27 research outputs found

    Reliability of a new practical evaluation method for pitting edema based on the depth of the surface imprint

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    [Purpose] To develop and verify the reliability of a new practical evaluation method for pitting edema, which uses the depth of the surface imprint as an indicator. [Subjects] We included 26 inpatients (52 legs). [Methods] The subjects were diagnosed with edema, and we verified the inter- and intra-rater reliabilities of the edema gauge using intraclass correlation coefficients. [Results] For the first and second measurement values and the measured values between the examiners, the intraclass correlation coefficients were high. [Conclusion] Therefore, our findings suggest that the edema gauge, which measures the depth of the surface imprint, has sufficient intra- and interrater reliabilities

    Associations of Exercise Habits and Circulatory Dynamics with Peripheral Lower Limb Body Composition in Healthy Community-dwelling Older Individuals

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    We investigated the associations between circulatory dynamics and Body Composition (BC) of the peripheral lower limbs with Exercise Habits (EHs). We surveyed the EHs of 34 healthy older adults (6 men, 28 women) and measured their BC and skin perfusion (SP). SP did not correlate significantly with any other variable. Participants with established EHs had a lower body weight and Fat Tissue thickness (Fat-T) than those without. Multiple logistic regressions with the presence or absence of an EH as the dependent variable and BC values as the independent variables established Fat-T as a significant variable. Sex was independently associated with soleus muscle thickness, Fat-T, Bone Density (BD), and leg segmental water. Age was independently associated with Fat-T and BD, and body mass index was associated with Fat-T. EHs were not independently associated with any of the BC measurements. Physical characteristics and EHs have minimal influence on peripheral circulatory dynamics

    Effect of a Dynamic Air Cushion on the Development of Leg Edema during Wheelchair Sitting

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    [Purpose] To clarify how a novel dynamic cushion affects the leg edema evoked by wheelchair sitting, we measured the changes in leg volume induced during wheelchair sitting with the dynamic air cushion or a static cushion. [Subjects and Methods] Nine healthy male subjects participated in this study. Leg edema during wheelchair sitting was evaluated with strain gauge plethysmography (the gauge was placed around the middle portion of the lower thigh). Following a period of rest, each subject was asked to sit on a wheelchair containing the dynamic cushion for 15 min. Then, the protocol was repeated with a static cushion. The angles of the knee and ankle joints were set to 90 degrees, and no footrests were used. [Results] The change in leg volume observed during sitting on the dynamic cushion (0.00 ± 0.03 mL/100 mL) was smaller than that observed during sitting on the static cushion (0.02 ± 0.02 mL/100 mL). [Conclusion] These results suggested that the dynamic cushion relieved leg edema during wheelchair sitting

    Usefulness of Occlusal Force Measurement as a Fall Risk Assessment Tool

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    Mucho antes de que existieran geógrafos y una geografía institucional, las personas observaron y se plantearon la pregunta sobre la influencia del medio ambiente en las sociedades. En el siglo V d.C., Hipócrates, en su tratado Los aires, las aguas y los lugares, estableció las diferencias entre las personas de países elevados, húmedos y ventosos y las personas de países de tierras bajas, áridas y de poca vegetación; las primeras eran de estatura alta, con carácter dulce y empeñoso; mientras que las otras eran morenos, de carácter arrogante y violentos. Ha sido normal (y es normal) que los seres humanos se interroguen sobre la influencia del ambiente en la sociedad. La relación causal ambiente­sociedadaparece como la explicación de las diferencias entre los diversos espacios geográficos del mundo y las sociedades. La importancia del conocimiento de los medios naturales es evidente. La humanidad en su lenta expansión sobre la superficie terrestre, ha encontrado unainfinidad de espacios físicos para establecerse. Por dondequiera, las personas se han enfrentado a condiciones topográficas, climáticas, edáficas, pedológicas y biológicas muy diferentes. La presencia de la humanidad sobre la Tierra y su acción de transformaciónhan llevado a considerar que no existen más medios naturales, excepto en el interior de los desiertos, las altas montañas y las regiones polares; incluso si estos medios presentan un carácter natural, ellos han padecido la influencia humana por medio de la desaparición o introducción de especies animales o vegetales, la lluvia ácida o la deforestación

    Relationship Between Motor Paralysis and Impairments in Tactile Sensitivity in Elderly Stroke Patients

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    Summary: Background: Human hand functions are affected by neurological disturbances. We hypothesized that the degree of somatosensory impairments after stroke may be related to the severity of motor paralysis. In order to examine this hypothesis, we investigated the relationship between the classification of the Brunnstrom stage and tactile sensation impairments in elderly stroke patients. Methods: Participants were 61 elderly inpatients with hemiparesis after stroke. We measured the tactile-pressure threshold and handgrip strength in both hands and assessed motor impairments of the hand using the six Brunnstrom stages. Differences due to hemiparesis after stroke were examined using paired t-tests. Spearman's rank correlation was performed to elucidate the relationship between Brunnstrom stage scores and the tactile-pressure threshold or handgrip strength. Results: Significant differences were observed in the tactile-pressure threshold and handgrip strength between the impaired and unimpaired sides (p < 0.01). Furthermore, the Brunnstrom stage showed a negative relationship with the tactile-pressure threshold on the impaired side (rs = −0.43, p < 0.01) and a positive relationship with handgrip strength (rs = 0.82, p < 0.01). Conclusion: These results suggest that the degree of sensory impairments after stroke is related to the severity of motor paralysis classified by the Brunnstrom stage. Keywords: handgrip strength, stroke, tactile-pressure threshol

    Correlation coefficients between the depth of the surface imprint, circumference, and thickness of the subcutaneous tissue.

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    <p>Correlation coefficients between the depth of the surface imprint, circumference, and thickness of the subcutaneous tissue.</p

    Measure of the thickness of the subcutaneous soft tissue by ultrasound imaging.

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    <p>Measure of the thickness of the subcutaneous soft tissue by ultrasound imaging.</p