22 research outputs found
Struktur Modal Dipengaruhi oleh Beban Pajak, Risiko Bisnis, dan Struktur Kepemilikan (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2012)
Funding decisions or purchasing is one of the fundamental factors in estabilishingand ensuring the continuity of operations and development activities of the compay.Managers must be able to raise funds both from within / internal and externalsources / external companies, both of types of foreigner capital funds and type ofequity.The capital structure of a company is influenced by several factors, and intheory the factors that affect the capital structure is difficult to measure, but someempirical researcher aimed to identify the factors that affect to capital structuredecisions have been made, both in Indonesian and in some other countries.The purpose of this research isto test capital structure the influence of tax, businessrisk and ownership structure of partial and simultaneous. This research is a typeof correlation studies (correlation research), nature of casuality, the data typeof this research is empirical research (empirical research explanatory hypothesesor casual hypotheses.Population in this study is a manufacturing company thatlisted on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2009-2012. Sampling wasdone by using non-probability purposive sampling method with certain criteria.Analysis of test data by means of multiple regression analysis with the classicalassumption test, hypothesis testing with the t test and F test result of the testing ofthe hypothesis, that in partial tax burden and business risk significantly influencecapital structure, while the ownership structure has no significant influence effecton the capital structure. But the tax burden variables, business risk and ownershipstructure significantly and simultaneously influence capital structure
Aplikasi Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Pembuatan Environmental Sensitivity Index (Esi) Maps Di Pesisir Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah
In coastal areas and beaches Demak are populated by a variety of ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangroves, fish, fish-eating birds, shrimp, and so on. Because of its diversity, these ecosystems are considered susceptible to interference from outside. Therefore, it is necessary to protect and preserve the coastal areas and beaches.This study uses a method of integrating remote sensing and GIS technology for assembling the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps. Study began with the creation of Land Cover Map Demak Coastal Area, then the identification of coastal ecosystems through IKONOS satellite imagery, classification of shoreline and biological resources and subsequently entered into the stage of manufacture cartography Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps of the Coastal Zone Demak.The results showed species and habitats of flora and fauna that successfully mapped and identified, there are as many as 19 species are scattered along the coast of Demak. Sensitive shoreline classification that often appear to be at the level of 10C (Swamps) and there are 7 other variations in the level of vulnerability. Classification variations are caused by differences in the structure of land that formed the shoreline and coastal area of Demak. The resulting product is a map: Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps of the Coastal Zone Demak, the scale of the map was 1:25,000 and amounted to 6 (six) map sheet. In USAbility tests conducted on the product map, showing 70% respondents can understand and accept the information displayed in the map. So it can be assumed that the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps of the Coastal Zone Demak can be understood by the reader and user of the map, and can be used as a reference for the development of coastal areas of Demak
Analisis Kelayakan Pembukaan Cabang Laboratorium Klinik Kesehatan Patra Medica di Kabupaten Boyolali
Boyolali is one of a large city in central Java of Indonesia which its population increases annually by 31%. This city has several health clinic includes antenatal clinics, general clinic and a clinical laboratory. Currently the numbers of clinics to service people are 77 clinics only. In fact, this district still requires on the other of 318 clinics that have an adequate qualification. Therefore it is crucial to establish some new clinics for satisfying the specified requirements by the district government. The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of establishing a new clinical laboratory as an expansion of the existing clinic based on aspects of market, technics and technology, management, financial, legal and environment. Survey was conducted by distributing questioner and interview to a potential stakeholder. Non parametric statistical analysis is done to test some hypotheses at 5% of significant level and 10% of margin of error. The result of this study shows that the establishment of clinic laboratory in Boyolali is feasible according to an analysis of whole aspects
Citra Perempuan Dalam Novel Geni Jora Karya Abidah El Khalieqy Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Di SMA: Tinjauan Feminisme Sastra
This study aimed to describe (1) socio-historical background Abidah El Khalieqy,
(2) a novel stucture Geni Jora, (3) forms the image of women in the novel Geni
Jora, and (4) implementation as teaching materials Indonesian high school. The
method used is qualitative descriptive. The object of this study is the image of
women in the novel Geni Jora by Abidah El Khalieqy. Source of data used in the
form of primary and secondary data sources, data collection techniques, namely
literature, see, and record. Data analysis technique used is the reading of the
heuristic method, followed by reading hermeneutics. Based on the analysis
performed, it can be summed up as follows: (1) socio-historical background
Abidah El Khalieqy, a writer productive has delivered many different types of
works of literature, especially the genre of feminist literary Islam, it is not free
from the influence of the background who live in the neighborhood islamic
boarding school, (2) structure in the novel Geni Jora is theme, grooves,
character, and setting, (3) image of women were found to be the image of women
in the sphere of education, image of women in the sphere of culture, image of
women in the sphere of religion, (4) implementation of the research results is
relevance of the intrinsic elements and the value of the image of women with KD
3.1 and 4.1 on learning Indonesian class XII, relevance of the formation of
personality in participants students, and application of educational values in
Pengaruh Penambahan Sasobit Pada Warm Mix Asphalt Terhadap Mutu Campuran Beraspal
Warm mix asphalt technology have possibility to makes, spreading, and compress in lower temperature than hot mix asphalt. This technology used with add the additive material named Sasobit. Because of that we did the research about mixing asphalt with Asphalt Institute methode. The asphalt degree is 4,5%, 5%, 5,5%, 6%, dan 6,5% add into Sasobit 0%, 2%, 3%, and 4% to establish mixing and solid temperature in the mix. This research compared the quality between mixing asphalt with Sasobit and mix without Sasobit as a control. Result of this research showed that decrease temperatur because of increment Sasobit 2% reduce until 6ËšC, increment Sasobit 3% reduce until 7,5%, dan increment Sasobit 4% reduce until 7,8%. The other benefit from adding the Sasobit into mix asphalt is increase stability value, decrease presentage degree of utilizing asphalt, and decrease the gas emision from mixing asphalt. However, mixing with add Sasobit have lack, where the mix become more stiff and hard so that the asphalt is easier to be damage if compared with mix without Sasobit
Ilmu Sosial Dasar : Untuk Perguruan tinggi umum Negeri dan swasta di Indonesia
Jakartaxvi, 342 hlm.: ilus.; 21 c