2 research outputs found

    A Review of Principal Component Analysis Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction

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    Big databases are increasingly widespread and are therefore hard to understand, in exploratory biomedicine science, big data in health research is highly exciting because data-based analyses can travel quicker than hypothesis-based research. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a method to reduce the dimensionality of certain datasets. Improves interpretability but without losing much information. It achieves this by creating new covariates that are not related to each other. Finding those new variables, or what we call the main components, will reduce the eigenvalue /eigenvectors solution problem. (PCA) can be said to be an adaptive data analysis technology because technology variables are developed to adapt to different data types and structures. This review will start by introducing the basic ideas of (PCA), describe some concepts related to (PCA), and discussing. What it can do, and reviewed fifteen articles of (PCA) that have been introduced and published in the last three years

    Image Authentication Based on Watermarking Approach: Review

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    Digital image authentication techniques have recently gained a lot of attention due to their importance to a large number of military and medical applications, banks, and institutions, which require a high level of security. Generally, digital images are transmitted over insecure media, such as the Internet and computer networks of various kinds. The Internet has become one of the basic pillars of life and a solution to many of the problems left by the coronavirus. As a result, images must be protected from attempts to alter their content that might affect important decision-making. An image authentication (IA) system is a solution to this difficult problem. In the previous literature, several methods have been proposed to protect the authenticity of an image. Digital image watermark is a strategy to ensure the reliability, resilience, intellectual property, and validity of multimedia documents. Digital media, such as images, audio, and video, can hide content. Watermarking of a digital image is a mechanism by which the watermark is embedded in multimedia and the image of the watermark is retrieved or identified in a multimedia entity. This paper reviews IA techniques, watermark embedding techniques, tamper detection methods and discusses the performance of the techniques, the pros and cons of each technique, and the proposed methods for improving the performance of watermark techniques