guaranteed Performance of Nonlinear Pose Filter on SE(3)

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    This paper presents a novel nonlinear pose filter evolved directly on the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) with guaranteed characteristics of transient and steady-state performance. The above-mention characteristics can be achieved by trapping the position error and the error of the normalized Euclidean distance of the attitude in a given large set and guiding them to converge systematically to a small given set. The error vector is proven to approach the origin asymptotically from almost any initial condition. The proposed filter is able to provide a reliable pose estimate with remarkable convergence properties such that it can be fitted with measurements obtained from low-cost measurement units. Simulation results demonstrate high convergence capabilities and robustness considering large error in initialization and high level of uncertainties in measurements. Keywords: Pose, estimator, observer, attitude, position, estimate, special orthogonal group, special Euclidean group, prescribed performance, steady-state, transient response, homogeneous transformation matrix, complimentary filter, mapping, Parameterization, Representation, Robust, stability, uncertain, Gaussian, noise, vectorial measurement, vector measurement, translational velocity, angular velocity, singular value decomposition, rotational matrix, identity, deterministic, comparison, inertial frame, rigid body, three dimensional, 3D, space, Lie group, projection, landmark, feature, gyroscope, micro electromechanical systems, Inertial measurement units, sensor, IMUs, Fixed, moving, orientation, Roll, Pitch, Yaw, SVD, UAVs, QUAV, unmanned, underwater vehicle, robot, robotic System, spacecraft, quadrotor, quadcopter, overview, autonomous, xyz, axis, SO(3), SE(3).Comment: 2019 American Control Conference (ACC

    Guaranteed Performance of Nonlinear Pose Filter on SE(3)

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    This paper presents a novel nonlinear pose filter evolved directly on the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) with guaranteed characteristics of transient and steady-state performance. The above-mention characteristics can be achieved by trapping the position error and the error of the normalized Euclidean distance of the attitude in a given large set and guiding them to converge systematically to a small given set. The error vector is proven to approach the origin asymptotically from almost any initial condition. The proposed filter is able to provide a reliable pose estimate with remarkable convergence properties such that it can be fitted with measurements obtained from low-cost measurement units. Simulation results demonstrate high convergence capabilities and robustness considering large error in initialization and high level of uncertainties in measurements. Keywords: Pose, estimator, observer, attitude, position, estimate, special orthogonal group, special Euclidean group, prescribed performance, steady-state, transient response, homogeneous transformation matrix, complimentary filter, mapping, Parameterization, Representation, Robust, stability, uncertain, Gaussian, noise, vectorial measurement, vector measurement, translational velocity, angular velocity, singular value decomposition, rotational matrix, identity, deterministic, comparison, inertial frame, rigid body, three dimensional, 3D, space, Lie group, projection, landmark, feature, gyroscope, micro electromechanical systems, Inertial measurement units, sensor, IMUs, Fixed, moving, orientation, Roll, Pitch, Yaw, SVD, UAVs, QUAV, unmanned, underwater vehicle, robot, robotic System, spacecraft, quadrotor, quadcopter, overview, autonomous, xyz, axis, SO(3), SE(3).Comment: 2019 American Control Conference (ACC


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    This study were designed to test the efficiency of saponin which extracted from C. arietinum L. by two different extraction techniques as hemolytic agent, one of them carried out by using ultra sonication-Oven assistance extraction (UOAE)with ethanol as extraction solvent of choice while the other technique deals with more than one solvent with longer extraction time Phytochemical analysis of both crude extracts was performed and revealed positive result for saponins, resins, tannins and alkaloids while resins appeared only in liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) meanwhile results showed that flavonoids, terpenes, steroids, glycosides and polyphenols were absent for both crude extracts. Reversed high performance liquid chromatography carried out to detect presence of saponin in these crude extracts. The results of hemolytic effect on human erythrocytes showed that both crude extracts significantly potent as lytic agent compared with synthetic purchased saponin at P≤ 0.05. The highest hemolytic activity was76.27 ± 0.18percent at concentration 0.375mg/ml with UOAE technique while the opposite pattern appeared with LLE and the hemolytic activity increase to 79.40 ± 0.12percent with the lowest concentration 0.094mg/ml,statistical analysis proved that is saponins involved both of crude extracts which obtained by UOAE and LLE techniques considered as effective hemolytic agent. Ă‚  Keywords: Saponin, Chickpea, Cicer arietinum, Hemolytic activity, Ultra-sonicationĂ‚&nbsp

    Resistivity network and structural model of the oxide cathode for CRT application

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    In this paper, the electrical properties of oxide cathode and oxide cathode plus, supplied by LG Philips Displays, have been investigated in relation to different cathode activation regimes and methods. Oxide cathode activation treatment for different durations has been investigated. The formations of the compounds associated to the diffusion of reducing elements (Mg, Al, and W) to the Ni cap surface of oxide cathode were studied by a new suggestion method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was used as analytical techniques. Al, W, and Mg doping elements take place during heating to 1080 K (Ni-Brightness) under a rich controlled Ba–SrO atmosphere through an acceleration life test. The chemical transport of these elements was occurred mainly by the Ni cap grain boundary mechanism with significant pile-up of Mg compounds. Al and W show a superficial concentrations and distribution. A new structural and resistivity network model of oxide cathode plus are suggested. The new structural model shows a number of metallic and metallic oxide pathways are exist at the interface or extended through the oxide coating. The effective values of the resistances and the type of the equivalent circuit in the resistivity network model are temperature and activation time dependent.</p
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