61 research outputs found

    A newborn with diabetic ketoacidosis and thalassemia major: A rare case

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    Diabetic ketoacidosis is a systemic situation caused byabsolute insulin deficiency and characterized by hyperglycemia,ketonemia, acidemia, glycosuria and ketonuria.Thalassemia Major is a very serious hereditary blooddisorder due to low levels or absence of “beta globulin”chain, characterized by requiring a blood transfusion from3-4. month of life due to the relatively short life of red cells.We, herein presented a rare case of 20 day-old newbornwith anemia, hyperglycemia, vomiting, acidosis being diagnosedas thalassemia major that required blood transfusionin the early period of life and diabetic ketoacidosiswithout ketonuria who born from 24 year old father carrierof thalassemia and 23-year-old mother with carrier of thalassemiaand gestational diabetes.The case was presented in order to emphasize that diabeticketoacidosis can occur in newborns without ketonuriaand thalassemia major may cause anemia in the earlyperiod of life due to hyperglycemia and acidosis

    Implementation of web based biotelemetry applications on WiMAX networks

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    Balık, Hasan Hüseyin (Arel Author)In this world, health is the most important factor and subject in society and social life. Thus, this sector gets more importance to give better service and to use resources more efficiently under the health economy. In this paper, it is designed and conducted a web based biotelemetry application works on WiMAX. First; Patient Communication Node (PCN), Client Communication Node (CCN) and Administrative Communication Node (ACN) systems are designed. Then these systems are implemented on WiMAX networks. Finally proposed model is compared with other equivalents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Elektromanyetik dalgaların bakteri gelişimi üzerine etkisi

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    #nofulltext# --- Conference: Elektromanyetik alanlar ve etkileri sempozyumu. 7-8 Ekim 2011

    A novel algorithm for computer based assessment

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    Balık, Hasan Hüseyin (Arel Author)Student learning outcomes have been evaluated through graded assignments and tests by most paperbased assessment systems. But computer based assessments have the opportunity to improve the efficiency of assessments process. Recently internet is widely used in various areas from banking to trade, from education to entertainment. In this paper, ideas for efficient and fast usage of internet on education have been suggested and applied to implementation of multiple choice examination system. There are two contributions to the science in this paper. The first is the implementation of new software which uses the bandwidth efficiently. The second is to introduce new mechanism for creating question bank

    A novel solution approach and protocol design for bio-telemetry applications

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    Balık, Hasan Hüseyin (Arel Author)In this contribution a novel model-based solution approach is introduced for medical networks and biotelemetric applications. Medical networks are communication networks that serve for the purpose of monitoring and protecting human health. These networks are designed to use biotelemetric ways to transmit the vital data to health observers such as doctors, nurses, first-aid teams, hospitals, and health agencies. These networks are also used in collective damages that may occur in situations such as flood, earthquake, war and terror and for treatments and follow-up of patients and to organize health teams more effective and efficiently. Implementations using this model presented here provides a reference design. In addition MCP (Medical Communication Protocol) and MMP (Medical Management Protocol) are designed to reveal how communications between modules designed. In this way, communication rules explained clearly on developed solution based on the model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Mobil telefonların yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaların E.coli’nin gelişimine etkisi

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    Balık, Hasan Hüseyin (Arel Author) --- Conference: 1. Ulusal EMC konferansı. İstanbul,2011Bu çalışmada mobil telefonların yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaların bakteri gelişimine etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla deneysel çalışma yapılmıştır. Deney kapsamında E. coli bakteri hücreleri kullanılmıştır. Deneyde kullanılan bakteri kültürü, logaritmik faza ulaşınca steril koşullarda iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Birinci grup deney düzeneğine yerleştirilmiş ve mobil telefonun yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaya maruz bırakılmıştır. Ikinci grup ise kontrol grubu olarak ayrılarak elektromanyetik dalga uygulanmayan aynı özelliklerde başka bir fiziksel ortama konulmuştur. Her iki ortamda ortam sıcaklığı 37 oC de sabit tutularak mobil telefonların oluşturulduğu ısıl etki minimize edilmiştir. Daha sonra deney grubu bakteri hücreleri mobil telefonların yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaya maruz bırakılarak, kontrol grubu ise elektromanyetik dalgaya maruz bırakmaksızın 10 saat süresince inkübe edilmiştir. Elektromanyetik dalgaya maruz kalan ve kontrol grubu E. coli hücrelerinden her saat başı örnekler alınmıştır. Alınan örneklerin optik yoğunlukları ölçülerek, mobil telefonların yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaların bakteri gelişimine olan etkileri tespit edilmiştir

    İletim hattı matris modeli ile mikrostrip hatların analizi

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    Balık, H. Hasan (Arel Author) --- Conference : Elektrik-Elektronik Bilgisayar Sempozyumu, Elazığ: Fırat Üniversitesi,2011.Elektronik cihazlarda kullanılan teknolojinin hızla ilerlemesi komplex yapıları çıkarmıştır ve komplex yapıların oldukça büyük alanlar kaplaması entegre devreleri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Entegre devrelerde elektromanyetik dalgaların analizi ön plana çıkmaktadır. Mikrostrip hatların küçük olması yüksek frekansların kullanılması analitik ve deneysel yöntemlerin yetersiz kalmasına neden olmuştur. Komplex yapıların analizinde tam dalga analizin kullanılması zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Mikrostrip hatlar bu gün devre tasarımından, yüksek frekansta antene kadar birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Yüksek frekanslarda bu yapıların davranışları oldukça önem kazanmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada mikrostrip(şerit) hatların İletim Hattı Matris metoduyla tam dalga analizi yapılmıştır

    History and evaluation of mobile wimax

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    Balık, Hasan Hüseyin (Arel Author)The growing demand for mobile Internet and wireless multimedia applications has motivated the development of broadband wireless access technologies in recent years. Mobile WiMAX was the first mobile broadband wireless access solution based on the IEEE 802.16e- 2005 standard .The paper reports on history of WiMAX and mobile WiMAX evaluation. There are three key themes examined on this report. These are Mobile WiMAX and Its Historical development, Mobile WiMAX Evaluation, and Advantages of Mobile WiMAX