108 research outputs found

    Top management’s snooping: Is sneaking over employees’ productivity and job commitment a wise approach?

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    The management’s responsibility is to monitor the employee’s performance but when it becomes a desire of the management to snoop/spy the employees’ performance then this act has a direct influence on the employees and their motivations. The paper investigates the effects of top management’s spying/snooping in the organization on employees’ productivity and job commitment. For the purpose a sample of 3500 employees via self-administered survey technique were analyzed. Tobit Model (Censored regression) has been used to interrogate the effect of snooping/ spying on employee productivity and commitment. Tobit Model marked findings that the approach of top management to snoop/spy on the employees’ productivity and job commitment affects adversely on the employees. Policy makers should adopt informal ways to practice snooping as it causes stress, mental illness, de-motivation and especially when snooping is via other co-workers and employees, it creates major disruption and a rise to politicking in organization, which effect the proper streamlining of business operations across the departments.Organizational spying/snooping, job commitment, employees’ productivity, stress

    Effects of Deceptive Advertising on Consumer Loyalty in Telecommunication Industry of Pakistan

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    This study is an attempt to interrogate the effects of deceptive advertising on consumer loyalty in telecommunication industry of Pakistan. Four variables, Call Charges (CC), Network Coverage (NC), Network Quality (NQ) and Customer Service (CS) were used to measure deception in Telecom Ads and then its effect on consumer loyalty while the consumer preference is used as the proxy of consumer loyalty. 10,000 random individuals from telecom industry were selected to conclude the results. Testing specification confirmed that the deception overwhelmingly exists in telecom ads and none of the telecom companies were providing exactly the same quality of service in terms of Call Charges, Network Coverage, Network Quality and Customer Service, as they promise in their advertisements, while, the consumers are inclined towards the services where the deceptions are seemingly meager.Advertising, Deceptive Advertising, Consumer Loyalty, Telecommunication

    Can co-workers motivational efforts pave the way for morale and job commitment for employees?

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    Can co-workers motivational efforts pave the way for morale and job commitment for the employees is a million dollar question which always matters for the organizations to perform. The purpose of this research is to develop an understanding on the relationship between the employees and their colleague in the organizations, The findings reveal that co-workers various motivational efforts may have a positive impact on employee morale but it still doesn’t guarantee the job commitment, precisely the motivation by co-workers may only boost the morale of employees for a short while, and thereafter a person may lose the interest towards his/her job again.Co-workers motivational efforts, Motivation, Morale, Job commitment

    The Effects of Supervisor-Subordinate Genders on Subordinates’ Involvement Across Managerial Functions

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    One of the renowned agendas’ of the management study around the globe encircles the gender biasness or non-biasness in performing the basic managerial functions. Pertaining to the factual studies, mixed views have been brought to light that whether male supervisors have a good relationship with male subordinates or female subordinates and whether female supervisors have good relationship with female subordinates or male subordinates. It is often assumed that cross gender supervisor subordinate relationships are better than same gender supervisor subordinate relationships. The involvement of subordinates in the four managerial functions namely planning, organizing, controlling and motivating are investigated to conclude the effects of gender on subordinate involvement in management functions by the supervisors. A sample of 1000 respondents were specifically chosen from banking sector to identify if gender of supervisor and subordinate has any effect on subordinates’ involvement across managerial functions. To achieve this, firstly, mean of male supervisor with same and cross gender subordinates is compared on the basis of their involvement in managerial functions through applying the split analysis. Results revealed that male supervisors involve male subordinates more in managerial functions than female subordinates. As for female supervisors they have the same level of involvement of both the genders across managerial functions but somehow these involvements are more towards the male subordinates.Supervisor, Subordinate, Gender, Managerial functions

    Various stages of faith in human psychology

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    The Faith is the belief which comes from inside of a human or it is the inner state of strength which is similar to confidence while provoking a human to trust within a secular/ non secular context. The purpose of this article is to identify parallels of various stages of faith particularly as suggested by Fowler, from the person who is filled with fantasies first then has the moral rules and attitude, who moves on thereafter towards experiencing the world beyond the family, and then believes on self identity, has prejudices, and finally actualizes the spirit of an inclusive human community.Faith, Stages of Faith, Self-identity, Human Psychology
